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211 lines (172 loc) · 5.44 KB

Composing Props Mixins Into A Single Component Props API

In our core UiProps documentation, the pattern of composing multiple props mixins into a single component props API is introduced.

This example builds on that, showing a lightweight example a common use-case for such composition.

We'll show three components

  1. A Foo component that has its own props API - and default rendering behavior when rendered standalone.
  2. A FooBar component that has its own props API, in addition to the Foo props API. This allows consumers to set props declared in FooPropsMixin, which will be forwarded to the Foo component it renders.
  3. A FooBaz component, the functional version of FooBar.

Foo Component

import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';

part 'foo.over_react.g.dart';

UiFactory<FooPropsMixin> Foo =
    castUiFactory(_$Foo); // ignore: undefined_identifier

mixin FooPropsMixin on UiProps {
  Set<int> qux;

class FooComponent extends UiComponent2<FooPropsMixin> {
  get defaultProps => (newProps()
    ..qux = {1, 2, 3}

  render() {
    return (Dom.div()
      ..className = (forwardingClassNameBuilder()..add('foo'))
      'Qux: ', => n),

Which, when rendered on its own - produces the following HTML:

<div class="foo">Qux: 123</div>

Composing Foo using the FooBar component

To compose the Foo component using FooBar, we'll expose the prop API for both the FooPropsMixin and the BarPropsMixin like so:

import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';
import 'foo.dart';

part 'foo_bar.over_react.g.dart';

UiFactory<FooBarProps> FooBar =
    castUiFactory(_$FooBar); // ignore: undefined_identifier

mixin BarPropsMixin on UiProps {
  bool baz;
  Set<String> bizzles;

class FooBarProps = UiProps with BarPropsMixin, FooPropsMixin;

class FooBarComponent extends UiComponent2<FooBarProps> {
  // Only consume the props found within BarPropsMixin, so that any prop values
  // found in FooPropsMixin get forwarded to the child Foo component via `addUnconsumedProps`.
  get consumedProps => propsMeta.forMixins({BarPropsMixin});

  render() {
    return (Foo()
      ..className = (forwardingClassNameBuilder()..add('foo__bar'))
      (Dom.div()..className = 'foo__bar__bizzles')(
        'Bizzles: ',

  ReactElement _renderBizzleItem(String bizzle) {
    return ( = bizzle)(bizzle);

Which, when composed / rendered like so:

import 'dart:html';
import 'package:over_react/react_dom.dart' as react_dom;
import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';

// An example of where the `FooBar` component might be exported from
import 'package:my_package_name/foobar.dart';

main() {
  final abcFooBar = (FooBar()
    ..className = 'foo_bar--abc'
    ..aria.label = 'I am FooBar!'
    ..qux = {2, 3, 4}
    ..bizzles = {'a', 'b', 'c'}

  react_dom.render(abcFooBar, querySelector('#some_element_id'));

Produces the following HTML:

<div class="foo foo__bar foo__bar--abc">
  Qux: 234
  <div class="foo__bar__bizzles">

Composing Foo using the FooBaz component

To compose the Foo component using FooBaz, a functional component, we'll expose the prop API for both the FooPropsMixin and the BazPropsMixin like so:

import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';
import 'foo.dart';

part 'foo_baz.over_react.g.dart';

mixin BarPropsMixin on UiProps {
  bool baz;
  Set<String> bizzles;

class FooBazProps = UiProps with BarPropsMixin, FooPropsMixin;

UiFactory<FooBazProps> FooBaz = uiFunction(
  (props) {
    return (Foo()
      // Only forward the props not belonging to BarPropsMixin to the child Foo component.
      ..addAll(props.getPropsToForward(exclude: {BarPropsMixin}))
      ..className = (forwardingClassNameBuilder()..add('foo__baz'))
      (Dom.div()..className = 'foo__baz__bizzles')(
        'Bizzles: ',

    ReactElement _renderBizzleItem(String bizzle) {
      return ( = bizzle)(bizzle);
  _$FooBazConfig, // ignore: undefined_identifier

Which, when composed / rendered like so:

import 'dart:html';
import 'package:over_react/react_dom.dart' as react_dom;
import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';

// An example of where the `FooBaz` component might be exported from
import 'package:my_package_name/foobaz.dart';

main() {
  final abcFooBaz = (FooBaz()
    ..className = 'foo_baz--abc'
    ..aria.label = 'I am FooBaz!'
    ..qux = {2, 3, 4}
    ..bizzles = {'a', 'b', 'c'}

  react_dom.render(abcFooBaz, querySelector('#some_element_id'));

Produces the following HTML:

<div class="foo foo__baz foo__baz--abc">
  Qux: 234
  <div class="foo__baz__bizzles">

To learn more about the consumedProps behavior shown above, check out the mixin-based prop forwarding documentation.