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Welcome to the Jetpack Compose Pokemon App repository! This Android application showcases the power of Jetpack Compose, a modern Android UI toolkit, by providing an interactive and visually appealing way to explore the world of Pokémon.


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  • Pokemon List: The app fetches a comprehensive list of Pokémon from an external data source and displays them in a scrollable list using Jetpack Compose's LazyColumn.

  • Search Functionality: Easily search for your favorite Pokémon using the built-in search bar. The app dynamically filters the list as you type, making it effortless to find the Pokémon you're looking for.

  • Pokemon Details: Tap on any Pokémon in the list to view detailed information, including its name, type, abilities, and image. The details screen demonstrates how to navigate to a new Composable screen and pass data between them.

  • Dependency Injection: Utilizes a dependency injection framework, such as Hilt, for managing dependencies and promoting code scalability.

  • Theming and UI Customization: The app showcases theming capabilities, allowing users to switch between light and dark modes effortlessly. You can also explore how to customize the UI components in Jetpack Compose to match your app's branding.

  • Error Handling: Demonstrates best practices for error handling, including loading and error states, to provide a smooth and resilient user experience.

  • Network Integration: Shows how to make network requests and handle API responses gracefully using libraries like Retrofit.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the project in Android Studio or your preferred IDE.
  3. Build and run the app on an emulator or physical device to explore its features.


  • Special thanks to Phillip Lackner for providing valuable code references and inspiration for this project. Their contributions have been instrumental in making this app a reality.
  • This project relies on the wonderful PokeAPI for fetching the list of Pokémon and their details. A big shoutout to the PokeAPI team for providing such a comprehensive and accessible resource for Pokémon data.

This repository serves as a valuable resource for Android developers who want to learn Jetpack Compose and best practices for building modern, efficient, and user-friendly Android applications. Feel free to fork, contribute, or use this project as a reference for your own Android app development endeavours.

Happy coding, and may the Composables be with you! 🚀🔍📱