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195 lines (157 loc) Β· 7.07 KB

neoline.vim βœ…

IMPORTANT: Requires Neovim Nightly

License: MIT

A light statusline/tabline plugin for Neovim using Lua.

Using neoline.vim with material dark theme, vim-emoji-icon-theme, petertriho/nvim-scrollbar, hrsh7th/nvim-cmp and nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim:

Installation πŸ§™

Add the following lines on the NeoVim config file (Lua):

}, {})

Add the following lines on the Vim/NeoVim config file:

Plug 'adelarsq/neoline.vim'

Then open the editor and install with PlugInstall.

Add the following lines on the Vim/NeoVim config file:

call dein#add('adelarsq/neoline.vim')

Then open the editor and install with call dein#install().

use 'adelarsq/neoline.vim'

Features βš™οΈ

Options βœ…

Disabling the statusline:

-- or with VimScript
set g:neoline_disable_statusline=1

Disabling the tabline:

-- or with VimScript
set g:neoline_disable_tabline=1

Disabling current scope on the status line:

vim.g.neoline_disable_current_scope = 1 
-- or with VimScript
set g:neoline_disable_current_scope = 1 

Others πŸ¦•

Acknowledgments πŸ’‘

Thanks goes to these people/projects for inspiration:

License πŸ“œ


Self-plug πŸ”Œ

If you liked this plugin, also check out:

  • vim-emoji-icon-theme - Emoji/Unicode Icons Theme for Vim and Neovim with support for 40+ plugins and 300+ filetypes
  • neovcs.vim - VCS support for Neovim