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Introduction To Kubernetes Controller Frameworks

Before You Continue

It is required that you read the section on Introduction To Informers before reading this section.

It is also highly recommended that you read the section on Introduction to Kubernetes Clients, specifically the sections on the Anatomy of a Kubernetes Resources and How kubectl translates Requests to HTTP API calls.

A Brief Recap

The Informer pattern is a pattern for a piece of software that is "informed" of changes that happen to a single type of Kubernetes resource (i.e. a Deployment or a Job).

In practice, we want the Informer to do two things on being "informed" of a change:

  1. Store the "current state of the world" in-memory
  2. Trigger an action on "processing" a change to a resource (Reconciliation)

To accomplish this, the cache.SharedIndexInformer construct from the library can be used, which can be diagramtically understood as having the following architecture:

Client-Go Controller Diagram

As discussed in the previous section, you can follow this diagram with the following construct:

  1. A Kubernetes Client, which offers the ability to List and Watch is converted into a cache.ListerWatcher interface, which allows it to list all Kubernetes resource of a given type from the Kubernetes API Server and watch for changes.
  2. An in-memory cache.DeltaFIFO, which is a type that satisfies the cache.Queue interface, which in turn satisfies the more generic cache.Store interface, is combined with our cache.ListerWatcher to form the cache.Reflector. On starting the cache.Reflector, the Kubernetes Watch Events receieved by our cache.ListerWatcher is automatically populated in the cache.DeltaFIFO.
  3. Leveraging the fact that our cache.DeltaFIFO is a cache.Queue, the cache.Controller dynamically creates the cache.Reflector we defined in the second step to automatically call cache.Queue.Pop(PopProcessFunc) on a regular interval (the resync interval), which forms the basis for an auto-populating and auto-processing cache.Queue of Kubernetes resource deltas.
  4. On popping an element off the queue in a regular interval, the cache.Controller we defined above is combined with two other constructs: the cache.ThreadSafeStore and one or more cache.ResourceEventHandlers. This logically forms the cache.SharedIndexInformer, which covers everything in the diagram above up till the dotted horizontal line.
  5. On first popping off the object from the cache.DeltaFIFO, the cache.SharedIndexInformer will store the updated Kubernetes resource (or delete it, if it has been removed) in the cache.ThreadSafeStore, by default using <namespace>/<name> as the key.

Note: If more indexers are added by calling cache.SharedIndexInformer.AddIndexers(Indexers) (where Indexers is a map[string]func(obj interface{}) ([]string, error)), each index will be calculated on entry into the cache at this step. This is why we add cache.Indexers before starting controllers.

Note: This cache.Store is accessible by calling the cache.SharedIndexInformer.GetStore() function. If you need the cache.Indexer-specific capabilities as well, call cache.SharedIndexInformer.GetIndexer().

  1. After adding the object to our cache.ThreadSafeStore, every ResourceEventHandler registered with cache.SharedIndexInformer.AddResourceEventHandler(ResourceEventHandler) or cache.SharedIndexInformer.AddResourceEventHandlerWithResyncPeriod(ResourceEventHandler, time.Duration) will be called in order. However, the ResourceEventHandler will only be called once per enqueue; if there is an error in handling of the ResourceEventHandler, it will be up to the ResourceEventHandler to seperately handle re-enqueue logic.

Note: This comes directly from the cache.SharedInfomer Go documentation in the following excerpt:

A client must process each notification promptly; a SharedInformer is not engineered to deal well with a large backlog of notifications to deliver. Lengthy processing should be passed off to something else, for example through a client-go/util/workqueue.

In the next part, we will talk about how what is below the dotted line and more by looking at two Controller Frameworks: rancher/lasso and rancher/wrangler.

Why Do We Need Controller Frameworks?

While the cache.SharedIndexInformer allows us to satisfy the definition of the Informer we listed above, generally Custom Controllers that are written for Kubernetes need the following additional features:

  1. Re-trigger the reconciliation process on handler errors and handle reconciliation in parallel: as mentioned above, this is not suitable for the cache.SharedIndexInformer to handle, so this is generally achieved by leveraging the package. Generally, it's also assumed that handlers may have non-trivial logic for handling changes, so they should run on multiple worker goroutines / threads in parallel.

Note: Examples of handler logic that might require non-sequential execution of handlers include, but are not limited to:

  • Requiring interaction with the Kubernetes API (i.e. GitJobs create Jobs)

  • Requiring waiting and watching external processes for a certain amount of time (i.e. HelmChart creates and waits for a Helm install Job to finish)

  • Requiring interaction with external APIs (i.e. Cluster creates and waits for external APIs like AWS or Vsphere to create underlying resources) that may have

  • etc.

  1. Manage creating Kubernetes clients and cache.SharedIndexInformers on multiple types of Kubernetes resources in an resource efficient manner: generally this will involve creating constructs like a Shared*Factory that will ensure that there's only one copy of a given client or informer that is given to all parts of your code that need it.

Note: This is also where the runtime.Scheme, a construct which helps map Go types to GVKs and vice-versa, comes into play. More on this later.

  1. Generate code to make it easier to define custom types and controllers: as listed on the section on the Anatomy of a Kubernetes Resources, any custom type that is supposed to represent a Kubernetes resource needs to implement certain functions to be considered a Kubernetes resource, such as GetObjectKind() or DeepCopyObject() (which satisfies the runtime.Object interface). It should also be added to the Controller Framework's default runtime.Scheme to be used in Shared*Factory constructs. This is generally handled by code generation via go generate commands, which will create additional typed functions, eliminating the need for developers to type cast objects received by generic Handler functions.

  2. Define helper code to encapsulate common controller design patterns: these include special types of handlers such as Register*StatusHandler, Register*GeneratingHandler, relatedresource.Watch that simplify the logic necessary to be written on a controller if it falls under a specific controller design pattern.

In the next part, we will talk about how the first two features are implemented by rancher/lasso.

In the following part, we will talk about how the second two features and more are implemented by rancher/wrangler.

We will now look into our first lower-level Controller Framework: Lasso!

Note: This is roughly equivalent to the open-source kubernetes-sigs/controller-runtime framework, but Lasso was created a long time before the controller-runtime framework ever existed.

As mentioned above, there are two features that we look for our lower-level Controller Framework to help us additionally implement:

  1. Re-trigger the reconciliation process on handler errors and handle reconciliation in parallel

  2. Manage creating Kubernetes clients and cache.SharedIndexInformers on multiple types of Kubernetes resources in an resource efficient manner

In addition to these features, Lasso additionally provides the following features:

  1. Lazy / "Deferred" Execution Or Automatic "Retry" logic: In most areas of the Lasso code, you will see simple deferred* wrappers, such as deferredCache and deferredListerWatcher, which only execute initialization actions on the underlying interfaces on the first time a resource is required to be initialized (i.e. the first time a controller is registered). You will also see retry* wrappers, such as retryMapper, which execute continously retry requests until a successful execution. We will not discuss these constructs in detail, but it should be noted that such constructs are added for performance optimization and code simplification, respectively.

Important Note: As you will see in the section below, Lasso tends to use fairly confusing nomenclature for internal components, such as referring to what we previously described as a cache.SharedIndexInformer as a Cache; this is partially due to the fact that it was designed alongside Kubernetes's own development, which meant these names were not standard at the time of its creation. So it's probably a good idea to throw your dictionary of words out of the window for this section and just follow along!

NewClient from pkg/client

If you recall the previous section that went over how kubectl translates requests To HTTP API calls, the package provides the ability to create a rest.RESTClient from a KUBECONFIG file, which implements the rest.Interface.

Using this as the underlying implementation, Lasso's NewClient function simply creates a wrapper on this interface to define a Client that can be used to interact with the Kubernetes API:

func NewClient(gvr schema.GroupVersionResource, kind string, namespaced bool, client rest.Interface, defaultTimeout time.Duration) *Client

func (c *Client) Get(ctx context.Context, namespace, name string, result runtime.Object, options metav1.GetOptions) error
func (c *Client) List(ctx context.Context, namespace string, result runtime.Object, opts metav1.ListOptions) error
func (c *Client) Watch(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
func (c *Client) Create(ctx context.Context, namespace string, obj, result runtime.Object, opts metav1.CreateOptions) error
func (c *Client) Update(ctx context.Context, namespace string, obj, result runtime.Object, opts metav1.UpdateOptions) error
func (c *Client) UpdateStatus(ctx context.Context, namespace string, obj, result runtime.Object, opts metav1.UpdateOptions) error
func (c *Client) Delete(ctx context.Context, namespace, name string, opts metav1.DeleteOptions) error
func (c *Client) DeleteCollection(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts metav1.DeleteOptions, listOpts metav1.ListOptions) error
func (c *Client) Patch(ctx context.Context, namespace, name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, result runtime.Object, opts metav1.PatchOptions, subresources ...string) error

While this client is generally defined in order to allow us to create a NewCache (i.e. a cache.SharedIndexInformer, as defined in the next part) off the fact that it implements List and Watch (therefore trivially being wrapped in the cache.ListerWatcher interface that is needed to create a cache.SharedIndexInformer), it is also generally offered by Lasso Controllers to allow a user to communicate with the Kubernetes API Server to get the latest, up-to-date state of resources, without referencing the local cache in-memory or perform operations (such as when you need a GitJob CR to create a Job as part of its handling).

Note: For now, we will move on to the pkg/cache module; however, we will revisit this package later when we talk about the SharedClientFactory.

NewCache from pkg/cache

Now that we have a Client that can serve as our cache.ListerWatcher, we're ready to create our cache.SharedIndexInformer!

Confusingly enough, Lasso allows you to create the underlying cache.SharedIndexInformer we described above with the following command:

NewCache(obj, listObj runtime.Object, client *client.Client, opts *Options) cache.SharedIndexInformer

On initializing this cache, it returns cache.SharedIndexInformer that utilizes a deferredListerWatcher (see the note in the section above; this is just a normal cache.ListerWatcher that is deferred on initialization), which is wrapped in a deferredCache.

But for practical purposes, we can just think of this as the normal cache.SharedIndexInformer that we got familiar with in the previous section.

Note: For now, we will move on to the pkg/controller module; however, we will revisit this package later when we talk about the SharedCacheFactory (also confusingly and erroneously defined in a file called pkg/cache/sharedinformerfactory.go).

New from pkg/controller

The New function in the pkg/controller module is the entrypoint for understanding how Lasso works to solve the first feature that our Controller Framework needs to implement.

As a reminder, what we would like Lasso to implement for this feature is everything below the dotted line in this diagram; specifically the parallel execution of handlers and re-enqueue on errors:

Client-Go Controller Diagram

On calling the New function, we see that the following logic is executed, which generally utilizes our cache.SharedIndexInformer created from the NewCache function above:

func New(name string, informer cache.SharedIndexInformer, startCache func(context.Context) error, handler Handler, opts *Options) Controller {
	opts = applyDefaultOptions(opts)

	controller := &controller{
		name:        name,
		handler:     handler,
		informer:    informer,
		rateLimiter: opts.RateLimiter,
		startCache:  startCache,

		AddFunc: controller.handleObject,
		UpdateFunc: func(old, new interface{}) {
			if !opts.SyncOnlyChangedObjects || old.(ResourceVersionGetter).GetResourceVersion() != new.(ResourceVersionGetter).GetResourceVersion() {
				// If syncOnlyChangedObjects is disabled, objects will be handled regardless of whether an update actually took place.
				// Otherwise, objects will only be handled if they have changed
		DeleteFunc: controller.handleObject,

	return controller

As seen in the Go code embedded above, we simply take in the cache.SharedIndexInformer and add a single EventHandler that calls the handleObject function on any operation that occurs to a Kubernetes resource that our informer watches for. We also take in a Handler, which is generically defined as follows:

type Handler interface {
	OnChange(key string, obj runtime.Object) error

Note: Why don't we have different handleObject functions for different types of operations and why does the Handler only support OnChange operations?

In the Lasso controller world (and generically in the Kubernetes controller world), handlers that are defined are expected to operate in a declarative way: that is, they should not be concerned with how a resource ended up in the state that it is in, but rather only be concerned about what state the resource is currently in to determine what should happen next.

The expectation here is that even if a handler results in the resource itself being modified (i.e. updating the status of a resource according to the spec fields), it should be eventually consistent with a desired definition of a resource.

Therefore, it is bad practice in controllers to do something such as adding a timestamp for when a resource was handled on the resource itself, since that will never be consistent (as adding the timestamp triggers a change, which retriggers the controller, and goes through an infinite loop).

Understanding this declarative nature of controller handlers is one of the hardest parts of designing controller handlers but is the heart of Kubernetes's reconciliation model for controllers.

This is also why Kubernetes controllers are often described as following a Level Triggered system design; if you would like to dig into the technicalities, please read this article on Level Triggering and Reconciliation in Kubernetes.

And when we look at the handleObject function, we see that all it really does is handle some edge cases and call enqueue in turn, which will either add the enqueued object to a list of []startKey (which is just a list of <namespace>/<name> strings that gets called on first Running the controller) or directly add it to c.workqueue:

func (c *controller) handleObject(obj interface{}) {
	if _, ok := obj.(metav1.Object); !ok {
		tombstone, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
		if !ok {
			log.Errorf("error decoding object, invalid type")
		newObj, ok := tombstone.Obj.(metav1.Object)
		if !ok {
			log.Errorf("error decoding object tombstone, invalid type")
		obj = newObj

func (c *controller) enqueue(obj interface{}) {
	var key string
	var err error
	if key, err = cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc(obj); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%v", err)
	if c.workqueue == nil {
		c.startKeys = append(c.startKeys, startKey{key: key})
	} else {

As described at the start of this section, we will skip over discussing startKeys since that falls under Lazy / "Deferred" Execution Or Automatic "Retry" logic that optimizes the way that controllers are started.

Instead, we will just look at what happens on an enqueue call when a controller has already started, which is a great way to introduce the

On calling Start on the our controller, we instantiate and populate (with the startKeys referenced above) a workqueue.DelayingInterface with the following call:

c.workqueue = workqueue.NewNamedRateLimitingQueue(c.rateLimiter,

This effectively gives us a workqueue.DelayingInterface, which is a type of workqueue.Interface that implements the following functions:

type DelayingInterface interface {
	// AddAfter adds an item to the workqueue after the indicated duration has passed
	AddAfter(item interface{}, duration time.Duration)

type Interface interface {
	Add(item interface{})
	Len() int
	Get() (item interface{}, shutdown bool)
	Done(item interface{})
	ShuttingDown() bool

While we won't go through the specific details of the implementation, effectively the workqueue.Interface offers us something that adheres to the following guarantees, as described at the top of the Go documentation for the package:

Package workqueue provides a simple queue that supports the following features:

  • Fair: items processed in the order in which they are added.

  • Stingy: a single item will not be processed multiple times concurrently, and if an item is added multiple times before it can be processed, it will only be processed once.

  • Multiple consumers and producers. In particular, it is allowed for an item to be reenqueued while it is being processed.

  • Shutdown notifications.

These guarentees, especially the first two, are exactly what we need in order to define parallel execution of handlers with the ability to re-enqueue errors.


  • The Fair guarantee ensures that we execute on changes that we see from the Kubernetes API server in order.
  • The Stingy guarantee ensures that when a worker thread pulls an item (normally a string in the format <namespace/name>) off the workqueue, it is the only one that is allowed to be working on that specific item until the Done(item) operation is called on the resource. Till then, other worker threads will only receive other items, which is exactly what we want to happen.
  • The Multiple consumers and producers guarantee allows us to re-enqueue an item while it is being processed; for example, if the resource changes while your controller is trying to handle it.
  • The Shutdown notifications guarantee allows us to stop controllers if required. This can be used to gracefully shutdown controllers to finish processing before exit.

Coming Back Full Circle

With the guarentees of the workqueue.DelayingInterface at hand, the implementation of a Single Custom Controller is now a lot simpler to describe.

  1. As we discussed above, we know that our ResourceEventHandler will effectively enqueue the object onto the workqueue.DelayingInterface by calling .Add("<namespace>/<name>").

  2. When we start our controller, with the call to Start(ctx context.Context, workers int), we will simply start our cache.SharedIndexInformer, wait for it to be ready (check if cache.SharedIndexInformer.HasSynced is true), and call, ctx.Done()) in a separate goroutine.

Note: Why do we call run in a separate goroutine?

Start is not expected to be a blocking call. This is why binaries that start controllers tend to end with something like <-cmd.Context().Done()

Note: What is the context provided?

Generally this will be a context that listens to OS signals to trigger a graceful shutdown, i.e. ctx := signals.SetupSignalHandler(context.Background())

  1. On calling run, we add the original deferred []startKey to the workqueue.DelayingInterface for processing and call runWorker in as many goroutines as workers provided with the following code:
// Launch two workers to process Foo resources
for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
    go wait.Until(c.runWorker, time.Second, stopCh)

Note: What is wait.Until?

It just recalls runWorker any time it exits out after the duration provided until the stopCh exits.

  1. For each worker goroutine that is running runWorker, we infinitely call processNextWorkItem
func (c *controller) runWorker() {
	for c.processNextWorkItem() {
  1. When we process a specific work item, we get the specific item from the workqueue.DelayingInterface and process it, logging any errors we might see unless it was due to a re-enqueue (which may happen if the resourceVersion of the Kubernetes resource is out-of-date):
func (c *controller) processNextWorkItem() bool {
	obj, shutdown := c.workqueue.Get()

	if shutdown {
		return false

	if err := c.processSingleItem(obj); err != nil {
		if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "please apply your changes to the latest version and try again") {
			log.Errorf("%v", err)
		return true

	return true
  1. Finally, we process the item itself in that given worker goroutine, which eventually calls the OnChange operation from our single Handler and logs a metric. If there's an error, we add the item back to the workqueue using the delaying interface (which is how we implement Exponential Backoff on controller retries, since the original workqueue.RateLimitingInterface provided is generally one that rate limits in that fashion):
func (c *controller) processSingleItem(obj interface{}) error {
	var (
		key string
		ok  bool

	defer c.workqueue.Done(obj)

	if key, ok = obj.(string); !ok {
		log.Errorf("expected string in workqueue but got %#v", obj)
		return nil
	if err := c.syncHandler(key); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error syncing '%s': %s, requeuing", key, err.Error())

	return nil

func (c *controller) syncHandler(key string) error {
	obj, exists, err := c.informer.GetStore().GetByKey(key)
	if err != nil {
		metrics.IncTotalHandlerExecutions(, "", true)
		return err
	if !exists {
		return c.handler.OnChange(key, nil)

	return c.handler.OnChange(key, obj.(runtime.Object))

We have now implemented our first feature: Re-trigger the reconciliation process on handler errors and handle reconciliation in parallel!


While these docs are not complete yet, it has yet to cover the following topics:

  1. How Lasso manages creating Kubernetes clients and cache.SharedIndexInformers on multiple types of Kubernetes resources in an resource efficient manner (*Factory resources)
  2. How Wrangler generates code to make it easier to define custom types and controllers (go generate with kubebuilder)
  3. How Wrangler defines helper code to encapsulate common controller design patterns: (apply, Register*StatusHandler, Register*GeneratingHandler, relatedresource.Watch, etc.)