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File metadata and controls

82 lines (66 loc) · 2.49 KB

int-yaml Build Status

int-yaml is a tool extracted from bosh-cli. You can do following things with it:



If you have a YAML file called vijay.yml which looks like this:

name: Vijay Chauhan
	name: ((father_name))
	profession: ((father_profession))

You can fill values of father_name and father_profession in these ways. Let's say you wanted the values to be Dinanath Chauhan and Teacher respectively. So you can do it in these ways:

From command line variables:

$ int-yaml vijay.yml --var=father_name=Dinanath\ Chauhan --var=father_profession=Teacher

From files

If you have two files which contain Vijay's father's name and profession

$ int-yaml vijay.yml --var-file=father_name=father_name.txt --var-file=father_profession=father_profession.txt

From another YAML

If you have another YAML called father.yml which looks like:

father_name: Dinanath Chauhan
father_profession: Teacher

You can run the command as:

$ int-yaml vijay.yml --vars-file=father.yml

From environment variables

For environment variables to work, they'd all need to have a common prefix. Let's say our prefix is VIJAY. So in order for int-yaml to understand this, they'll need to be named VIJAY_father_name and VIJAY_father_profession. So this should work:

$ VIJAY_father_name='Dinanath Chauhan' VIJAY_father_profession='Teacher' int-yaml vijay.yml --vars-env=VIJAY


If you're not familiar with ops files, do checkout this page from BOSH docs.

So for example, if you want to make vijay.yml about Kancha you could do so with this file (let's say it is kancha-ops.yml):

- type: replace
  path: /name
  value: Kancha Cheena
- type: add
  path: /enemy
  value: Vijay

This would produce

- name: Kancha Cheena
	name: ((father_name))
	profession: ((father_profession))
  enemy: Vijay


To get name from a YAML, you can run this:

$ int-yaml vijay.yml --path=/name

All of the above

You can use multiple ops files with all types of vars and if you want to print a path after doing all of that you can do that too. Example coming soon.