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Notes 001 - The Big Picture

Recommended Reading : Quake's 3-D Engine: The Big Picture by Michael Abrash

To study any code, it is best to try and understand things as black boxes. That would give you an idea what to expect when we dive into the code. For example, after we successfully got WinQuake to compile, we can go through the files and classes, to have what kind of sub-systems we will be looking at, them maybe trace the code and look at how it draws a single frame on the screen. The best way to accomplish this is by starting for the EXE entry point (the "main" function) and drive our way from there.

Before we start, I would like to express my feelings after looking at the code; the code is mind-blowing! Tricks I have never seen before, and brilliant piece of engineering. Quake is much easier to read compared to DOOM. Also, the code has lots of in-code documentation that clarify what is going on. Let's jump in!

WinQuake is a Win32 binary, which means the main function will be called "WinMain". WinMain can be found in sys_win.c. It is important to note that OS APIs are always isolated in their separate files. For example, files with postfix * Windows-specific files, so if you are compiling for Windows, you want to compile and link with *_win.c files. To keeps things generic and portable, files with postfix *_null.c was created; those files are the ones you should implement to support the OS you want (if not already supported). This design makes porting the code from one OS to another a simple task by simply creating a copy of the *_null.c file and implementing it to the target OS.

Now looking at sys_*.cfiles, we see a handful of OSs supported.

sys_null.c   // file to be implemented for each OS

It is self-explanatory which file is for which OS.

Now let's go back to the Windows version WinMain, and have a quick look at what happens there.
Note: The comments below are a mix of what was in the original code + mine

int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
    GlobalMemoryStatus (&lpBuffer); // Read memory statistics, to know how much memory is available
    if (!isDedicated) // if not running as dedicated server
      // Show a dialog that Quake is starting (dialog shown below)
    // make some memory decisions
    parms.membase = malloc (parms.memsize); // Allocate the memory, (we will cover next note set)
    if (isDedicated) // Actions to do if it is running as a dedicated server (We don't care about that for now, so let's skip it)
    Sys_Init (); // more system initializations
    Host_Init (&parms); // Host initialization, a lot happens in this function (including server initialization and main windows creation)
    oldtime = Sys_FloatTime (); // Read system time
    // the game loop
    while (1)
        if (isDedicated) // Do this if dedicated server!
            newtime = Sys_FloatTime (); // Read time
            time = newtime - oldtime;
        Host_Frame (time); // All the magic happens in this function 
        oldtime = newtime; // Read time
    /* return success of application */
    return TRUE;

The dialog that is shown when Quake start

Start Quake

Summarizing what happens in WinMainstarts by initializing the system, doing memory allocation, and then starting the game loop. Looking at the game loop, there are few things to note; on each frame, the elapsed time is passed in as a parameter (time passed since the last frame update), which means that the engine will advance the game world by that amount of time. This will allow the game to run consistently even if hardware for different machines runs at different frame rates. I would recommend reading Game Loop Pattern by Robert Nystrom the article also covers the floating-point error as a side effect.

Now we know what happens in WinMain; let's look at what happens in Host_Fram. Host_Framjust calls the helper function _Host_Frame(time)so let's focus on that.

The function _Host_Frame can be found in host.c

void _Host_Frame(float time)
    if (!Host_FilterTime(time)) // Limit the frame rate to max of 72 fps!!!
        return; // don't run too fast, or packets will flood out
    Sys_SendKeyEvents(); // This function reads events that are sent to the by OS to the Game window (keyboard, window resize, etc.), 
    IN_Commands(); // allow mice or other external controllers to add commands (joystick, etc.)
    Cbuf_Execute(); // process console commands
    NET_Poll(); // Read network events
    if ( // if running the server locally
        CL_SendCmd(); // clients send to sever status (player angle, motion, etc.)
    // server operations
    Host_GetConsoleCommands(); // check for commands typed to the host
    if ( // if running the server locally,
        Host_ServerFrame(); // Do server-side processing for this frame (physics, etc.)
    // client operations
    if (!  // if running the server remotely, send intentions now after
        CL_SendCmd();   // the incoming messages have been read
    host_time += host_frametime;
    if (cls.state == ca_connected) // is the client connected (to a server)?
        CL_ReadFromServer(); // get the results from server

    SCR_UpdateScreen(); // Update the screen with what happened

That is intreating! Few surprises here! The client-server architecture. Quake was designed ground-up for network gaming. It is worth mentioning that single-player client and server are running on the same thread, taking turns (server then client and so on). Michael Abrash, in his article, justifies that the choice was made due to limitations in DOS. Another surprise is the 72 frames to limit the commands sent between server and client, especially if they are over the network. Having a high FPS (frame per second) can make your physics engine miss behave, but that is another topic for another time.

Now we have a general idea of what is going on in a single frame life cycle.

Skimming through the files to identify subsystems.


I could not classify all the files, but at least we have an idea of what we should expect to see.

Here is looking at things as a black box (for single player mode)

Black Box

For multiplayer, the server would be on a different host and would use UDP protocol.


  • Create DIYQuake solution
  • Add link SDL
  • Create an empty class for Host, System, Common

Hello DIYQuake

Start your visual studio, and head to File > New > Project and create a new console application (I like the console window to print out debug messages, we can switch it to a Win application at any point).


Note: Original Quake code was built for x86 (32 bit); I will be building a 64-bit; with that being said, we need to be careful when defining variables; for example, "int" size differ between 32-bit and 64-bit.
We will do the bare minimum to get SDL to initialize.
let's add the SDL includes and libs into our project settings

Add the SDL include folders.


also, add SDL lib folders under linker settings, then add the SDL libs


Since I will try to keep things close to WinQuake I will try to have a one-to-one file ratio.

I will initialize SDL, but I won't even create a SDL window, but I will keep that for later.
I will create a few empty classes and headers as following.

  • Host.h which will be equivalent to quakedef.h. The header file contains variables that the host uses.
  • Host.cpp which will be equivalent to host.h. Implementation for host functions

And initialize SDL in the following

  • System.h will be equivalent to sys.h. System IO function.
  • System.cpp will be equivalent to sys_win.c. System IO functions, we should use SDL for most of those functions.

The system class will be straightforward.

class System
    void Init();

    void SDLInit();

Initializing the SDL library.

void System::Init()

void System::SDLInit()
    //Initialize SDL
    if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0)
        std::cout << "ERROR: SDL failed to initialize! SDL_Error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
  • DIYQuake.cpp where my main function will live.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   System system;
   return 0;
  • Common.h / cpp which will be equivalent to common.h and common.c. The header file contains general utility functions memory copy, string compare, string copy etc. Looking at this file, it is interesting to see some standard C functions re-implemented (they didn't trust compiler implementation of those function).
    A prefixed with Q_* to differentiate them from standard C functions, as seen below.
void Q_memset (void *dest, int fill, int count);
void Q_memcpy (void *dest, void *src, int count);
int Q_memcmp (void *m1, void *m2, int count);
void Q_strcpy (char *dest, char *src);
void Q_strncpy (char *dest, char *src, int count);
int Q_strlen (char *str);
char *Q_strrchr (char *s, char c);
void Q_strcat (char *dest, char *src);
int Q_strcmp (char *s1, char *s2);
int Q_strncmp (char *s1, char *s2, int count);
int Q_strcasecmp (char *s1, char *s2);
int Q_strncasecmp (char *s1, char *s2, int n);
int Q_atoi (char *str);
float Q_atof (char *str);

I will skip implementing those functions and use C/C++ standard ones (unless there is a good reason not to).

Yep! we hardly did anything; we just created a new project and linked SDL libraries.
We can't do much yet until we implement the memory manager for DIYQuake, which we will do following notes.

And from here, our new adventure starts!


Fabian Quake world source code review
Quake's 3-D Engine: The Big Picture by Michael Abrash