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42cursus' libasm

Development repo for 42cursus' libasm project
For further information about 42cursus and its projects, please refer to 42cursus repo.

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🗣️ About

The aim of this project is to get familiar with assembly language.

For detailed information, refer to the subject of this project.

🚀 TLDR: this project consists of coding basic functions (see below) in Linux x86-64 Assembly
(Intel syntax), which are then compiled into a library for use in C language code.


size_t		ft_strlen(const char *s);
char		*ft_strcpy(char *dst, const char *src);
int		ft_strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
ssize_t		ft_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
ssize_t		ft_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
char		*ft_strdup(const char *s1);


typedef struct	s_list
	void		*data;
	struct s_list	*next;
}		t_list;

int		ft_atoi_base(char const *str, char const *base);
void		ft_list_push_front(t_list **begin_list, void *data);
int		ft_list_size(t_list *begin_list);
void		ft_list_sort(t_list **begin_list,int (*cmp)());
void		ft_list_remove_if(t_list **begin_list, void *data_ref, int (*cmp)(), void (*free_fct)(void*));

📑 Index


  • Makefile - contains instructions for compiling the library and testing it.



  • *.s - source code (in assembly language).


  • *.c - source code (in C language) for testing the library.
  • *.txt - auxiliary files for outputting the test.

🛠️ Usage


1. Check system specification

Each assembly language is specific to a particular computer architecture. In this project, we write 64 bits ASM code. Thus, a x86_64 GNU/Linux system is required. To print all system information and check if your system specification fits, run uname -a.

$ uname -a
Linux APPinha-092019 4.4.0-18362-Microsoft #1049-Microsoft Thu Aug 14 12:01:00 PST 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Usage example

2. Install requirements

To compile assembly code, an assembler is required. To install the nasm assembler, run:

$ sudo apt-get install nasm


1. Compiling the library

To compile the library, run:

$ make

2. Using it in your code

To use the library functions in your code, simply include its header:

#include "libasm.h"

and, when compiling your code, add the required flags:

-lasm -L path/to/libasm.a -I path/to/libasm.h

📋 Testing

After compiling the library with make, you can either run:

$ make test_all

or, for single function testing, run:

$ make <function name>

📌 Useful Links

🤓 Study Summary

The Netwide Assembler (NASM) is an assembler and disassembler for the Intel x86 architecture. It can be used to write 16-bit, 32-bit (IA-32) and 64-bit (x86-64) programs. NASM is considered to be one of the most popular assemblers for Linux. - Source: Wikipedia

Structure of a NASM Program

NASM is line-based. Most programs consist of directives followed by one or more sections. Lines can have an optional label. Most lines have an instruction followed by zero or more operands.

The sections are:

  • .data section - where all data is defined before compilation.
  • .bss section - where data is allocated for future use.
  • .text section - where the actual code goes.

Basic example file


		global		start

		section		.text
		mov		rax, 1		; syscall ID for sys_write
		mov		rdi, 1		; ARG1 #fd
		mov		rsi, text	; ARG2 $buffer
		mov		rdx, 14		; ARG3 #count
		mov		rax, 60		; syscall ID for sys_exit
		mov		rdi, 0		; ARG1 #errcode

		section		.data
text		db		"Hello, world!",10


  • text - label of address in memory where data is located in.
  • db - "define bytes", a pseudo-instruction that declares bytes that will be in memory when the program runs
  • ,10 - \n


There are three kinds of operands used in instructions:

  • register operands - read more in the next section.
  • memory operands - for manipulating data stored in memory.
  • immediate operands - immediate values, can be written in many ways (decimal, hex, octal, binary).


Registers are a part of the processor that temporarily holds memory. In the x86_64 architecture, registers hold 64 bits.

The 64-bit versions of the 'original' x86 registers are named:

  • rax - register a extended; stores syscall IDs and return values.
  • rbx - register b extended.
  • rcx - register c extended; some instructions use it as a counter.
  • rdx - register d extended.
  • rbp - register base pointer; start of stack (stack's base).
  • rsp - register stack pointer; current location in stack (stack's top), growing downwards.
  • rsi - register source index; source for data copies; used to pass function argument #2.
  • rdi - register destination index; destination for data copies; used to pass function argument #1.

The registers added for 64-bit mode are named in numbered sequence: r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15

Types of Registers

There are two types of registers: "scratch" and "preserved". Scratch registers may be used by any function and are allowed to be overwritten. Preserved registers can also be used by functions, but their content must be saved and restored afterwards.

Name Type 64-bit long 32-bit int 16-bit short 8-bit char
rax scratch / syscall ID and return rax eax ax ah and al
rbx preserved rbx ebx bx bh and bl
rcx scratch / 4th argument or counter rcx ecx cx ch and cl
rdx scratch / 3rd argument rdx edx dx dh and dl
rsp preserved / stack's top rsp esp sp spl
rbp preserved / stack's base rbp ebp bp bpl
rsi scratch / 2nd argument rsi esi si sil
rdi scratch / 1st argument rdi edi di dil
r8 scratch / 5th argument r8 r8d r8w r8b
r9 scratch / 6th argument r9 r9d r9w r9b
r10 scratch r10 r10d r10w r10b
r11 scratch r11 r11d r11w r11b
r12 preserved r12 r12d r12w r12b
r13 preserved r13 r13d r13w r13b
r14 preserved r14 r14d r14w r14b
r15 preserved r15 r15d r15w r15b


These are the basic forms of addressing with memory operands:

  • [ number ]
  • [ reg ]
  • [ reg + reg*scale ] - scale is 1, 2, 4, or 8 only
  • [ reg + number ]
  • [ reg + reg*scale + number ]

The number is called the displacement; the plain register is called the base; the register with the scale is called the index.

Defining Data and Reserving Space / Memory Access

C datatypeBits Bytes Register Access Memory Allocate Memory
char 8 1 al BYTE [ptr] db
short 16 2 ax WORD [ptr] dw
int 32 4 eax DWORD [ptr] dd
long 64 8 rax QWORD [ptr] dq


Most of the basic instructions have the following form:

  • add REG, REG
  • add REG, MEM
  • add REG, IMM
  • add MEM, REG
  • add MEM, IMM

Note: Instructions with two memory operands are extremely rare.

Most used instructions

  • mov DEST, SRC - move data between registers, move data between registers and memory.
  • mov DEST, VAL - load immediate data into registers.
  • movsx DEST, SRC - writes to whole register.

Examples: mov rdx,rax | mov rdx,[123] | mov rax,4 | movsx rax, ch

  • push SRC - insert onto the stack; useful for passing arguments, saving registers, etc.
  • pop DEST - remove topmost value from the stack onto given register. Equivalent to mov DEST, [rsp]; add 8, rsp.

Examples: push rbp | pop rbp

  • inc REG - increment value in register (i++).
  • dec REG - decrease value in register (i--).

Examples: inc rcx | dec rcx

  • add DEST, SRC - sum: DEST = DEST + SRC
  • sub DEST, SRC - subtraction: DEST = DEST - SRC

Examples: add rax, rdx | add rax, 4 | sub rax, rdx | sub rax, 4

  • mul SRC - multiplication (unsigned integers): rax = rax * src. High 64 bits of product (usually zero) go into rdx.
  • div src division: rax = rax / src (ratio into rax, and the remainder into rdx). Bizarrely, on input rdx must be zero, or you get a SIGFPE.

Examples: mul rdx | mul 6 | mov rdx,0; div rcx | div 3

  • and DEST, SRC - bitwise AND operator: DEST = DEST & SRC
  • xor DEST, SRC - bitwise XOR operator: DEST = DEST ^ SRC
  • xor REG, REG - used for initializing register with 0. Same as mov REG, 0 (but faster).

Examples: and rax, rdx | xor rax, rdx | xor rax, rax

  • shr VAL, BITS - bitshift a value right by a constant, or the low 8 bits of rcx ("cl"). Shift count MUST go in rcx, no other register will do.

Examples: add rcx,4; shr rax,cl

  • cmp A, B - compare two values, setting flags that are used by the conditional jumps (below).
  • j* LABEL - go to label depending on result of previous comparison. Conditionals available: je (==), jne (!=), jl (<), jle (<=), jge (>=), jg (>), jz (= 0), jnz (!= 0), and many others. Also available in unsigned comparisons: jb (<), jbe (<=), ja (>), jae (>=).
  • jmp LABEL - Go to the instruction label. Skips anything else in the way.

Examples: cmp rax,10; jl loop_start | jmp post_mem

  • call FT - function call. Push the address of the next instruction and start executing function.
  • ret - return. Pop the return program counter, and jump there. Ends a subroutine.

Examples: call print_int | ret

Note: for the mov instruction, a suffix can be appended indicating the amount of data to be moved - e.g., q for quadword (64 bits), d for doubleword (32 bits), w for word (16 bits), or b for byte (8 bits).

Explained examples

mov #99,%r10 - load constant value 99 into r10 mov %r10,%r11 - move data from r10 to r11 mov %r10,(%r11) - move data from r10 to address pointed to by r11 mov (%r10),%r11 - move data from address pointed to by r10 to r10

push %r10 - push r10 onto the stack pop %r10 - pop r10 off the stack

inc %r10 - increment r10

add %r10,%r11 - add r10 and r11, put result in r11 add #5,%r10 - add 5 to r10, put result in r10

mul %r10 - multiplies rax by r10, places result in rax and overflow in rdx

div %r10 - divide rax by the given register (r10), places quotient into rax and remainder into rdx (rdx must be zero before this instruction)

cmp %r10,%r11 - compare register r10 with register r11. The comparison sets flags in the processor status register which affect conditional jumps. cmp #99,%r11 - compare the number 99 with register r11. The comparison sets flags in the processor status register which affect conditional jumps.

jmp label - jump to label je label - jump to label if equal jne label - jump to label if not equal jl label - jump to label if less jg label - jump to label if greater

ret - routine from subroutine (counterpart to call)

call label - call a subroutine / function / procedure

syscall - invoke a syscall

Note the syntax:

  • Register names are prefixed by %
  • Immediate (number) values are prefixed by #
  • Indirect memory access is indicated by (parenthesis).
  • Hexadecimal values are indicated by a 0x prefix.
  • Character values are indicated by quotation marks. Escapes (such as '\n') are permitted.
  • Data sources are given as the first argument (mov %r10,%r11 moves FROM r10 INTO r11).

System Call

A system call, or syscall, or function call, is when a program requests a service from the kernel. System calls will differ by operating system because different operating systems use different kernels. All syscalls have an ID (a number) associated with them. Syscalls also take arguments, i.e. a list of inputs.

Usage of registers in syscalls: a 64 bit Linux machine passes function parameters in rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, and r9 (in this order). Any additional parameters get pushed on the stack. In summary:

  • rax - syscall ID.
  • rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9 - first six arguments (in order); remaining arguments are on the stack.
  • rax - return value (after syscall is finished).

Linux x86-64 Syscall List (non exaustive)

syscall ID ARG1 ARG2 ARG3
sys_read 0 #fd $buffer #count
sys_write 1 #fd $buffer #count
sys_open 2 $filename #flags #mode
sys_close 3 #fd - -
sys_exit 60 #errcode - -

Note the syntax:

  • Immediate (number) values are prefixed by #
  • Memory address to the data (stored in the register) are prefixed by $

For more syscalls: Linux System Call Table for x86 64

Calling Conventions

When writing code for 64-bit Linux that integrates with a C library, you must follow the calling conventions explained in the AMD64 ABI Reference.

A brief summary:

The caller uses registers to pass the first 6 arguments to the callee. Given the arguments in left-to-right order, the order of registers used is: %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8, and %r9. Any remaining arguments are passed on the stack in reverse order so that they can be popped off the stack in order.

The callee is responsible for perserving the value of registers %rbp %rbx, and %r12-r15, as these registers are owned by the caller. The remaining registers are owned by the callee.

The callee places its return value in %rax and is responsible for cleaning up its local variables as well as for removing the return address from the stack.

The call, enter, leave and ret instructions make it easy to follow this calling convention.

- Source: X86-64 Architecture Guide