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Migration Guide

This guide is intended to help with upgrading major versions of paperplane.

Upgrading to v3

Breaking Changes

The request body is now a Readable stream, and is no longer buffered into a String for you. As a result, the function signature of parseJson has changed, now returning a Promise that resolves with the parsed request. It will buffer the stream for you, so most existing applications will only need to accommodate the new signature. Steps to migrate your existing app are as follows:

1. Treat parseJson as an async function

// Before
const app =
  compose(endpoints, parseJson)

// After
const app =
  composeP(endpoints, parseJson)

2. Use bufferBody if you rely on a buffered String

// Before
const app = req => {
  // req.body is a String here

// After
const endpoint = req => {
  // req.body is still a String now

const app =
  composeP(endpoint, bufferBody)

Note: The one exception is serverless mode, in which the req.body is already buffer into a String by AWS. Both parseJson and the new bufferBody account for this difference, and will behave as expected.

New feature

A new bufferBody helper is available to ease migration in cases where existing applications rely on the previous v2 buffering behaviour, or in cases where a text/plain body just needs buffering. If you use parseJson, then bufferBody is not needed.

For more details, see the bufferBody docs.

Upgrading to v2

Breaking Changes

The function signature of mount has changed to a unary function accepting a single options object, and the reporting of errors has been simplified. Steps to migrate your existing app are as follows:

1. Move your app function into the options object.

// Before
http.createServer(mount(app, { logger })).listen(3000)

// After
http.createServer(mount({ app, logger })).listen(3000)

Read more about the changes to mount here.

2. Use the new cry option.

If you are using Airbrake, upgrade to the latest paperplane-airbrake, and use it as the cry option:

// Before
const handler           = require('paperplane-airbrake')
const { mount, logger } = require('paperplane')

const airbrake = require('./lib/airbrake')
const rest     = require('./rest')

const app  = handler(airbrake, rest)
const opts = { errLogger: logger, logger }

http.createServer(mount(app, opts)).listen(3000, logger)

// After
const { mount, logger } = require('paperplane')

const airbrake = require('./lib/airbrake')
const app      = require('./rest')
const cry      = require('paperplane-airbrake')(airbrake)

http.createServer(mount({ app, cry, logger })).listen(3000, cry)

If not using Airbrake, you can write your own custom error reporter. Errors passed to cry will include a req property that can be used to include request information in your notification. Here's a cheap example:

const cry = compose(console.error, pick(['message', 'name', 'req', 'stack']))

Read more about the new cry option here.

New feature

The mount function has gained a new middleware option to support request handlers that return Algebraic Data Types. To take advantage of this, register a list of appropriate Redux middleware.

For more details, see the mount docs.