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costmap_cspace package

The topic names will be migrated to ROS recommended namespace model. Set /neonavigation_compatible parameter to 1 to use new topic names.


costmap_3d node converts 2-D (x, y) OccupancyGrid to 2-D/3-DOF (x, y, yaw) configuration space based on given footprint.

single layer mode (simple version)

Subscribed topics

  • map [nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid]
  • map_overlay [nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid]

Published topics

  • ~/costmap (new: costmap) [costmap_cspace_msgs::CSpace3D]
  • ~/costmap_update (new: costmap_update) [costmap_cspace_msgs::CSpace3DUpdate]
  • ~/footprint [geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped]
  • ~/debug [sensor_msgs::PointCloud]


  • "ang_resolution" (int, default: 16)
  • "linear_expand" (double, default: 0.2f)
  • "linear_spread" (double, default: 0.5f)
  • "linear_spread_min_cost" (int, default: 0)
  • "unknown_cost" (int, default: 0)
  • "overlay_mode" (string, default: std::string(""))
  • "footprint" (?, default: footprint_xml)

multiple layer mode

Subscribed topics

  • map [nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid]
  • layer name [nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid]: Subscribed topics are named according to the layers parameters

Published topics

  • ~/costmap (new: costmap) [costmap_cspace_msgs::CSpace3D]
  • ~/costmap_update (new: costmap_update) [costmap_cspace_msgs::CSpace3DUpdate]
  • ~/footprint [geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped]
  • ~/debug [sensor_msgs::PointCloud]


  • "ang_resolution" (int, default: 16): for root layer
  • "linear_expand" (double, default: 0.2f): for root layer
  • "linear_spread" (double, default: 0.5f): for root layer
  • "linear_spread_min_cost" (int, default: 0)
  • "footprint" (?, default: footprint_xml): for root layer
  • "static_layers": array of layer configurations
  • "layers": array of layer configurations

Each layer configuration contains:

  • "name" (string) layer name
  • "type" (string) layer type name
  • "parameters" layer specific parameters

Available layer types and parameters are:

  • Costmap3dLayerFootprint: Configuration space costmap layer according to the given footprint.
    • "linear_expand" (double)
    • "linear_spread" (double)
    • "linear_spread_min_cost" (int, default: 0)
    • "footprint" (?, default: root layer's footprint)
  • Costmap3dLayerPlain: Costmap layer without considering footpring.
    • "linear_expand" (double)
    • "linear_spread" (double)
    • "linear_spread_min_cost" (int, default: 0)
  • Costmap3dLayerOutput: Output generated costmap at this point. In most case, this is placed at the last layer.
  • Costmap3dLayerStopPropagation: Stop propagating parent layer's cost to the child. This can be used at the beginning of layer to ignore changes in static layers.
  • Costmap3dLayerUnknownHandle: Set unknown cell's cost.
    • "unknown_cost" (int)

See example parameters.

The diagram below shows how "linear_expand", "linear_spread" and "linear_spread_min_cost" work. "linear_spread_min_cost" can make the costs of grids near obstacles higher to avoid other costs such as preferences overriding the costs of these grids.

Screenshot from 2023-09-12 17-19-52





