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131 lines (89 loc) · 3.79 KB

File metadata and controls

131 lines (89 loc) · 3.79 KB



  • Word Embeddings are an important component of many language models capable of producing state of the art results in several NLP tasks;
  • SparseNLP proposes an alternative approach for deriving word embeddings. In contrast with the tradicional dense vector representations, it creates sparse distributed representations (SDR) for each word; the representation shares the main idea of a word embedding, which was formulated by Firth in 1957: "a word is characterized by the company it keeps";
  • Validation of the whole methodology is done by using these word embeddings as language models in several Natural Language Processing tasks;


sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install zip

sudo apt remove python3 sudo apt remove python wget bash rm

git clone

mkdir sparse-nlp/serializations mkdir sparse-nlp/serializations/sentences mkdir sparse-nlp/images mkdir sparse-nlp/logs mkdir sparse-nlp/datasets mkdir sparse-nlp/datasets/analogy mkdir sparse-nlp/datasets/similarity mkdir sparse-nlp/embeddings mkdir sparse-nlp/embeddings/glove.6B

mkdir wikiextractor mkdir wikiextractor/jsonfiles mkdir wikiextractor/jsonfiles/articles3

cd sparse-nlp

pip install -r requirements.txt conda install --yes --file requirements2.txt

python -m spacy download en

How to use it

In order to use SparseNLP you need your data stored in a database table with 2 columns:

  • id (int): primary key
  • cleaned_text (str): text tokens for each sentence


  • nosetests --cover-package=.\sparsenlp --with-coverage --nologcapture -x

  • python -m unittest -v

    (run just one class test)

  • python -m unittest -q tests.test_datacleaner.TestDataClean

  • py.test -q -s tests/

(run just one functional test)

  • python -m unittest -q tests.test_datacleaner.TestDataClean.test_ingestfiles_json_to_dict


evaluate using word-embeddings-benchmarks train word2vec on wikidumps

Project Planning

  1. Extracting data
  2. Training Corpora Definition
  3. Corpora pre-processing
  4. Sentence tokenization
  5. Sentence vetorization
  6. Word to sentence database
  7. Cluster sentences
  8. Word fingerprint
  9. Text fingerprint
  10. Evaluation
  11. Trainning Word2Vec word embeedings

1. Training Corpora Definition

Wikipedia dumps from wikimedia 2018-01-01

1.1 Extracting plain text from Wikipedia dumps

github - attardi/wikiextractor

Document files contains a series of Wikipedia articles, represented each by an XML doc element:


The element doc has the following attributes:

  • id, which identifies the document by means of a unique serial number
  • url, which provides the URL of the original Wikipedia page. The content of a doc element consists of pure text, one paragraph per line.


<doc id="2" url="">
L'harmonium è uno strumento musicale azionato con una tastiera, detta manuale.
Sono stati costruiti anche alcuni harmonium con due manuali.

9. Evaluation

Evaluation code repository: github - kudkudak/word-embeddings-benchmarks Evaluation methods:

other alternative methods: github - mfaruqui/eval-word-vectors