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22 lines (15 loc) · 528 Bytes

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22 lines (15 loc) · 528 Bytes

Please put libraries here by using release script.

ailia/android/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a/ ailia/ios/libailia_voice.a ailia/macos/libailia_voice.dylib

Please put interface here.

native/ailia.h native/ailia_voice.h native/ailia_audio.h native/ailia_call.h

Temporally add ffigen to pubspec.yaml Add #include <stddef.h> to ailia.h

Please run below command for generation.

export PATH=$PATH:/Users/kyakuno/flutter_x86_64_3221/bin dart run ffigen --config ffigen_ailia_voice.yaml

Output is ailia_voice.dart