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QR code generator

This library provides a class which is capable of generating QR codes. It is a layer on top of the ZXing generator which does the heavily lifting of actually computing the dot matrix. This lib then adds the functionality to make image files.

This lib is inspired by QRGen. But since I'd like to have some structural changes plus more variations when rendering the QR code, I wrote this new lib instead. The main differences to QRGen are:

  • you can configure a QrGenerator and then generate multiple QR codes from it instead of repeating the configuration for each QR code
  • this lib can overlay a logo over the QR code
  • the 'pixels' of the code can be drawn with different styles
  • you can select from a set of different styles for the three markers (the big rectangles in the corners)
  • no leaking of ZXing provided types
  • no support for Android thus only one lib (instead of "core + javase + android")

Table of contents


When starting with class QrGenerator usage of this lib is quite self-explanatory (there's also javadoc available):

    final QrGenerator generator = new QrGenerator()
            .withSize(300, 300)

    final Path img = generator
            .writeToTmpFile("Hello, World!");




This section lists the possible configurations for the created QR codes. The method calls to configure the generator can be chained and the resulting configuration is collected by the instance. So to make things easier all examples build on the same instance of QrGenerator.

    final QrGenerator generator = new QrGenerator();

Output file type

The file format of the resulting QR code image can be selected to be png, gif, bmp or jpeg:;

Size and margin of the code

The size of the resulting image (in pixels) can be configured as well as a "quiet zone" around the code. This margin is an aid for QR code scanners to easier distinguished the code from the surrounding environment.

The unit of the parameter for the margin's size is "number of dots used in the QR code" so the actual size of the margin in pixels depends on the size of the complete image as well as on the complexity of the QR code.

            .withSize(300, 300)

Used colors

Usually QR codes are displayed in black and white as this gives the best contrast and thus help a scanner in reading it. But there might be times, when you want to have different colors.

The trivial variant is to set no colors at all. Then the lib will fall back to the usual black/white pattern. The next level is to choose a color for 'the background' and another color for 'the pixels':

    final RgbValue daffodil = new RgbValue(0xff, 0xff, 0x31);
    final RgbValue oxfordBlue = new RgbValue(0x00, 0x21, 0x47);

    generator.withColors(daffodil, oxfordBlue);

Finally, it is possible to use up to four different colors:

  • the background color (which is usually white)
  • the "active parts" of the code (which form 'the pixels' in the mid of the code)
  • the outer part of the three markers and
  • the inner part of the three markers
QR code with four colors

However, you should choose such colors which provide a sufficient contrast. Otherwise, it might get difficult for QR code scanners to read the code.

    final RgbValue white = new RgbValue(0xffffff);
    final RgbValue alloyOrange = new RgbValue(196, 98, 16);
    final RgbValue alabamaCrimson = new RgbValue(0xaf, 0x00, 0x2a);
    final RgbValue black = new RgbValue(0x0);

            black,              // 'pixel' color
            white,              // background color
            alloyOrange,        // outer marker color
            alabamaCrimson);    // inner marker color

There's also a version with three parameters where the third color is used for the complete markers' structure.

As the examples show, an RGB color value can be constructed with the three parts separated as well as with one single raw integer value. Along with the RgbValue there are some more possible color representations:

  • ArgbValue — an RGB value with a leading alpha channel
  • RgbaValue — same with the alpha channel given at the end
  • HslValue — a color given via hue, saturation and lightness
  • HslaValue — an HSL color value with an extra alpha channel

(Note that only PNG and GIF output image formats support alpha values.)

Error correction level

If you plan to put a logo onto your generated QR code or you're printing it and the code gets dirty or damaged then information is lost and scanners might not be able to correctly scan the code.

To circumvent this kind of problem the information encoded into the QR code can be stored with different degrees of redundancy. The higher the level of redundancy the better a scanner will be able to read a damaged or covered QR code but this also means that the QR code becomes more dense ("more pixels").

In the end there is no simple algorithm which level to take but it depends on the scenario how you want to use the QR code.

The specified levels are

  • L - error correction rate of approximately 7%
  • M - error correction rate of approximately 15%
  • Q - error correction rate of approximately 25%
  • H - error correction rate of approximately 30%

Logo overlay

The generator is able to overlay the QR code with a centered logo. The file format of the logo can be any of gif, png, bmp or jpeg. Alpha channel is respected if the file format supports it.

Note however that the lib does not scale the logo to "fit" (whatever that means); the logo will cover information from the QR code and increasing the error correction level should be considered.

It's up to the caller to ensure that the QR code can be read with the logo above it.

        try (final InputStream logo =
                QrCodeExample.class.getResourceAsStream("github_logo.png")) {
            // in real code check for null ...

        final Path img = generator
                .writeToTmpFile("Hello, Github!");

QR code with github logo QR code with mvn central logo


It is possible to change the appearance of 'the pixels' used to render the QR code as well as the appearance of the three markers. Most QR code scanners should be able to handle these shapes but keep in mind that you're diverging from 'specified appearance'.

... the pixels

It is possible to change the style of the individual pixels used to render the QR code. Currently, there are eight different styles available:

  • RECTANGLES — The "standard" styling with rectangular pixels "touching" each other
  • SMALL_RECTANGLES — A styling with smaller pixels so that a white grid between them appears
  • DOTS — Dots instead of rectangles
  • ROUND_CORNERS — rectangular pixels but with rounded corners
  • ROWS — a style that makes the pixels appear like rows with Morse-code-like lines
  • COLUMNS — a similar style but with columns instead of rows
  • SNAKES — connected pixels with 'snakes-like' heads when there's no neighbor
  • WATER — connected pixels which behave like adhesion of water surfaces
        final Path img = generator
                .writeToTmpFile("Hello, Github!");
QR code with RECTANGLES styled pixels QR code with SMALL_RECTANGLES styled pixels QR code with DOTS styled pixels QR code with ROUND_CORNERS styled pixels
QR code with ROWS styled pixels QR code with COLUMNS styled pixels QR code with SNAKES styled pixels QR code with WATER styled pixels

... the markers

It's also possible to change the styling of the three big markers. Currently, there are nine different styles to chose from:

  • RECTANGLES — the 'normal' rectangular markers
  • ROUND_CORNERS — like RECTANGLES but with rounded corners
  • CIRCLES — circles instead of rectangles
  • DROP_IN — raindrops appearing to fall toward the inside of the code
  • DROP_OUT — raindrops appearing to fall toward the outside of the code
  • ROUND_IN — rectangular marker with the inner edge being rounded
  • ROUND_OUT — rectangular marker with the outer edge being rounded
  • EDGE_IN — like ROUND_CORNERS but the inner edge is a sharp one
  • EDGE_OUT — as above but the outer edge is sharp
QR code with RECTANGLES styled markers QR code with ROUND_CORNERS styled markers QR code with CIRCLES styled markers QR code with DROP_IN styled markers QR code with DROP_OUT styled markers
QR code with ROUND_IN styled markers QR code with ROUND_OUT styled markers QR code with EDGE_IN styled markers QR code with EDGE_OUT styled markers

Character set of the encoded message

A QR code encode strings and to be more precise: a series of bytes. And at this point we're entering the wide area of character encodings. You can configure the character encoding which should be used when converting the given payload to bytes.

In most cases UTF-8 (which is the default when not setting any character set) will be perfectly OK.


Actually writing the QR code

Once you've configured the QR code generator you can use it to write QR codes. The method to write a payload to a QR code image file does not change the state of the generator instance. So you can reuse the same generator instance to write as many QR Code as you like (with different payloads).

        final Path img_1 = generator
                .writeToTmpFile("Hello, World!");

        final Path img_2 = generator
                .writeToTmpFile("Hello again");

        final Path img_3 = generator
                .writeToTmpFile("Anybody out there?");

Note that the returned file will be created in the system's tmp folder with the "delete on exit" flag set. The method does not change access permissions of the created file so most probably (depending on the JRE and the OS) it will be readable to anyone with access to the system.


Apache 2.0 License

Created and maintained by Hannes Lerchl

Feel free to send in pull requests. Please also add unit tests and adapt the README if appropriate.