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270 lines (204 loc) · 7.08 KB

Bali - 极简的 Golang 构建打包工具

Master Branch Status

Bali 是一个使用 Golang 开发的极简 Golang 构建打包工具Bali(old)


Bali 有一些功能是我觉得有些用处的:

  • 构建参数支持环境变量推导
  • 打包,创建压缩包,支持 rpm, tar, zip, sh 等。
  • Windows 平台支持嵌入版本信息,图标,和应用程序清单。

bali 的命令行帮助信息如下:

Usage: bali <command> [flags]

Bali - Minimalist Golang build and packaging tool

  -h, --help             Show context-sensitive help.
  -M, --module="."       Explicitly specify a module directory
  -B, --build="build"    Explicitly specify a build directory
  -V, --verbose          Make the operation more talkative
  -v, --version          Print version information and quit

  build     Compile the current module (default)
  update    Update dependencies as recorded in the go.mod
  clean     Remove generated artifacts

Run "bali <command> --help" for more information on a command.

bali 构建命令帮助:

Usage: bali build [flags]

Compile the current module (default)

  -h, --help                  Show context-sensitive help.
  -M, --module="."            Explicitly specify a module directory
  -B, --build="build"         Explicitly specify a build directory
  -V, --verbose               Make the operation more talkative
  -v, --version               Print version information and quit

  -T, --target="windows"      Target OS for which the code is compiled
  -A, --arch="amd64"          Target architecture for which the code is compiled
      --release=STRING        Specifies the rpm package tag version
  -D, --destination="dest"    Specify the package save destination
      --pack=PACK,...         Packaged in a specific format. supported: zip,
                              tar, sh, rpm
      --compression=STRING    Specifies the compression method

rpm 支持的压缩算法:

  • gzip
  • zstd
  • lzma
  • xz

tar 支持的压缩算法:

  • none --> pure tar
  • gzip --> tar.gz
  • zstd --> tar.zst
  • xz --> tar.xz
  • bzip2 --> tar.bz2
  • brotli -->

sh 支持的压缩算法:

  • none --> pure tar
  • gzip --> tar.gz
  • zstd --> tar.zst
  • xz --> tar.xz
  • bzip2 --> tar.bz2

zip 支持的压缩算法:

  • deflate
  • zstd
  • bzip2
  • xz



cd /path/to/project

创建 Tar.gz 压缩包:

bali --pack=tar

创建 STGZ 安装包,主要用于 Linux/macOS 平台:

bali --pack=sh --target=linux --arch=amd64


bali --pack=rpm --target=linux --arch=amd64 --dest=/tmp/output


bali --target=linux --arch=arm64 '--pack=sh,rpm,tar' 

Bali 构建文件格式

项目文件 bali.toml:

name = "bali"
summary = "Bali - Minimalist Golang build and packaging tool"
description = "Bali - Minimalist Golang build and packaging tool"
package-name = "bali-dev"
version = "3.1.0"
license = "MIT"
prefix = "/usr/local"
crates = [
    "cmd/bali",     # crates

path = "LICENSE"
destination = "share"
rename = "BALI-COPYRIGHT.txt"
permissions = "0664"

程序构建文件 crate.toml:

name = "bali"
description = "Bali - Minimalist Golang build and packaging tool"
destination = "bin"
version = "3.1.0"
goflags = [


  • BUILD_VERSION 由 balisrc.toml 的 version 字段填充
  • BUILD_TIME 由构建时间按照 RFC3339 格式化后填充
  • BUILD_COMMIT 由存储库(为 git 存储库时) 的 commit id 填充
  • BUILD_GOVERSIONgo version 输出(删除了 go version 前缀)填充
  • BUILD_BRANCH 由存储库(为 git 存储库时) 的分支名填充

可以在 goflags 中使用其他环境变量。

Windows 相关清单文件(crate.toml 同级):winres.toml:

icon = "res/bali.ico" # data:base64-content
manifest = """data:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns:asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
  <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
        <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false" />
  <compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1">
      <!-- Windows 10 -->
      <supportedOS Id="{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}"/>
    <asmv3:windowsSettings xmlns="">
      <longPathAware xmlns="">true</longPathAware>

FileFlagsMask = "3f"
FileFlags = "00"
FileOS = "40004"
FileType = "01"
FileSubType = "00"

Major = 0
Minor = 0
Patch = 0
Build = 0

Major = 0
Minor = 0
Patch = 0
Build = 0

Comments = ""
CompanyName = "Bali Team"
FileDescription = "Bali - Minimalist Golang build and packaging tool"
FileVersion = ""
InternalName = "bali.exe"
LegalCopyright = "Copyright © 2024. Bali contributors"
LegalTrademarks = ""
OriginalFilename = "bali.exe"
PrivateBuild = ""
ProductName = "Bali"
ProductVersion = ""
SpecialBuild = ""

LangID = "0409"
CharsetID = "04B0"

Bali 整合了 goversioninfo,在目标为 Windows 时,能够将版本信息 winres.toml 嵌入到可执行程序中。

添加引用程序清单的好处不言而喻,比如 Windows 的 UAC 提权,Windows 10 长路经支持(即路径支持 >260 字符),Windows Vista 风格控件,TaskDialog,DPI 设置等都需要修改应用程序清单。


通常在安装配置好 Golang 环境后,你可以按照下面的命令完成 Bali 的自举:




# 使用 powershell 运行
pwsh ./script/bootstrap.ps1
# 或者在 cmd 中运行


Bali 自动添加版本信息到 PE 文件的功能离不开开源项目的贡献,在这里非常感谢 akavel/rsrcjosephspurrier/goversioninfo 两个项目的开发者和维护者。

Bali Github 组织和 Bali 自身的图标来源于 制作者为 Smashicons