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Releases: bcgov/tfrs

V1.0.6 Fair market value decimals

20 Sep 21:09
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This release includes

PR #624 Standalone Socket.IO server functionality

For integration with Openshift for notifications

PR #618 Fair market value decimals

Updated validation messages to be more user-friendly

  • New FairMarketInputValue component
  • Limits decimal places to 2
  • Prevents multiple dots (.)
  • Shows tooltip when adding more than 2 decimals
  • Changed generic error messages from the back-end to have more details
  • Removed front-end validation to check that number of credit trades is a whole number
  • Added a check to the back-end to validate that the number of credit trades is a whole number

Database migration and scripts


Implemented Trello cards

Technical Information

  • This release was deployed on Dev Sep 20, 2018
  • This release was deployed on Test Sep 20, 2018
    This release was deployed on Prod Oct 22, 2018 with v1.1.0.

v1.0.5 Maintenance Release

19 Sep 22:03
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This release includes:

PR #619 Auto-generated the migration so we sync properly

Django is complaining about unapplied migrations. So let's create this to ensure that we sync properly and not run into problems where the server has a different migration sequence than ours.

Database Scripts

  • from PR #619

Technical information

This release was deployed on Dev Sep 29 2018
This release was deployed on Test Sep 29 2018
This release was deployed on Prod Oct 22, 2018 with v1.1.0.

v1.0.4 UX updates and compliance period upon approval

18 Sep 21:36
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This release includes

PR #604 Ux updates

Various front-end changes

  • Credit Transactions -> credit transactions
  • Removed timestamp from xls filename
  • Remove progress bar from toastrs
  • Changed some of the success messages for toastrs
  • Minor text changes
  • Fixed a bug with checkboxes in Notifications

PR #612 UX Further Updates

Further changes to the front-end

  • Updated Zero-dollar reason validation message
  • Updated text for zero-dollar reason
  • Removed additional warning message when declining
  • Signing History should no longer show multiple "recommended" entries
  • Additional text added when a transaction is rescinded, refused or declined

PR #614 Add Compliance Period upon Approval

Credit transactions that don't have compliance period when they get approved should now automatically get a compliance period.

  • Added a check and to automatically add a compliance period upon approval
  • Added test fixture for compliance periods
  • Added test

PR #594 Added a new migration to change 'Of' to lowercase

Just a new migration to change "Of" to "of"

  • Test fixtures updated
  • Migration added

Database Migrations

Data Migration

  • //from PR #594

Implemented Trello cards

PR #604 Ux updates

PR #612 UX Further Updates

PR #614 Add Compliance Period upon Approval

PR #594 Added a new migration to change 'Of' to lowercase

Technical information

This release was deployed on Dev Sep 18 2018
This release was deployed on Test Sep 18 2018
This release was deployed on Prod Oct 22, 2018 with v1.1.0.

V1.0.3 Notification

18 Sep 17:41
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V1.0.3 Notification Pre-release

This release includes:

PR #574 Notifications API

  • This PR encompasses the notifications API and support for communication between frontend and backend via AMQP for the relay of notifications.
  • The docker-compose environment has been updated to support the AMQP server and new node dependencies and should be rebuilt to include new proxy configuration. This can be accomplished with docker-compose down --rmi all -v && docker-compose up.
  • Successful deployment of this PR depends on the existence of a RabbitMQ server within the application environment, with environment variables passed into both the python and node services.
  • ex:
    • RABBITMQ_VHOST=/tfrs
    • RABBITMQ_USER=guest
    • RABBITMQ_HOST=rabbit
    • RABBITMQ_PORT=5672

PR #580 Add OpenShift templates

Backend, frontend, database and SchemaSpy templates are added to repo.

PR #581 Mock AMQP in unit tests

Address an issue with unit tests failing within the pipeline

PR #582 create new OpenShift templates

OpenShift templates are re-generated and added to TFRS repo

PR #577 Change DB Comment Generation for Foreign Keys

Modify Foreign-key automated commenting

PR #584 made interface updates to the Credit Transfer page

Credit Transfer frontend updates

PR #586 [Snyk] Fix for 1 vulnerable dependencies - npm:ms:20170412

Fixes one or more vulnerable packages in the npm dependencies of this project.

PR #587 Notifications integration

Connected the Back-end code to the Front-end

  • Notification page should now have the checkboxes working
  • Notification icon should now work
  • Added Button with dropdown
  • Subscription should now load the statuses of the checkboxes based on the user's preference
  • Saving should work and should have an alert

PR #595 v1.0.0 hotfix

Add prod pipeline to deploy v1.0.0 to prod.

PR #605 Create new templates for prod pipeline

New build and new prod pipeline

Database Migrations and Scripts


  • //from PR #574
  • //from PR #574
  • //from PR #587



Implemented Trello Cards

PR #574 Notifications API

PR #584 made interface updates to the Credit Transfer page

PR #587 Notifications integration

Technical Information

This release was deployed on Dev Sep 12, 2018
This release was deployed on Test Sep 18, 2018
This release was deployed on Prod Oct 22, 2018 with v1.1.0.

v1.0.2 Frontend update, docker live editing and SchemaSpy updates

05 Sep 17:49
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This release includes

PR #573 Devops pipeline schemaspy audit

Update pipeline to use newly create schema spy deployment config

PR #567 Docker Live Editing

  • docker-compose'd environments now support live-editing with automatic hot-reload for both frontend and backend code
  • webpack updated to version 4, and configurations adjusted for compatibility
  • nginx reverse proxy passes websockets correctly
  • recommend rebuilding existing docker environments with docker-compose down --rmi all -v && docker-compose up

PR #572 Front end updates

Updated some of the node packages. Text Improvements. Validation for Number of Credits

  • Number of Credits with decimals are now rejected with a display message. Previously it would just automatically round it
  • Download as speadsheet has been shortened
  • Updated FontAwesome library to include more icons
  • Can now trigger error messages in the front-end

Data Migrations, fixtures and scripts

Data Migrations






Operational scripts


Implemented Trello cards

PR #573 Devops pipeline schemaspy audit

PR #572 Front end updates

Technical information

PR #573 and #567 were deployed on Dev August 31, 2018
PR #572 was deployed on Dev September 5, 2018
All PRs were deployed on Test September 5, 2018
This release was deployed on Prod Oct 22, 2018 with v1.1.0.


31 Aug 20:36
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v1.0.1 Pre-release

This release includes

PR #546 Notification service

Added the settings page (front-end only)

  • Added Settings in the User's dropdown menu
  • Added Notifications icon
  • Settings menu will go to the appropriate page that lets the user choose which notifications are available to them
  • Notifications icon goes to a blank page for now
  • Save in the Notifications page prepares the data to submit, but doesn't really submit yet.
    FontAwesome css updated.

PR #547 Enable docker-compose support for local dev environment

To facilitate ease of environment setup for new developers. No Trello card.

PR #549 Enable zero-reason rationale requirement for 'buy' type transfers

Adjust frontend components to support zero-reason rationales for 'buy' type trades.

PR #550 Adjust layout of credit transfer

Alter the layout of the credit transfer view and forms to match Trello card 755

PR #554 Front-end Fixes

  • Added an updated css for FontAwesome
  • Added reducers (Currently just a preparation)
  • Added sample notifications temporarily
  • Some text fixes that were missed from the last pull request

PR #560 updated db_comment for respondent

A more verbose and plain language description of columns and foreign keys

PR #561 Interface language

Language changes

PR #562 adjust timeout to 600 from 120 seconds

Adjust timeout

PR #565 update release number to v1.0.0

Release number update

PR #566 JS Duplicate Fix

Fix an issue with the pipeline and a form to crash.

Data Migrations, fixtures and scripts

Data Migrations






Operational scripts


Implemented Trello cards

PR #546 Notification service

PR #549 Enable zero-reason rationale requirement for 'buy' type transfers

PR #550 Adjust layout of credit transfer

PR #554 Front-end Fixes

PR #561 Interface language

Technical information

PR #546 and #547 were deployed on Dev Aug 29, 2018
PR #549, #550, #554, #560, #561, #562, #565 and #566 were deployed on Dev Aug 31, 2018
All PRs were deployed on Test Aug 31, 2018.
This release was deployed on Prod Oct 22, 2018 with v1.1.0.


29 Aug 16:21
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This tag is same as v0.3.1.17.

v0.3.1.17 Historical entry note public, user history types and arrow direction in credit transfer view

23 Aug 20:45
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This minor release includes

PR #536 Historical entry note public

"notes" are no longer internal comments.

  • Changed comments automatically added by historical data entry to be external
  • Minor code changes to satisfy pep8
  • Credit Transaction notes now look more like the commenting system allowing the user to pick between internal or public comment

PR #540 User History Types

Update the types for the user activity so it uses the front-end language instead.

  • Used the getCreditTransferType function to get the front-end description for credit types

PR #537 Adjust arrow direction in credit transfer view

Arrow direction in credit transfer visual representation now depends on transfer specifics.

Data Migrations, fixtures and scripts

Data Migrations





Operational scripts

  • v0.3.1.17_new_account_1 //run on dev, test and prod
  • v0.3.1.17_new_account_2 . //run on dev and test
  • //run on dev, test and prod
  • //run in test and dev, verified through staging

Implemented Trello Cards

PR #536 Historical entry note public

PR #540 User History Types

PR #537 Adjust arrow direction in credit transfer view

Technical information

PR #536 and #540 were deployed on Dev Aug 22, 2018
PR #537 was deployed on Dev Aug 23, 2018
All three PRs were deployed on Test Aug 23, 2018
v0.3.1.17_new_account_1 was loaded on Dev and Test Aug 29, 2018. It was loaded on Prod September 13, 2018.
v0.3.1.17_new_account_2 was loaded on Dev and Test Aug 29, 2018 was loaded on De, Test Aug 29, 2018 prod September 13, 2018.
Prod Deployment: client:55, tfrs:84, postgresql:13

v0.3.1.16 Transfers visibility and defect fix

21 Aug 17:33
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This minor release includes

PR #527 Reviewed Transfers Visibility

Changed how the visibility of recommended and not recommended transactions work

  • Recommended/Not Recommended PVRs are no longer visible to non-government users
  • Recommended/Not Recommended Credit Transfers are no longer shown as reviewed, but as "Accepted"
  • Added tests to verify the changes.

PR #534 Added a fix so that the fields are repopulated with the ones in the form

Added a fix for the repopulation bug

  • Added submitted flag to see if the user has submitted the form
  • Submitted flag will check whether the fields should be populated by the current state or the original state

Data Migrations, fixtures and scripts

Data Migrations






Implemented Trello Cards

PR #527 Reviewed Transfers Visibility

PR #534 Added a fix so that the fields are repopulated with the ones in the form

Technical information

All PRs were deployed on Dev August 20, 2018.
All PRs were deployed on Test August 21, 2018.

v0.3.1.15 Defect fix

17 Aug 15:37
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v0.3.1.15 Defect fix Pre-release

This minor release includes

PR #524 Fixed a typo blocking bypass functionality on modal errors

  • Fixes issue identified in Trello card 764

PR #525 Change director decline warning

  • Per Trello card 765 the messaging for directors choosing to decline a credit transfer proposal is now much more verbose.

PR #528 Fixed an issue with comments crashing the Add PVR page

  • Fix for frontend adding PVR crashing issue

PR #531 Follow up fixes

  • Removed unused (old) JSX files
  • Added friendly_name for CreditTradeStatus
  • Added friendly_name for CreditTradeType
  • Changed the status and type displayed in the spreadsheet to use the friendly names
  • Allow toastr to have custom messages
  • Changed toastr message when a Government Director returns a transfer to draft.

PR #532 Not Found

Defect fix for not found page in frontend.

Data Migrations, fixtures and scripts

Data Migrations






Implemented Trello Cards

PR #524 Fixed a typo blocking bypass functionality on modal errors

PR #525 Change director decline warning

PR #531 Follow up fixes

Technical information

All PRs were deployed on Dev August 17, 2018.
All PRs were deployed on Test August 17, 2018.