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Releases: bcgov/tfrs


13 Nov 18:57
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v1.6.1 Pre-release

Pull Requests

PR #1599 Delete Sheet functionality for Schedule D

Allow deletion of sheets in schedule D
Code cleanup

PR #1601 Changed the font so it uses BC Sans

Changed the font family to prioritize BC Sans
Not happy about the !important, but there are too many things that are overriding the font family

PR #1603 Change log UI updates

UI Updates

PR #1604 Prevent creation of a second supplemental report

Modify permissions checks to prevent creation of a second supplemental report when one already exists

PR #1607 Renamed TooltipWhenDisabled to Tooltip

Renamed TooltipWhenDisabled to Tooltip
Renamed the check from disabled to show

PR #1608 Fixed modal warning showing up for the other report type

Fixed the modal warning showing up for the other report type

PR #1609 Moved document milestone into document

When we initially created the document table, we assumed there will be more fields to add that are specific to certain document types. However, no other field other than milestone was ever needed. So it made the extra table completely unnecessary.

  • Delete DocumentMilestone model
  • Added milestone column into the Document model
  • Adjusted tests, api and front as necessary
  • Changed url secure_file_submissions to part_3_agreements

Database Migration


Implemented Trello Cards

PR #1599 Delete Sheet functionality for Schedule D

PR #1601 Changed the font so it uses BC Sans

PR #1603 Change log UI updates

PR #1604 Prevent creation of a second supplemental report

PR #1607 Renamed TooltipWhenDisabled to Tooltip

PR #1609 Moved document milestone into document

Techinical Information

This release was deployed on dev Nov 14 2019


04 Nov 23:10
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v1.5.19 Pre-release

Pull Requests

PR #1586 XLS Downloads for Exclusion and Compliance Reports

PR #1588 Request Supplemental Button no longer hides after being recommended

Fixed some grammar issues
Fixed an issue where new schedules would not have any initial rows
Modal warning no longer shows up after saving
Request Supplemental button is now available to analyst and compliance manager throughout the review process

PR #1590 Updated the IE warning to something more prominent

Replaced old ie text to a modal pop-up

Implemented Trello Cards

PR #1588 Request Supplemental Button no longer hides after being recommended

PR #1590 Updated the IE warning to something more prominent

Technical Information

This release has been deployed on Dev


30 Oct 23:03
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v1.5.18 Pre-release

Operational Scripts

python load_ops_data api/fixtures/operational/

Pull Requests

PR #1582 CI Limits for 2013-2016

New operational script to update the expiration dates for 2013-2016 so it shows up in the table

PR #1583 Functional test update

Fix the failed functional test cases.

PR #1585 Navbar changes

Moved name to the bottom navbar
Added help icon
Increased font size for Organization name
Added Credit Balance below the organization name
Improved mobile view

Implemented Trello Cards

PR #1582 CI Limits for 2013-2016

PR #1585 Navbar changes

Technical Information

This release was deployed on Dev Oct 30 2019.
This release was deployed on Test Oct 31 2019.


29 Oct 22:47
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v1.5.17 Pre-release

Pull requests

Bug Fixes #1570

Fuel Code Feedstock Location, Feedstock Misc, Fuel Production Facility and Fuel Production Facility Nameplate no longer auto-selects
Inactive Fuel suppliers will lose visibility of the New Credit Transfer button if they have 0 credits
Changed ordering for expected uses
Updated Schedule Summary so it no longer shows ghost error messages
Added status description for organization
Clicking on a validation generated by a compliance report automatically redirects you to the assessment tab (instead of intro)
Fuel Code is now automatically cleared when the report is still in draft, and the code becomes invalid
Fuel Code description is now retained when the report is submitted and the code becomes invalid
Fixed unit of measure in schedule C not displaying
Removed the recompute call from Schedule B when displaying information from snapshot

PR #1580 Exclusion report validation

server and client side validation for exclusion reports

Implemented Trello Cards

Bug Fixes #1570

Technical Information

This release was deployed on dev Oct 29 2019


29 Oct 18:06
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v1.5.16 Pre-release

Operational Scripts

python load_ops_data backend/api/fixtures/operational/

Pull Requests

PR #1562 Notification fixes

Fixed Scanning not running all the time
Notification changes

PR #1567 Compliance Reporting Modal Warning

When there's a penalty a warning shows up in the modal when submitting a compliance report
Fixed a bug where submit button is disabled on Supplemental Report

PR #1569 Moved Credit Market report link to Balance. Added feedback card

Changed Requested Supplemental to Supplemental Requested
Added Feedback card
Minor text changes

PR #1574 Added Organization Address to the Compliance Report

Added organization address to the compliance report
Added organization address to the exclusion report

PR #1577 Removed the 'spinner' from input type number

Added a general style to remove spinners from input[type="number"]

PR #1579 Changed the message of the modal for rescinding a credit transfer proposal

Updated the message of the modal pop-up for rescinding a credit transfer proposal

Implemented Trello Cards

PR #1562 Notification fixes

PR #1567 Compliance Reporting Modal Warning

PR #1569 Moved Credit Market report link to Balance. Added feedback card

PR #1574 Added Organization Address to the Compliance Report

PR #1577 Removed the 'spinner' from input type number

PR #1579 Changed the message of the modal for rescinding a credit transfer proposal

Technical Information

This release has been applied on Dev Oct 29 2019


24 Oct 17:44
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v1.5.15 Pre-release

Operational Notes

python load_ops_data api/fixtures/operational/

Pull Requests

PR #1552 Modal Warnings for Creating a Compliance Report

Modal Warning when creating a compliance report when one is already submitted for that compliance period
Modal Warning when going to the summary page and the values needed to be adjusted
Submit button disabled when a compliance report has been submitted for that compliance period
Fixed lag in Schedule A and C

PR #1556 Added credit balance on credit transfers. Added disclaimer in credit …

Changed the link in the Dashboard Container so Creating a Compliance Report
Added Credit Balances in the credit transaction detail page
Added disclaimer in the credit transaction detail page

PR #1565 Exclusion report supplemental reporting

Added exclusion report supplemental reporting including history and changelogs

PR #1558 Some message and label changes for PVR

Changed some labels
Changed modal messages
Moved new pvr button to secure file submissions
Removed Compliance Reporting Materials
Set Milestone Evidence as the default
Added Credit Balance for bceid

PR #1564 Automatically set email based on bceid email if left blank

Label changes
Automatically copy bceid email to the email field when email is left blank

Implemented Trello Cards

PR #1552 Modal Warnings for Creating a Compliance Report

PR #1556 Added credit balance on credit transfers. Added disclaimer in credit …

PR #1565 Exclusion report supplemental reporting

PR #1558 Some message and label changes for PVR

PR #1564 Automatically set email based on bceid email if left blank

Technical Information

This release was deployed on Test Oct 24 2019.


21 Oct 22:11
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v1.5.14 Pre-release

Operational Notes

python load_ops_data api/fixtures/operational/

Pull Requests

PR #1544 Updated schedule c instructions. Disabled two options from expected use

Updated schedule c instructions as noted in the card
Set expiration dates to Aviation and National Defence to disable them

PR #1548 Summary additional lines

Changes to the summary page so that it no longer restricts itself with heating oil
Changes to the summary page to include Schedule C
Fixed a bug with the snapshot not displaying the description for Fuel Code, Provision and Unit of Measure
Fixed a bug where commas in the input fields in Summary causes the page to return blank
Fixed title vanishing after saving
Fixed flicker with the submit button in Compliance Report
Line 7, 9, 18 and 20 in the summary page now editable
Fixed state management issues when creating a supplemental report
Fixed fuel code not allowing negative values

Database Migrations


Implemented Trelo Card

PR #1544 Updated schedule c instructions. Disabled two options from expected use

PR #1548 Summary additional lines

Technical Information

This release has not been deployed.


10 Oct 22:43
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v1.5.13 Pre-release


v1.5.13 was deployed on test through branch tfrs-v1.5.13-branch. The pipeline jenkinsfile was updated in order to run unit test properly. The change is applied on v1.5.14 as well.

Pull Requests

PR #1541 Reporting Tab

Updated Report tab for Exclusion Reporting so it looks more similar to the one in Compliance Report
Updated the validation logic in the assessment
Moved instructions outside of the collapsible box

PR #1542 Fix the validation for the compliance reporting

Slight revert for the changes for compliance reporting to fix validation
Added more checks to make sure that it doesn't throw an error when loading an assessment

Technical Information

This release was deployed on Dev Oct 10 2019
This release was deployed on Test Oct 21 2019


09 Oct 22:44
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v1.5.12 Pre-release

Pull Requests

PR #1540 Fixed summary page and exclusion report

Fixed issue with summary page
Temporary fix for broken exclusion report

Technical Information

This release was deployed on Dev Oct 9 2019


09 Oct 18:47
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v1.5.11 Pre-release

PR #1537 Supplemental acceptance

Accept supplemental reports, and generate credit transactions appropriately to validate/reduce the net credit change
Turn off DJANGO_DEVELOPMENT mode by default (can still be turned on with environment)

PR #1539 Schedule D Instructions

Added schedule d instructions
Fixed schedule b instructions always showing up on all schedules

Implemented Trello Cards

PR #1539 Schedule D Instructions

Technical Information

This release was deployed on Dev Oct 9 2019.