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## Literate progamming
This repository uses literate programming. The ultimate source for all documents including this *readme* is an [emacs]( [org-mode]( file in the root directory. It utilizes the [babel]( tooling.
## Text presentation of source code
The literate presentation of this project is available as a *Github page* at








tree search

goal p




infinite binary tree

finite binary tree

depth first search

breadth first search




auto-generation header

This file was autogenerated using org-babel-tangle
on the literate programming document located in the
root directory of the git repository.


Back in 2014, I tried taking Pascal Van Hentenryck’s Coursera course on Discreet Optimization. It was well over my head, but I feel like I learned a lot watching the videos and trying unsuccessfully to complete the early assignments. Later I came across {Norvig’s Book}.

create link for {Norvig’s Book}.END Much of Van Hentenryck’s course is what was once artificial intelligence. The first important topic is search. Although I had written depth first and breadth first search algorithms in Racket for Tim Roughgarden’s Alogorithms Design and Analysis course on Coursera, I didn’t understand how to manipulate the implementation. {Norvig’s Book} has a very clear modular approach to search and provides several techniques to potentially improve its performance.

A Set of Search Tools

Search can be described as [see {Norvig’s Book} section 6.4]:

  • A start state
  • A goal state
  • The successors, or states that can be reached from any other state
  • The strategy for determining the order in which we search

Common Lisp

This is the base implementation since {Norvig’s Book} is informing the design.







tree search

(defun tree-search (states goal-p successors combiner)
  "Find a state that satisfies goal-p. Start with states.
and search according to successors and combiner."
  (dbg :search "~&;; Search: ~a" states)
    ((null states) ;nothing left to search
    ((funcall goal-p (first-states)) ;found a goal state
     (first states))
      (funcall combiner
               (funcall successors (first states))
               (rest states))
      goal-p successors combiner))))


One of the things Common Lisp emphasizes is good names. A good name for a predicate generator is is …depending on how ‘is’ is defined.

(defun is (value)
  #'(lambda (x) (eql x value)))





As always, Common Lisp has a way of challenging me. Rather than defining a data set to search, Norvig defines a binary tree with a function. Although now that I think about it, that’s how we really want to think about search – we want to think about search over a stream that might be infinite rather than a haystack of fixed size. Even when the stream of possible solutions is bounded, combinatorial explosion produces a solution space that is for practical purposes equivalent to an infinite one.

(defun binary-tree (x)
  (list (* 2 x) (+ 1 (* 2 x))))

For testing it makes sense to have a finite binary tree as well. Again, the tree is generated with a function (that’s the idea of successors), but it prunes the successors that don’t meet the criteria. The important point here, is that =successor= does the pruning. That was hard to see when I was trying to right these functions previously.

(defun finite-binary-tree (n)
  "Return a successor function that generates a binary tree with n nodes."
  #'(lambda (x)
      (remove-if #'(lambda (child) (> child n))
                 (binary-tree x))))

depth first search

(defun depth-first-search (start goal-p successors)
  "Search new states first until goal is reached."
  (tree-search (list start) goal-p successors #'append))

breadth first search

The difference between depth first and breadth first search is that earlier successors are searched before later successors. To create this, use a simple analog to append.

(defun prepend (x y)
  "Prepend y to the start of x."
  (append y x))

Defining a breadth first search from tree search becomes:

(defun breadth-first-search (start goal-p successors)
  "Search oldest states first until goal is reached."
  (tree-search (list start) goal-p successors #'prepend))





auto-generation header

;;; This file was autogenerated using org-babel-tangle
;;; on the literate programming document located in the
;;; root directory of the git repository.








tree search

def tree_search(states, goal_p, successors, combiner):
    """Find a state that satisfies goal_p. Start with states and search according to successors and combiner."""
    if not states:
        return fail
    elif goal_p(states[0]):
        return states[0]
        tree_search(combiner(successors(first states), rest(states)), goal_p, successors, combiner)

goal p




infinite binary tree

finite binary tree

depth first search

breadth first search




auto-generation header

"""This file was autogenerated using org-babel-tangle
on the literate programming document located in the
root directory of the git repository."""
