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Project Description

This tool was developed as the final project of the "Wireless Network" course @ Università degli Studi di Milano. Our professor asked us to develop something interesting, innovative and creative regarding wireless technologies that we have studied during his coursework. I decided to create a small framework that will automate some of the tipical phases of the procedure that penetration testers or security experts have to perform in order to make a correct wireless network assessment.

Technical Details

Wireless Mayhem is a python framework developed to automate wireless discovery and exploitation.

Main Features

  • Sniffing tools
  • Fake Access Point based attacks
  • Modular and scalable approach
  • Easy to custom

What can I do with Wireless Mayhem Framework (WMF)

Thanks to Wireless Mayhem Framework you can automate some steps of the wireless assessment procedure:

  • DISCOVER: the WMF integration with airodump-ng can find out any Wireless network that is near to you and provide a user friendly output in order to speed up the reconnaissance and discovery phases.
  • ATTACK & CRACK: WMF implements a Fake AP using the hostapd-wpe software which, for example, is able to simulate a PEAP-WPA Enterprise network Access Point and intercept passwords hashes; it can be also configured to instantiate a simple fake AP useful for many other attacks.
  • ASSESS: WMF actually provides three different sniffer filters based on regular expressions and python's scapy library; with this configuration you only have to choose what you want to sniff and then launch the tool.



Based on my personal experience with wifi penetration testing, I suggest you buying this external wifi antenna:

However any kynd of wireless network adapter, if capable of packet injection, should work well, just check the compatibilty list here:

WMF Setup (on Debian)


Building instruction from the official repository:

$ git clone

Ubuntu/Debian/Kali Building:

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install libssl-dev libnl-dev

If you're using Kali 2.0 install:

$ apt-get install libssl-dev libnl-genl-3-dev

Now apply the hostapd-wpe.patch:

$ git clone
$ wget
$ tar -zxf hostapd-2.6.tar.gz
$ cd hostapd-2.6
$ patch -p1 < ../hostapd-wpe/hostapd-wpe.patch
$ cd hostapd

If you're using Kali 2.0 edit .config file and uncomment:

$ make

I copied the certs directory and scripts from FreeRADIUS to ease that portion of things.
You should just be able to:

$ cd ../../hostapd-wpe/certs
$ ./bootstrap

Then finally just:

$ cd ../../hostapd-2.6/hostapd
$ sudo ./hostapd-wpe hostapd-wpe.conf
$ pip install scapy
$ sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng

Clone and Launch

After downloading and installing all the dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd WirelessMayhem
$ sudo python

Deploy New Module

If you want to create your custom module you simple need to put all your stuff and code into a separte python file, import it into the one and add an entry into the "loop-menu".

  • Create file and put it into the Wireless Mayhem folder.
  • Import your module inside adding the following line
  • Add an entry inside the menu for calling your module:
  elif input == '6':
    print G + '[INFO]' + W + ' Starting Fake Access Point'
  elif input == '7':
    print G + '[INFO]' + W + ' Starting example'

Final Presentation Slide


Screenshots & Video Demo

Main Menu

Access Point Discovery

Discovery Output

VIDEO Sniffing FTP Credentials

FTP credential Sniffing

VIDEO Fake Access Point to Steal User Credentials

FTP credential Sniffing