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244 lines (180 loc) · 11.8 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.18.0] 2022-11-01

This is a backwards incompatible rewrite.


  • A new dimension symbol.
  • Support for multiple outputs in each process.
  • A new mini language ccml and interpreter for easily specifying initial chunks & rules.
  • The dev module, collecting tools and resources relevant for developing new components.
  • Visualization and inspection tools.
  • New processes: NAM, Drives


  • Renamed several classes in base; basic design is preserved.
  • Replaced construct symbols with URI strings in a majority of cases. Construct symbols still used as numdict keys for features, chunks and rules. Even in these cases, the design has been heavily revised.
  • Integrated Domain and Interface functionality into Process objects.
  • Simplified Process objects. Most notably, call() now expects a list of numdicts instead of a mapping.
  • Rewrote nearly all previous components with simplified implementations. Variable component parameters now passed through inputs to call.
  • Chunk and rule databases are now full-fledged Process objects.
  • Completely rewrote numdicts.


  • Native QNet support.

[0.17.1] (2022-02-09)


  • Domain.disjoint(*domains) for checking if domains are mutually disjoint.
  •, *domains) to check if domains support self.
  •, *cdbs) to check if cdbs support self.
  • Chunks.enforce_support(self, *domains) context manager to ensure that chunks are built out of domain features.
  • Rules.enforce_support(self, *cdbs) context manager to ensure that rules are built out of predefined chunks.
  • ActionRules now has a threshold parameter.
  • GoalStay communicates previous goal information in dedicated features.


  • ChunkExtractor no longer ensures chunk form uniqueness.
  • Adjusted defaults for buffer and goal stay interfaces.


  • Goal chunk invocation on resumption GoalStay would change the order in which goals are executed (away from FILO order). Removed for more consistent behavior.
  • A bug in Pruned caused it to excluded expected construct type instead of including it.

[v0.17.0] (2021-01-28)


  • BLAs.prune(), which removes BLA records below threshold.
  • Automatic symbolic address expansion.


  • CompositeProcess renamed to Composite
  • WrappedProcess renamed to Wrapped
  • FeatureDomain and SimpleDomain replaced with Domain
  • FeatureInterface and SimpleInterface replaced with Interface
  • ReinforcementDomain renamed to Reinforcements
  • Simplified implementation and control interfaces for ParamSet, Register, RegisterArray, GoalStay
  • Process input types now Mapping[Any, NumDict]. This is a compromise. The ideal would be to set keys to be of type SymbolicAddress. However, SymbolicAddress is a union type and Mapping is invariant in its key type, therefore being explicit about the key type is prone to false alarms.


  • ControlledExtractor

[v0.16.0] (2021-01-17)


  • Optional blas argument to Register and RegisterArray, supporting BLA based deletion of stored entries.
  • New construct type updater for constructs solely dedicated to update processes (e.g., for databases, or due to sequencing requirements).
  • Automatic activation sequence generation at assembly time: Structure instances now step member constructs in roughly the order they were added to the structure.
  • CompositeProcess and WrappedProcess classes for simplifying compositional component definitions.
  • Construct input structure checking and automated input extraction (see Process.check_inputs() and Process.extract_inputs()).


  • Constructs now connect directly to each other.
  • Replaced SymbolTries in inputs and outputs with flat mappings from symbolic addresses to numdicts.
  • Renamed BLADrivenStrengths to BLAStrengths
  • Combined BLAInvocationTracker and BLADrivenDeleter into BLAMaintainer
  • Renamed ReniforcementMap to ReinforcementDomain.
  • Replaced Component, Emitter, Propagator with Process.
  • Former Updater components recast as Process components serving updater constructs.
  • Realizers now structurally immutable (see removed for list of removed methods.). Behavior can still be modified by replacing emitters, but constructs may not be added or removed after initial assembly.
  • Streamlined realizer construction; use of with syntax encouraged exclusively:
    • Several Realizer methods now protected: offer(), accepts(), finalize_assembly()
    • Several Structure methods now protected: add(), update_links(), offer(), finalize_assembly()


  • SymbolTrie
  • RegisterArrayBLAUpdater, added BLA support to Register and RegisterArray instead (see added)
  • Updater and all child abstractions.
  • Cycle and all child classes and submodule components.cycles.
  • Separate update cycle; stepping constructs now issues calls to a single stepping function only (step() for basic constructs).
  • Removed realizer mutation methods:
    • Several Realizer methods: drop(), clear_inputs()
    • Several Structure methods: __delitem__(), remove(), clear(), drop(), clear_inputs(), clear_links(), reweave()

[0.15.0] (2020-12-24)


  • Runtime checkable generic protocol SymbolTrie
  • New differentiable op tanh in numdicts.ops.
  • Functions squeeze, with_default, val_max, val_min, all_val, any_val in numdicts.funcs
  • Compact rule definitions; enabled by nested use of Chunks.define and Rules.define (see Changed).
  • Delete requests for Chunk, Rule, and BLA databases.
  • GoalStay propagator for maintaining and coordinating goals.
  • BLADrivenStrengths propagator for determining chunk (and other construct) strengths based on their BLAs.
  • MSCycle, experimental activation cycle for motivational subsystem


  • Type Inputs to SymbolTrie[NumDict] to be more precise.
  • renamed Chunks.define() and returns a chunk.
  • renamed Rules.define() and returns a rule.
  • For Chunks and Rules: request_update renamed to request_add, resolve_update_requests renamed step
  • BLAs.update() renamed BLAs.step()


  • Structure output type.
  • PullFunc output type.
  • PullFuncs output type.
  • Incorrect filtering behaviour for MutableNumDict.keep() and MutableNumDict.drop().
  • Pruned.preprocess()


  • BLAs.request_reset()

[0.14.0] (2020-12-16)


  • Several additions to components subpackage, including:
    • chunks_ submodule defining chunk databases and several related components.
    • rules submodule defining rule databases and several related components.
    • qnets submodule defining SimpleQNet and ReinforcementMap for building simple Q-learning models.
    • buffers submodule defnining buffer propagators ParamSet, Register, and RegisterArray.
    • blas defining BLA databases and some basic related updaters.
  • Various quality of life improvements including:
    • Use of with statements to automate adding constructs to containers.
    • assets attribute for Structure objects for storing datastructures shared by multiple components of the parent realizer (e.g, chunk database may be shared by updaters).
    • utils.pprint submodule which extends stdlib pprint to handle some pyClarion objects.
  • Examples,,,
  • New construct types and symbols for rules, feature/chunk pools, and preprocessing flows.
  • numdicts subpackage, providing dictionaries that support numerical operations and automatic differentiation.
  • base.components submodule defining basic abstractions for components:
    • Component, Emitter, Updater abstractions for specifying components and setting up links.
    • Propagator and Cycle classes for specifying activation propagation procedures for Construct and Structure instances.
    • Assets, a simple namespace object for holding structure assets.
    • FeatureDomain, FeatureInterface, SimpleDomain, SimpleInterface for structuring specification of feature domains and feature driven control of components


  • Reorganzied library. The basic design has persisted, but almost everything else has changed. Expect no backwards compatibility. Some notable changes include:
    • ConstructSymbol replaced with new Symbol class.
    • Old construct realizer classes simplified and replaced:
      • Structure class for containers
      • Construct class for basic constructs.
    • Realizers and propagators all modified to emit and operate on numdicts, as defined by numdicts submodule.
    • Individual chunk and feature nodes no longer explicitly represented, instead use of feature pools is encouraged.


  • Circular imports.

[0.13.1] (2019-03-07)


  • SimpleFilterJunction for filtering flow/response inputs.
  • ConstructType.NullConstruct alias for empty flag value.


  • Python version requirement dropped down to >=3.6.
  • Reworked examples/ to be more detailed and more clear.
  • Replaced all is checks on flags and construct symbols with == checks.


  • ConstructRealizer could not be initialized due to failing construct symbol check and botched __slots__ configuration.
  • BasicConstructRealizer.clear_activations() may throw attribute errors when realizer has already been cleared or has no output.
  • SimpleNodeJunction would not recognize a construct symbol of the same form as its stored construct symbol. This caused nodes to fail to output activations. Due to use of is in construct symbol checks (should have used ==).



  • CategoricalSelector object for categorical choices (essentially a boltzmann selector but on log strengths).
  • ConstructRealizer.clear_activations() for resetting agent/construct output state.
  • multiindexing for ContainerConstructRealizer members.
  • functions make_realizer, make_subsystem, make_agent for initializing empty realizers from symbolic templates.
  • ConstructRealizer.ready() method signaling whether realizer initalization is complete.
  • ConstructRealizer.missing() and ContainerConstructRealizer.missing_recursive() for identifying missing realizer components.
  • SubsystemRealizer and AgentRealizer automatically connect member realizers upon insertion (using data present in members' construct symbols) and disconnect them upon deletion.
  • BufferRealizer.propagate() docs now contain a warning about potential unexpected/unwanted behavior.


  • Microfeature renamed to Feature for brevity and to better reflect theory.
  • ContainerConstructRealizer properties now return lists instead of iterables for easier interactive inspection. Generators still acssessible through iterator methods such as realizer.iter_ctype() and realizer.items_ctype().
  • Improved str and repr outputs for construct symbols and realizers.
  • SimpleBoltzmannSelector renamed BoltzmannSelector
  • Additional ConstructRealizer subclass initialization arguments now optional.
  • Behavior, Buffer and Response factories assign BehaviorID, BufferID, and ResponseID tuples as construct identifiers.
  • Appraisal construct renamed Response to avoid association with appraisal theory.


  • Simplified BasicConstructRealizer initialization and data model.
  • Bug in SubsystemRealizer allowing connections between constructs that should not be linked.
  • Bug in ConstantSource allowing mutation of output activation packets.


  • Dependency on numpy.