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🧮 OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)

Screenshot of Coεmeta's 2022 Q1 OKRs (link to full sheet, see open-access templates below)

(70% is a conventional OKR target, with consistently higher performance indicating too little ambition & stretch goal-setting, but this can obviously be calibrated by context & custom as appropriate.)

Get Coεmeta's Quarterly OKR Templates:

(open-access & CC BY, feel free to copy & use / adapt!):

About OKRs

Objectives & Key Results or OKRs are a goal-setting framework native to Silicon Valley & made popular (or notorious) by Google. They've become much maligned & parodied, probably due to being misused, overused & abused.

But ultimately OKRs are about as simple & lightweight a container as imaginable for defining strategic Objectives & assigning a few measurable Results which should represent concrete progress towards the goal. Given this simplicity & flexibility, the devil has lots of room to lurk in the details & implementation.

But we've used OKRs productively both personally & within work teams, & developed 2 custom Google Sheet templates tailored to our particular use.

Coεmeta OKRs by quarter

We find 3x3 OKRs (3 Objectives with 3 Key Results each) to be optimally elegant & robust — for aesthetic, numerological & practical reasons.

2022 Q1 Key Result 1 Key Result 2 Key Result 3
Objective 1: Infinite game engine (stabilize P&L) Hit revenue break-even point by end Q1 Test & assess 3 revenue strategies / tactics: (Web 3, Patronage, Solopreneur-focus OR Packaged services + outreach) Set money mgmt plan
Objective 2: Find the others (grow network & relations) Add 50 frens to CRM Build 3 org / group alliances 2 collabs + 6 exchanges
Objective 3: Serve & grow the game (commons, game~B) 5 Client outcomes / impacts / testimonials Ship 8 poasts & 3 tools Reach 800 ppl across platforms

2022 Q2 Key Result 1 Key Result 2 Key Result 3
Objective 1: Infinite game engine (stabilize P&L) Maintain net profit thru Q2 Test & assess 3 revenue strategies / tactics: (Patronage, Packaged services + outreach, Web 3 OR Solopreneur resources) Set money mgmt plan
Objective 2: Find the others (grow network & relations) Call & steward 2 crews 2 collabs + 6 exchanges Explore partnerships, apprenticeship etc to scale client work
Objective 3: Serve & grow the game (commons, game~B) 5 Client outcomes / impacts / testimonials Ship 4 poasts & 3 tools Reach 800 ppl across platforms

2022 Q3 Key Result 1 Key Result 2 Key Result 3
Objective 1: Infinite game engine (maintain P&L) Maintain net profit thru Q3 Stabilize earn at 4x burn (costs), & rate >= 100 Set money mgmt plan
Objective 2: Find the others (grow network & relations) Steward & sustain crew 2 collabs + 6 exchanges Ramp up partnerships / apprenticeship to scale client work. target: 10% of freelance time supplemented
Objective 3: Serve & grow the game (commons, game~B) 5 Client outcomes / impacts / testimonials Ship 4 poasts & 3 tools Reach 800 ppl across platforms

... (skipped 2 quarters due to circumstances, see corresponding Public Work Log entries: 1, 2)

2023 Q2 Key Result 1 Key Result 2 Key Result 3
Objective 1: Infinite game engine (revenue strategy) Sustain & share / reinvest past harvest Sow seeds for alt income strategies Set money mgmt plan
Objective 2: Find the others (grow network & relations) 3 hrs / week engaging w allied communities / platforms convos with 9 folks re: indie mutual aid platform Steward & sustain (& expand?) crew
Objective 3: Serve & grow the game (commons, game~B) Spec & prototype indie mutual aid platform mvp 9 pod / vod convos Ship 3 poasts & 3 tools

2023 Q3 Key Result 1 Key Result 2 Key Result 3
Objective 1: Infinite game engine (revenue strategy) Sustain & share / reinvest past harvest Sow seeds for alt income strategies Generate 3 paying projects from other pillar activities
Objective 2: Find the others (grow network & relations) 3 hrs / week engaging w allied communities / platforms convos with 9 folks re: indie mutual aid platform Steward & sustain (& expand?) crew
Objective 3: Serve & grow the game (commons, game~B) Spec & prototype indie mutual aid platform mvp 9 pod / vod convos Ship 3 poasts & 3 tools

Links to full sheets with evalutions, etc: