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Releases: crest-cassia/oacis


25 May 07:50
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Feature Enhancements

  • New CLIs to create an analyzer.
  • display html reuslt files in iframe
  • you can rename an existing simulator

UI improvements

  • Fix the performance problem of auto-reload in progress page.
  • Fix the style of forms for firefox

Bug fixes

  • create indexes of DB when launching OACIS
  • invalid field is created in a Host document


16 Feb 01:37
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Feature Enhancements

  • Add new CLIs "destroy_runs_by_ids", "replace_runs_by_ids", "destroy_analyses_by_ids", and "replace_analyses_by_ids".
  • Show path to the directory of Simulator, PS, Run, and Analysis in JSON.

UI improvements

  • show number of runs in a tooltip
  • Show/hide column status of the PS table is saved in web storage
  • performance improvement when loading a page with multiple tabs

Bug fixes

  • fixed a performance issue when displaying JSON of PS having many runs
  • fixed a bug that we cannot create a simulator having the same name as that of a simulator being destroyed


15 Jan 06:38
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Feature Enhancements

  • Show information of documents (Simulators, ParameterSets, Runs, Analyzers, Analyses) in JSON format.
    • By using JSON information, you can search a document by your script.
    • Click "Show in JSON" button.

UI improvements

  • switch the visibility of a column in the table of ParameterSets
  • Host#show page is displayed immediately. Check of SSH connection is executed by an AJAX event.
  • result files of analyses for PS are shown in "analysis" tab in the page of PS.
  • show analysis_parameters in Run#show page.
  • Progress page is auto-reloaded.

Bug fixes

  • analysis parameter is not properly set to an analysis
  • Analysis#input_files returns nil if PS has no finished runs
  • Analysis is not destroyed properly under a certain condition.

For the full list of updates, please see the following page.


21 Dec 04:15
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Bug fixes

  • #412
  • seed is not set when simulator#support_iput_json is false


16 Dec 05:47
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Feature Enhancements

  • You can specify the input files that need to be copied for analysis.
    • Only the specified files are copied to _input directory for analysis, which improves the speed of preparation for analyses.
  • "sequential seed” option was added to Simulator.
    • Enable this option when you would like to use the same sequence of random number seeds for different parameter sets.
    • When this option is enabled, the random number seed assigned by OACIS is the smallest natural number in each parameter set, i.e., seeds are set sequentially like 1, 2, 3, … for each parameter set.
  • CLI “create_analyses” accepts “job_parameters” option
    • When you create analyses by CLI, you can specify job parameters by “-j” option.
      • Job parameter is the parameter which must be specified for each analysis, such as “submitted_to”, “mpi procs”, and “omp threads”.
    • Format of job parameters is same as that for “create_runs” CLI.
  • When you execute an analysis on run, you can get the random number seed used for the run.
    • The random number seed is written in _input.json as well as other parameters.

UI improvements

  • Page for logs are added.
    • You can find the logs of the worker at the log page. You can find what is going on in the background more easily.
  • Result files for runs or analyses are now sorted in alphabetical order.

Bug fixes

  • When creating PS by CLI, float parameter values are incorrectly casted to integers.

For the full list of updates, please see the following page.


17 Nov 09:10
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Bug fixes

  • canceled job are not removed from the job scheduler properly


13 Nov 05:07
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Feature Enhancements

  • OAICS_RUN_ID is exported as an environment variables

UI improvements

show result files in a deeper directory
show result files of analyses together with results of the run

Bug fixes

  • Duplicate parameter sets can be created by CLI
  • canceled job are not removed from the job scheduler

For the full list of updates, please see the following page.


13 Oct 02:40
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We are pleased to announce the release of version 2.0.0!
This is a major version up including a bunch of new features, new UIs, improved performance, and bug fixes. Try using brand-new OACIS!

Contact address

We prepared a maling list for you to contact the developers.
Send an e-mail to oacis-dev _at_ for questions, enhance requests, and bug reports.

to upgrade from v1 (Important!)

  • To upgrade to version2, you need to set up "XSUB" environment on the remote hosts.
    • In version 1, host has "scheduler type" field which specifies the type of job schedulers (such as Torque). This field is no longer used in OACIS v2, and OACIS supports only xsub schedulers.
    • XSUB is a wrapper script which absorbs the difference of job schedulers. It must be installed on the remote host in advance. Please see for installation.
  • Supported Ruby version is upgraded to 2.2.0 or later.
    • Please install the latest Ruby on your machine. Ruby 1.9.3 (which was officially supported OACIS v1) is no longer supported and will not work.
  • Analyzer is executable on remote host using SSH in a similar way as simulators.
    • In version 1, analyzer is executed on the server where OACIS is running.
    • In version 2, it is executed on the remote host. So you need to specify the hosts on which an analzyer is executable. Please "Edit" analyzer and specify the host.
    • If your analyzer is executed using "auto-run" function, it does not run automatically unless you specify the remote host. Please "Edit" analyzer and specify "Auto-run submitted to" field.

Docker - a NEW way to introduce OACIS

We prepared a docker image for OACIS for much better installability. Docker is a light-weight virtual machine environment. (
Either on Windows, Mac, or Linux, you can start using OACIS quickly.
For the installation, please see the crest-cassia/oacis_docker.

Feature Enhancements

  • Analyzer can be executed on remote hosts.
  • set random number seeds when creating runs by CLI

UI improvements

  • Different UI theme is adopted.
  • Response speed has been much improved.
  • sort tables by more than two columns.
    • By "shift + click" multiple headers of the table, you can sort data according to multiple columns.
  • The elapsed time to create multiple PSs becomes much faster.
  • When SSH connection fails, error messages is shown in Run#show page.
  • add link to English document

Bug fixes

The following bugs are fixed.

  • Fails to boot when "log" directory does not exist.
  • When SSH connection fails, the run is regarded as failed.
  • Position of tooltip in the plot view is not correct.
  • In some environment, elapsed time is not properly parsed.
  • Incorrect HTTP request was sent to the server.
  • Default values of MPI procs and OMP threads are not properly saved.
  • CLI commands shown in UI can be wrong.
  • Job error handling is not proper when xsub fails.
  • Scheduler can make errors when work directory is deleted.


19 Jun 07:14
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Bug fixes

  • registering host with xsub scheduler type may fail


08 Jan 03:49
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Bug fixes

  • log directory is not created