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a mavproxy-like tool in Node.js

first time only:

npm install

run it

node mav-agent.js

Its only notable features right now is that it's the only JavaScript in the world that supports Mavlink2 packet-signing. :-)

Longer Version on how to run it...


  • You need to also run some sort of ArduPilot SITL( which listens for a connection on TCP port 5760):

  • you need to have 'node' installed in the usual manner and in your path, so running 'node' works. Tested with node version v12.18.2 , but any similar/recent should probably be ok.


  • be sure yuou have MissionPlanner installed, and have run a plane/copter simulation at least once.

open a cmd.exe then type:

  • tweak to suit wherever MissionPlanner put your SITL binaries
cd "Documents\Mission Planner\sitl\" 
ArduPlane.exe --model plane

open another cmd.exe then type:

  • tweak to suit wherever u have the sources for this
cd "Documents\MAVAgent\" 
npm install
node mav-agent.js


in terminal 1:

  • tweak to suit wherever wherever u have the sources for it
cd ~/ardupilot/
./waf configure
./waf plane
./build/sitl/bin/arduplane --model plane

in terminal 2:

  • tweak to suit wherever wherever u have the sources for this
cd ~/MAVAgent/
npm install
node mav-agent.js

Available commands:
q  - Quit
h  - this Help text

d            - Debug Dump of MAVLink20Processor and MAVLinkSigning objects, full stats and highlighting.

a            - load All avail modules
m            - list loaded Modules

b            - load 'Better' module, demo, etc ,it will try to ARM your vehicle and keep it armed.
ub           - Unload 'Better' module , might want to do this before usig 'ss' 

s            - load 'Signing' module, which reports on signing events/status.
ss [secret]  - Setup Signing, quite complex, but tries to DISARM, then activate SIGNING on this connection
uu           - Deactivate Signing on this connection (uu undoes the work of ss )
us           - Unload 'Signing' module

p            - fetch all params from vehicle into local list
ps [word]    - show a subset of params that match the given word/pattern (eg STAT), or the entire list

gm [1]       - Get Mission from drone and save to file ./gotmission1.js etc  Works for 1,2,3
sm [1]       - Send Mission to drone from local file ./gotmission1.js etc  Works for 1,2,3

Example start-up output:

$ node mav-agent.js 
Vehicle-Backbone is initialized
Client: connection established with server
---------client details -----------------
Client is connected and recieving on local port: 50070
Client ip :
Client is IP4/IP6 : IPv4
>found mavlink2 header
selected current vehicle as:1
Vehicle-Backbone is initialized
Set Stream Rates =4
Got first PARSED MSG from sysid:1 src:, mav-proto:2. Not repeating this. 
>streamrate changed 111 p/s
{ mode: 'MANUAL', armed: false }

--Got a MODE-CHANGE message from tcp
... with armed-state: false and sysid: 1 and mode: MANUAL