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Linux Process


What is process?

An instance of an executing program.

What is thread?

An execution flow of the process.

  • Process vs. Thread
    • Similarity
      • Threads share CPU like process. (and only one thread active (running) at a time)
      • If one thread is blocked, another thread can run
    • Difference
      • Threads are not independent of one another
      • Threads are design to assist one other

        Process might not because it may originate from different users

      • All threads can access every address in the task

Process in Linux

4 Properties of Process

  1. Different process may share the same code.
    • Like you open a application multiple times
  2. Process has its own system heap stack space
    • The "private property"
  3. PCB (task_struct in Linux), a data structure to record a state of a process
    • Make process to be a unit for kernel scheduling
    • Also recording all the resource occupy by a process
  4. Process has independent storage, i.e. special user space.

Without the 4th condition, then call Thread

  • Completely without user space => kernel thread
  • Share user space => user thread

Thread in Linux

From the aspect of kernel, there is no concept of threads in Linux

  • No scheduling for threads
  • No data structure to represent a thread (unlike task_struct for process)

Linux kernel does not priovide any special scheduling semantics or data structure to represent threads

(A thread is merely a process that shares certain resources with other processes)

Light-weight Process

Allow both parent and the child process to share many per-process kernel data structures

Between lightweight process, they can share some resources

  • Address spce
  • Opened file
  • ...

User Thread

POSIX Standard

Implementation of Thread in Linux

Kernel Thread

  • No user space address
  • ...

Process Implementation in Linux

Process Descriptor

PCB Process Control Block: Contain all the information related to a single process

  • opened files
  • the process's address space
  • pending signals
  • the process's state
  • ...



A process descriptor keep track of:

  • Process attributes
  • Process relationships
  • Process memory space
  • FIle management
  • Signal management
  • Process credentials
  • Resource limits
  • Scheduling related fields

Kernel Stack


Identifying a Process

current MACRO:

  • get the process descriptor pointer of the currently running on CPU
  • different implement on different architectures


  • Global ID: The only one ID for kernel itself and initial name space
  • Local ID: The ID which belongs to a specific name space

    Container (docker): Namespace and Cgroups

    • struct upid: pid in namespace

Process Group and Session

Process State

linux process state

  • linux/sched.h
      • in Ready Queue
      • in CPU
      • suspended (sleeping)
      • until some condition becomes true or it receives a signal (back to TASK_RUNNING)
      • suspended (sleeping) (like TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE)
      • but only signal can wake it up
      • stopped by a debugger
      • final state
      • process exit but haven't cleaned all the state structure

Process Family Tree

  • All process are descendents of the init process (PID = 1)
    • Statically allocated as init_task
    • Kernel starts init process in the last step of the boot process
  • Every process P has
    • One parent: struct task_struct *parent
      • Real_parent: process created P or init process (process 1), if the parent process no longer exists
      • Parent: current parent of P
    • Zero or more children: struct list_head children
  • Siblings: parent's direct children: struct list_head sibling

The relationships stored in the process descriptor

$ pstree

Process Creation

In traditional UNIX

  • fork(): create a child process that is a copy of the current task
    • Resources owne by the parent process are duplicated in the child process
    • Difference --> Process creation very slow and inefficient => solved in modern UNIX
      • PID
      • parent PID
      • certain resources
      • statistics (e.g. pending signals)

In modern UNIX


Process Creation System Call (fork(), vfork(), clone())

Process Creation System Call

  • fork()
    • Copy all the resources (use COW) but not sharing
    • clone(SIGCHLD, 0)
  • vfork()
    • Share the code before calling the exec() or exit()
    • clone(CLONE_VFORK | CLONE_VM | SIGCHLD, 0)

sys_fork(), sys_vfork() and sys_clone() all call do_fork() (defined in kernel/fork.c)

do_fork() call copy_process()

The copy_process() function sets up the process descriptor and any other kernel data structure required for a child's execution.

# Ubuntu docker
$ ps aux
root         1  1.0  0.1  18504  3188 pts/0    Ss   06:30   0:00 /bin/bash
root        13  0.0  0.1  34396  2744 pts/0    R+   06:30   0:00 ps aux


 The biggest change is in the interpretation of the -u option, which now displays processes belonging to the specified username(s).  Thus, "ps -aux" will fail
 (unless you want to know about user "x").  As a convenience, however, "ps aux" still works as it did in Tiger.
$ sleep 10 &
[1] 14180

# PPID = Parent PID
$ ps -f
  UID   PID  PPID   C STIME   TTY           TIME CMD
  502   523   522   0  2:05PM ttys003    0:01.22 -zsh
  502 14180   523   0 10:34AM ttys003    0:00.01 sleep 10

[1]  + 14180 done       sleep 10

Create Thread

It's similar with create normal process (call clone())

Thread Group

Create Kernel Thread

  • kernel_thread
  • kthread_create
    • kthreadd --> create_kthread -> kernel_thread
  • kthread_run
    • call kthread_create() and wake immediately

Process Switch

  • Process Context
    • User space
      • code
      • data
      • user stack and heap
    • Control info
    • Hardware context: Registers
      • in thread_struct (in task_struct)
        • other info.............

switch_to() MACRO: for process swithing

  • #define switch_to(prev, next, last) (in asm/switch_to.h)
    • prev: the current process
    • next: the process to be scheduled
    • last: the process which we're going to switch back

To understand why we need the third parameter last

Process Termination

System calls that terminate a User Mode application

  • exit_group()
    • terminates a full thread group (i.e. a whold multithreaded application)
    • do_group_exit()
    • should be invoked by the exit() C library funciton
  • exit()
    • terminates a single process
    • do_exit()
    • e.g. invoked by the pthread_exit()

Destroying Process


Orphan process: the process which lose its parent process

A Lifetime of a Process

  1. fork()
  2. exec()
  3. exit() or return
  4. wait()



  • Virtual machine
    • independent kernel/user
    • complete environment/user
  • Container based on Namespace
    • multiple namespace for each kernel
    • application level virtualization

Linux Containers (LXC)

  • Namespace
  • Cgroups: as a file system under /sys/fs/cgroup

Structure order

  • Hierarchy
  • Flat


  • Activate while compiling
  • Default namespace => compatibility

Create new process: share namespace with parent or create new namespace

UTS Namespace

UTS stands for UNIX Timesharing System




Understanding Linux Kernel - Ch3 Process

  • Ch3.1 Process Descriptor
    • Ch3.1.1 Process State
    • Ch3.1.2 Identifying a Process
      • Ch3.1.2.3 The current macro
  • Ch3.2 Process Switching
    • Ch3.2.1 Hardware Context
    • Ch3.2.3 The switch_to Macro
  • Ch3.3 Creating Processes
    • Ch3.3.1 The clone(), fork(), and vfork() System Calls
    • Ch3.3.2 Kernel Threads
  • Ch3.4 Destroying Process
