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Command line options & settings

Robert Goldmann edited this page Jun 22, 2023 · 7 revisions

Command line options

Forgot password

If you accidentially forget your password, don't worry. All you have to do is start the BudgetMaster executable with a special command line argument:

java -jar <Path_to_BudgetMaster_executable> --resetPassword

This will reset the password to the default password ("BudgetMaster").

Custom directory

From version 2.4.0 BudgetMaster is supporting a new command line option to override the default save directory, where your settings, database and automatic backups will be stored.

In order to set the save directory to C:/BudgetMaster start BudgetMaster with the following command:
java -jar BudgetMaster.jar --customFolder="C:/BudgetMaster"

Note: The specified path must be absolute!
Note: The specified folder and all parent directories will be created if they do not exist.

Settings via

Server port

  • property: server.port=9000
  • description: Specifies the port for BudgetMaster
  • available since: v2.0.0
  • default: 9000

Database settings

Database type

  • property: budgetmaster.database.type=postgresql
  • description Specifies the database type to use.
  • available since: v2.10.0
  • default: postgresql
  • possible values: postgresql and mariadb (untested)

Database hostmame

  • property: budgetmaster.database.hostname=localhost
  • description Specifies the database hostname to connect to.
  • available since: v2.10.0
  • default: localhost

Database port

  • property: budgetmaster.database.port=5432
  • description Specifies the database port to connect to.
  • available since: v2.10.0
  • default: 5432

Database name

  • property: budgetmaster.database.databaseName=budgetmaster
  • description Specifies the database to connect to.
  • available since: v2.10.0
  • default: budgetmaster

Database user

  • property: budgetmaster.database.username=budgetmaster
  • description Specifies the user for the database connection.
  • available since: v2.10.0
  • default: budgetmaster

Database password

  • property: budgetmaster.database.password=BudgetMaster
  • description Specifies the password for the database connection.
  • available since: v2.10.0
  • default: BudgetMaster

SSL settings

Keystore type

  • property: server.ssl.keyStoreType=PKCS12
  • description Specifies the keystore type to use. DO NOT CHANGE!
  • available since: v2.0.0
  • default: PKCS12

Enable SSL

  • property: server.ssl.enabled=true
  • description: Enables/disables SSL encrypted communication between your browser and the server.
  • available since: v2.0.0
  • default: false

Key store path

  • property: server.ssl.key-store=<path_to_keystore>
  • description*: Specifies the path to the keystore that contains the certificates (How to create certificates). The path can be relative to the location of BudgetMaster jar/exe or absolute.
  • available since: v2.0.0
  • default: <path_to_keystore>

Key store password

  • property: server.ssl.key-store-password=<keystore_password>
  • description: The password for the keystore.
  • available since: v2.0.0
  • default: <keystore_password>

Key store alias

  • property: server.ssl.keyAlias=<keystore_alias>
  • description: A keystore can contain multiple certificates. The alias is used to refer to the correct one.
  • available since: v2.0.0
  • default: <keystore_alias>

Use simple datepicker

  • property: budgetmaster.datepicker.simple=false
  • description: If this option is enabled the default graphical pop-up datepicker is disabled when creating new transactions. Dates need to be entered manually instead. Allowed input formats are DD.MM.YY, DD.MM.YYYY, DDMMYYYY and DDMMYY. If only DD.MM.YY or DDMMYY is inserted the year is automatically converted to XXYY, where XX are the two digits of the current century (e.g. 20 for the years 2000 to 2099) and YY are the entered year value. Note: If using recurring transactions the end date is no longer verified to be after start date.
  • available since: v2.5.0
  • default: false