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119 lines (83 loc) · 3.91 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (83 loc) · 3.91 KB

forex-clock Technical Notes

Makefile usage

  • make build - Builds binary
  • make docs - Generats API documentation. Generated at docs/api-output.html. Open via browser.
  • make get - Gathers external packages.
  • make release - Triggers release of version
  • make run - Runs application by existing built binary.


API endpoints (methods and request / responses) are defined as part of an API Blueprint document at /docs/api.apib. To view, generate the documentation and visit docs/api-output.html in a browser.

Generating API docs

To generate API docs:

make docs

which is based on the docs/api.apib file. Output can be viewed by opening docs/api-output.html in a browser.


Configuration using

See for an explination of how configuration values are determined based on the priority of the source:

  • default values

Example: Username string json:"username" env:"DB_USERNAME" default:"forex-clock"where the defaultDB_USERNAME` value is "forex-clock"

  • JSON configuration file

Configuration files like this are not normally used in non-development environments, but are a convenient way to develop locally without having to set a ton of environment variables.

NOTE: Set configurator.ConfigLocation (ConfigLocation = EnvPrefix + "CONFIG") to the path including filename to the matching environment varable. This can be done at the commend line with:

FOREXCLOCK_CONFIG="<path outside of app repo>/forex-clock_CONFIG.json"

as well for IDE debuging in the environment settings for the debugging session.

  • environment variables
  • command-line flag


Tests for the application are written with Ginkgo and Gomega to allow for BDD-style testing.

To run the tests locally, first install Ginkgo and Gomega:

go get -u
go get -u

NOTE: Make sure $GOPATH/bin is within your terminal's $PATH. To check that install ran successfully, run:

$ which ginkgo

and ensure a path similar to the above is output. It's important to note that while your output may vary slightly, any output means that your pathing is set up correctly.

And those two utilities are installed, you can run tests with the command:

ginkgo -r --randomizeAllSpecs --randomizeSuites --failOnPending --cover --trace --race

or simply (from within the go directory):

go test

NOTE: The latter will skip a fair amount of the Ginkgo built-in functionality, so it's recommended to run the Ginkgo command instead of the standard go version.

Alternatively, you can run a Makefile routine called test within this repo, which will install Ginkgo and Gomega and run the tests for you.

For code coverage reports for a specific package, cd into a package's directory and run:

go test -coverprofile=coverage.out
go tool cover -html=coverage.out


# "go test with coverage"
alias gotwc='go test -coverprofile=coverage.out && go tool cover -html=coverage.out && rm coverage.out'

Current Coverage

$ go test
Running Suite: Server Suite
Random Seed: 1528162933
Will run 10 of 10 specs

06/04 - 21:42:14 58.94µs GET /invalid
06/04 - 21:42:14 106.929µs HEAD /health
06/04 - 21:42:14 18.175µs HEAD /ready
06/04 - 21:42:14 15.893µs HEAD /version
06/04 - 21:42:14 26.25µs GET /health
06/04 - 21:42:14 84.732µs GET /version
Ran 10 of 10 Specs in 4.056 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 10 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped
ok	4.311s