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A general purpose programming language for the purpose of evaluating some random ideas I had about ways to improve existing languages.

Every programming language has its faults and as generations of languages progress they slowly improve. Throughout my work I have come across a few things I think could be done better. This language serves the purpose of trying out many of these ideas to discover their practicality and usefulness. Most are probably trash, but maybe one or two will prove to be an improvement on modern programming paradigms. If anything works out particularly well, maybe it could be included in the next big programming language!


Sanity is a compiled strongly-typed language somewhere between object-oriented and functional. Current plans are to compile it with LLVM as a backend. This would allow it to be run on just about any machine without requiring me to generate assembly for every assembler on the market and is the standard tool for this kind of project.

Getting Started

Sanity is still in early development and not at a releasable state. Mainly as notes for myself, there is some documentation on building Sanity from source and running it here.


Sanity is a collage of random ideas I had about ways to improve modern programming languages. As a result, it is somewhat lacking of a core philosophy which drives its design. However, if it did have one, it would prioritize code maintenance and intuitiveness above all else. Bugs tend to come from unintuitive or confusing code when changes to one system have unexpected effects on other systems. Sanity prioritizes features which enable code changes to be easy to reason about and minimize the unexpected impact they can have. It also tries to be as intuitive and straightforward as possible, following the principle of least surprise to avoid potential bugs and issues from developers who may not be experts in the language.

This is not to detract from other important features of a programming language, such as performance, it simply places a stronger emphasis on maintainability and predictability over those other features. Sanity also does not attempt to make a completely "safe" language, where it is impossible for one to shoot themselves in the foot. Such a language is impossible and Sanity does not attempt to solve human stupidity. Rather, it provides features which allow a competent yet non-genius developer to write maintainable, stable code which can survive many unexpected changes and modifications with minimal bugs.

Feature List

This is the list of random features I would like to try out. Note that because the language syntax and how the features work together is not completely finalized, the code snippets I use to solve each particular issue do not have a consistent syntax. Each is simply meant to illustrate a particular problem and how it can be addressed.

TODO: Elaborate and add.

Object-oriented vs Functional

Whenever a new language comes up, the first question anyone asks is whether it is object-oriented or functional. Many individuals feel very strongly that one is better than the other. However, any general-purpose programming language such as Sanity needs to support both object-oriented designs and functional designs. Certain problems are better solved by one than the other, and neither is a solution to all of life's problems. In more specific domains, supporting only one of these may be appropriate, but in a general-purpose domain, both are necessary.

Object-oriented code can be very useful to encapsulate state in a logical abstraction which is easy to reason about. Inheritance also allows behavior to be overridden in a very useful fashion. However, it will not solve all problems so easily, as additional state is often the cause of many bugs and unanticipated changes can lead to unintuitive code.

Pure-functional code largely eliminates state to provide a system which can be easier to reason about. It can work very well for transforming data through a pipeline of computations. However, not every problem is well suited to this paradigm, as a complete lack of state and side effects can also make many problems harder to solve.

As a result, a general-purpose language must support both object-oriented and functional paradigms as both are useful design patterns to utilize when solving various different problems. Many general-purpose languages started on one end of the spectrum but tend to incorporate features from the other end as they have been found to be very useful. Java for instance was very object-oriented, but later introduced lambdas, closures, and other functional features. JavaScript was more on the functional side initially, but later introduced proper classes because they are very useful for solving many problems.

Because of this, Sanity will incorporate features from both the object-oriented and functional paradigms. It will have both classes and lambdas, and they will be well-supported enough that either could be considered "first-class". Sanity may find itself leaning towards one end of the spectrum or the other, but conceptually it can and should support both paradigms because they can be equally useful in many domains.


As they exist in modern programming languages, constructors make surprisingly little sense. See my rant about constructors for the full details on why existing constructor models are terrible and how they can be done better.



Type System

Sanity is a strongly-typed compiled language. Its syntax is built on declaring the name of a variable first, followed by the type delimited by a colon (similar to TypeScript or Kotlin). I think there is a name for this kind of declaration syntax, but for the life of me I cannot remember it. This format is used not to solve any particular problem in existing programming languages, since syntax is one of the least important aspects of a language. Rather it is this way because of a theory I have about how humans think.

Whenever I find myself using a C-like language, I say to myself "I need a counter." so I type counter. Then I move the cursor to the start and say "Oh, this counter needs to be an integer." and add an int to the front to get int counter. Conceptually, I knew the concept that I wanted to express, and understood it as a counter. I then decided, that the appropriate type for this counter was an int. I cannot think of any way in which my brain would say "I need an integer." and then say "Oh, and that integer should be called counter." Of course, I have no real data to back up this assertion, and other individuals may think differently. However, I am willing to bet that my thought process is more likely than the alternative. As a result, Sanity puts the variable name first, and its type second. This is intended to make writing the language more fluent because it will align with how the human brain expresses these concepts. If this were a language that was intended for full-scale use, I might put more effort into this. However, because it is an experimental language, I can simply say: "It's my language, so I'm gonna do it the way I want to."

The general syntax would look something like the following. Since this language is still so early in its development this may not be entirely thought out or necessary accurate of the final product.

The var keyword denotes a variable declaration which can be modified. The let keyword denotes a constant declaration which cannot be modified.

var counter: int = 0;
counter = 1;

let counter2: int = 0;
counter2 = 1; // ERR: Cannot reassign a read-only value defined with `let`

The type can be inferred by using the := operator, which allows the developer to omit the type and let it be inferred from the value assigned to it.

var counter := 1; // Counter implicitly has the type int.
counter = "Hello"; // ERR: Cannot assign a string to an integer variable.

Note, that inferred types are not dynamic, their type cannot change over time like JavaScript or C#'s dynamic. Classes can simply be typed by their name while lambdas use a more complex syntax.

let myCar: Car = new Car("Mitsubishi Eclipse");

// Map integers to strings in a one-line function with an implicit return.
let mapper: (number: int) -> string = number.toString();

// Multi-line lambdas can use a block syntax.
let complexMapper: (number: int) -> string = {
    let incremented := number + 1;
    return incremented.toString();

// Lambda declarations without associated definitions may omit parameter names.
function map(list: List<int>, mapper: (int) -> string) {

Anonymous objects can be used for named parameters to functions and to group multiple sets of data into a single object using JavaScript-like destructure syntax. See Type-safe Anonymous Objects for more details.

let myCar: Car = new Car();
let me: Person = new Person();

// A complex anonymous object type can be declared inline.
let roadtrip: {car: Car, driver: Person} = {car = myCar, driver = me};

// That can get verbose, so the same type can be inferred from the value.
let secondRoadtrip := {car = myCar, driver = me};

// Anonymous object types can be used in function parameters.
function startTrip(trip: {car: Car, driver: Person}) { ... }

// Anonymous object types provide a named argument solution, where the values can be
// provided individually.
let friendsCar: Car = new Car();
let friend: Person = new Person();
startTrip({car = friendsCar, driver = friend});

For complex lambdas or anonymous objects, it can be annoying to refer to them by listing out the type each time. This can be alleviated through a type alias.

alias Mapper = (int) -> string;
function map(list: List<int>, mapper: Mapper) { ... }

alias Roadtrip = {car: Car, driver: Person};
let myCar: Car = new Car();
let me: Person = new Person();
let roadtrip: Roadtrip = {car = myCar, driver = me};

Anonymous objects provide a lightweight and simple solution to composing multiple pieces of data into a single entity. Sanity will also support algebraic types (notably the OR) to enable a single type to represent multiple possible values. See Null and Exceptions for details on this.

Type-safe Anonymous Objects

In strongly typed object-oriented languages, classes and structs tend to be explicitly defined. This can be quite annoying when it comes to throwaway objects which exist for a short period of time or only try to connect two systems together. A good example of this is to try returning two items from a single function. Consider the following Java example.

class Result {
    public final Stuff stuff;
    public final OtherStuff otherStuff;
    public Result(final Stuff stuff, final OtherStuff otherStuff) {
        this.stuff = stuff;
        this.otherStuff = otherStuff;

class Elsewhere {
    public static Result getResult() {
        final Stuff stuff = getStuff();
        final OtherStuff otherStuff = getOtherStuff();
        return new Result(stuff, otherStuff);

It is incredibly verbose and annoying to define a separate class just to hold a couple pieces of data. It can be difficult to name this class, because it often does not have a strong abstraction model which it represents. A more brief way around this is to use a Pair object, though Java does not have a standard Pair or Tuple class in its standard library (JavaFX does not count). If it did, it would look something like this:

class Elsewhere {
    public static Pair<Stuff, OtherStuff> getResult() {
        final Stuff stuff = getStuff();
        final OtherStuff otherStuff = getOtherStuff();
        return new Pair<>(stuff, otherStuff);
    public static void useResult() {
        final Pair<Stuff, OtherStuff> result = getResult();
        final Stuff stuff = result.first;
        final OtherStuff otherStuff = result.second;

This drops the need for the explicitly defined class, which is nice, but the problem with this is that the Pair class looses the relationship between the two values. Which one is first and which one is second? If they happen to have the same type, this can be particularly tricky and easy to get wrong. If returning many different values, then a Tuple class might be used, however generics are not quite strong enough to represent an unlimited list of distinct types (see First Class Generics for more on that). C# for instance, only goes up to an 8-tuple. Beyond that, you must actually nest Tuple objects in order to get more than 8 values.

JavaScript actually solves this quite elegantly. If you want to return multiple objects, you can simply make an object literal containing those values. ES6 destructuring embraces this concept and provides even more brevity.

function getResult() {
    const stuff = getStuff();
    const otherStuff = getOtherStuff();
    // Return an object mapping the string "stuff" to the `stuff` value
    // and the string "otherStuff" to the `otherStuff` value.
    return {stuff, otherStuff};

function useResult() {
    // Destructure the result by looking up the strings "stuff" and "otherStuff"
    // and storing their values into variables of the same names.
    const {stuff, otherStuff} = getResult();

This format is nice because it has practically no boilerplate, no need for a complex intermediate representation, and no need to name or abstract that representation to attempt to provide more meaning than is actually present. Of course, JavaScript is not type-safe and there is no guarantee that the values destructured are actually present. Sanity aims to provide a similar system in a type-safe manner. This might look like (tentative syntax):

function getResult() {
    var stuff: Stuff = getStuff();
    var otherStuff: OtherStuff = getOtherStuff();
    // Construct an anonymous object containing these two values.
    return {stuff, otherStuff};

function useResult() {
    var {stuff: Stuff, otherStuff: OtherStuff} = getResult();

The anonymous object {stuff, otherStuff} is effectively equivalent to the explicitly defined Java class mentioned earlier. This defines a class which has two fields stuff and otherStuff of the given types. Those fields are final (or whatever Sanity's equivalent of final becomes) and are simply accessed by name. This type can then be easily converted and passed around making a good use for named parameters. For instance:

function doStuff(param1: int, param2: int, {stuff: Stuff}) {

function useResult() {
    // result is implicitly the anonymous class which contains both values.
    // The type is explicitly listed for clarity, Sanity will support type inference to make this
    // less verbose and annoying.
    var result: {stuff: Stuff, otherStuff: OtherStuff} = getResult();
    // result can be casted from a {stuff: Stuff, otherStuff: OtherStuff} -> {stuff: Stuff}.
    doStuff(0, 1, result);
    // Named arguments can also be passed in directly.
    var myStuff: Stuff = result.stuff;
    doStuff(0, 1, {stuff: myStuff});
    // Because these are compiled classes, they are type safe.
    print(result.notStuff); // ERR: notStuff does not exist on type: {stuff: Stuff, otherStuff: OtherStuff}.
    doStuff(0, 1, {notStuff: 0}); // ERR: notStuff does not exist on type: {stuff: Stuff}.

The one asterisk I can think of is that an anonymous object probably cannot be exactly the same as the equivalent Java class. This is because an anonymous type can be casted down to a more limited type. Casting means that there may be additional values not specified by the type. If additional values are present, then the object's size and layout could vary in a way that traditional class would not. Anonymous objects as specified here, would likely need to be implemented with some kind of map under-the-hood, much like a JavaScript object.

Type-safe anonymous objects provide a means of elegantly creating an intermediate data format which is clear and obvious without any unnecessary boilerplate. It also provides a simple and easy means of creating named arguments to functions. Data can be easily stored and extracted from these objects without requiring explicitly defined classes or awkward Tuple-like objects. An unlimited number of values and types can be easily stored with any additional complexity.

First-Class Generics (Type Parameters)

Type Operations

Types in Sanity can be conceptualized as sets. For instance, the int type can be thought of as a set of all 32-bit integers. The algebraic OR of two types is similar to performing the union operation of two types. However, there are other set operations that can be applied as well, and this can enable (among other things) one type to be "subtracted" from another (not final syntax).

int|string|float - float == int|string;

How can this be useful? Consider a Pipe object which takes a set of data of one type as input and performs operations on it, return the new value as an output within a Pipe to streamline composition. Imagine mapping a type A = A1|A2|A3 to a type B = B1|B2|B3 with a direct correlation between A1 -> B1, A2 -> B2, and A3 -> B3. Rather than using a single transformation function which then disambiguates the A subtype and converts it to the appropriate B subtype, it can be beneficial to use three different transformations, each responsible for a single subtype. This could look something like this:

let pipeOfA: Pipe<A, void> = ...;
let pipeOfB: Pipe<B, void> = pipeOfA
    .on((a1: A1) -> B1.from(a1))
    .on((a2: A2) -> B2.from(a2))
    .on((a3: A3) -> B3.from(a3))

Each on() call is responsible for mapping one subtype of A to one subtype of B. Now, is it possible to do this in a type-safe manner? Consider the following definition:

class Pipe<A, B> {
    let value: A|B;
    func on<A_SUBTYPE : A, B_SUBTYPE : B>(cb: (a: A_SUBTYPE) -> B_SUBTYPE) : Pipe<A - A_SUBTYPE, B> {
        if (value instanceof A_SUBTYPE) {
            let b : B_SUBTYPE = cb()
            return new Pipe<A - A_SUBTYPE, B>(b);
        } else {
            return new Pipe<A - A_SUBTYPE, B>(a);
    func pipe() {
        #if (A != void) {
            throw CompilerError("Need to handle all A subtypes in #on() before calling #pipe().");
        return new Pipe<B, void>(value as B);

This Pipe has a value which starts as an A. Each time .on() is called, the A subtype it consumes is removed from the A type. The value is passed through if it is given a callback expecting a different subtype. When it is called with the correct subtype, it invokes the callback to convert the A into a B, which then passes through the remaining .on() calls as the types continue to narrow.

After all the .on() calls, the type has been narrowed to Pipe<void, B1|B2|B3> because all A subtypes have been removed, and void represents the empty set or "empty type". Calling pipe() performs a compile time check to verify that all A types have been handled. If any are left, it is a compile-time error. Otherwise, it can confidently create a new Pipe loading the B in the first position ready to the repeat the process with another set of .on() calls mapping B values to some other subsequent type.

The #if syntax for a compile-time statement comes from Jai, Sanity will have a very similar concept.

Being able to perform operations on the underlying types in generics can allow for far more powerful functions and classes with more accurate type systems. Subtracting one type from another is just one example of what this could do.

TODO: Continue with negative types and so on...

Null and Exceptions

null has been called the "billion-dollar mistake", and while I do not entirely agree with that, the current concept of null can be drastically improved. null has quite a few problems in its current incarnation.

  • Attempting to deference a null is a runtime exception.
  • null exceptions are difficult or impossible to detect at compile-time.
  • null is a single value which represents the lack of a value. Logically however, there may be many different forms of "no value". For instance, not connecting to the server might yield a null value, but successfully connecting and then receiving a server error might also yield a null value despite the fact that they represent different outcomes.
  • null often overlaps with exceptions. When should one return a null and when should one throw an exception?

Exceptions also have a few interesting challenges:

  • Checked exceptions in languages like Java allow the compiler to verify that all exceptions are handled. Most languages do not have this guarantee and most developers do not use checked exceptions. This means it is hard to know what exceptions a given function call can make and whether or not you have handled all of them.
  • try-catch syntax is not perfect. It often covers more statements than it needs to, and if one of them throws an exception, it may be caught in a manner that was not expected. For instance:
try {
    final Car car = requestCarInfo(carId);
} catch (final NetworkException ex) {
    System.out.println("Failed to get car info.");

Here, the try-catch was intended to catch an error from requestCarInfo() but saveToDatabase() actually makes a network request and can throw a NetworkException. If it does, it will be caught too and display the wrong error message. The saveToDatabase() call cannot be easily moved out of the try-catch because it requires access to car which must be inside the try-catch. The declaration of car can be moved out of the try-catch, leaving the initialization inside. However, this means it cannot be final for no good reason and will be in scope for much longer than is necessary.

Sanity solves these problems by removing the concept of null as a singular value and replacing the throw semantic, instead returning the errors directly. It uses algebraic types to pull this off. In Sanity, any type can be the algebraic OR of multiple other types. These types may or may not contain data and can declared inline. As an example:

// Car is an existing class, but TransportError and ServerError are declared inline, so they use the
// `type` keyword. TransportError is simply a type with no data, while ServerError contains a message.
function requestCarInfo(carId: int) -> Car | type TransportError | type ServerError {message: string} {
    if (...) {
        return new Car();
    } else if (...) {
        return new TransportError();
    } else {
        return new ServerError({message: response.message});

function lookupCar(carId: int) {
    // This type is explicitly listed for clarity, the := operator could be used to infer the type.
    let result: Car | TransportError | ServerError = requestCarInfo(carId);
    // The `when` operator invokes the appropriate lambda function provided for the type of the result.
    // The `result` variable is casted to the relevant type in the body of each function.
    when (result) {
        Car = print("Make: " + result.make + ", Model: " + result.model);
        TransportError = print("There was a network error, please try again.");
        ServerError = { // Multi-line lambdas are acceptable.
            print("The server returned an error: " + result.message);

Instead of using null or exceptions to handle the error cases of this function, it simply returns an algebraic OR of the various outcomes it can have with the appropriate data. The caller uses the when operator to disambiguate the possibilities and perform the appropriate action. The when operator works by utilizing reflection to check the type of the result and then invoking the lambda associated with that type. It auto casts the value to the more specific type to save programmer effort. The when operator also requires that all possible types are handled. This ensures that no cases are missed without requiring the overhead of checked exceptions. The caller can directly handle the error, or it can easily return it back up to its caller by adding it to its own possible responses. This allows errors to propagate up the call stack until they end up at the appropriate level of abstraction for handling them.

Existing types can be combined into an algebraic OR by utilizing the | operator, and throwaway types can be declared inline using the type keyword. A type followed by only a name is simply a symbol which represents a particular outcome with no associated data. A type can be followed by an anonymous object which contains all the data for that type.

Unfortunately, this will not fully enforce that all outcomes are handled at compile-time. The result type can be hard casted to any of its subtypes, which will be a runtime error if not possible. Hopefully, such an action should be relatively rare and unnecessary.

Beyond replacing the concept of null, this also replaces many uses of exceptions, certainly checked exceptions. However, Sanity will still have unchecked exceptions because there are a couple uses for them which are not covered by this idea. The main use of unchecked exceptions is for runtime errors which should never happen in practice. This would include assertion errors, illegal argument errors, illegal state errors, and other issues which indicate a programming issue which is unrecoverable. As an example:

function colorShape(shape: Shape, color: string) {
    if (color == "red") {
    } else if (color == "blue") {
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentError("Unknown color: " + color);

There is no practical instance where a caller would catch the IllegalArgumentException and be able to do anything useful to handle it. As a result, the idea of returning an IllegalArgument type, is not useful to the caller and simply gets in the way without providing any benefit. There are a few reasons to catch an exception, though not particularly many:

  • Runners which catch a fatal error, and then restart the program.
  • Test frameworks which use errors to propagate assertion failures. Manually declaring and returning these assertions from each test would be infuriating.
  • A logger which catches exceptions simply to log them and possibly rethrow.

As a result, Sanity will have exceptions to support these use cases, but 99% of error cases, should return algebraic types with all possible outcomes. This is a better system for these common use cases, while throwing exceptions should only be used for extreme instances where returning exceptions up the call stack is impractical.

Pattern Matching

Most functional languages support pattern matching, looking something like the following (example is Haskell):

factorial :: (Integral a) => a -> a
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1)

This is a very powerful tool which has one critical limitation, patterns can only be constants or bindings to variable names. For more complex pattern matching, Haskell uses guards (example shamelessly stolen from

bmiTell :: (RealFloat a) => a -> String
bmiTell bmi
    | bmi <= 18.5 = "You're underweight, you emo, you!"
    | bmi <= 25.0 = "You're supposedly normal. Pffft, I bet you're ugly!"
    | bmi <= 30.0 = "You're fat! Lose some weight, fatty!"
    | otherwise   = "You're a whale, congratulations!"

This is really a hack around pattern matching, because it is not quite as flexible as it need to be to support many use cases. Sanity will also have pattern matching, but utilize it slightly differently. The parameters given will not just be constants, they will be functions. Consider the following Haskell-like example:

bmiTell :: (RealFloat a) => a -> String
bmiTell (<=18.5) = "You're underweight, you emo, you!"
bmiTell (<=25.0) = "You're supposedly normal. Pffft, I bet you're ugly!"
bmiTell (<=30.0) = "You're fat! Lose some weight, fatty!"
bmiTell _ = "You're a whale, congratulations!"

Recall that functional languages like Haskell strictly follow the lambda calculus concept that all functions accept exactly one parameter and return exactly one result. This means that a function which accepts two parameters, is actually a function that accepts one parameter and returns a function which accepts the second parameter. While conceptually a multi-parameter function, it is really a curry of many single-parameter functions. This can be hard to see in Haskell because it does this automatically, but clearer to explain in something like JavaScript:

const traditionalAdd = (a, b) => a + b;
traditionalAdd(1, 2); // 3
const curriedAdd = (a) => (b) => a + b;
curriedAdd(1)(2); // 3

The curried format has many benefits, one of which is that functions can be partially applied:

const curriedAdd = (a) => (b) => a + b;
const addOne = curriedAdd(1);
addOne(2); // 3
addOne(3); // 4
addOne(4); // 5

Binary operators like + are considered functions of two parameters, and can also be partially applied. The result is a function which accepts a single parameter to complete the operation (switching back to Haskell).

addOne = (+) 1 -- Partially apply one to the + operator
addOne 2 -- 3
addOne 3 -- 4
addOne 4 -- 5

Sanity will utilize this in a pattern match by the treating the provided pattern as a function which accepts the value to match and returns whether or not it matched as a boolean.

relatesToFive (<5) = "The value is less than 5."
relatesToFive (>5) = "The value is greater than 5."
relatesToFive _ = "The value is equal to 5."

This can be used to compute arbitrarily complex logic in the pattern match. Consider the infix operator fand, a custom functional implementation of the && operator, which accepts two functions and invokes each of them with the same value and performs a boolean AND on the result.

fand :: (Integral a) => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> Bool
fand a b n = a(n) && b(n)

fnot :: (Integral a) => (a -> Bool) -> Bool
fnot a n = not a(n)

isOdd :: Integral -> Integral
isOdd n => n % 2 == 1

relatesToZeroAndFive (>0 `fand` <5 `fand` isOdd) = "The value is between 0 and 5 and is odd."
relatesToZeroAndFive (>0 `fand` <5 `fand` fnot isOdd) = "The value is between 0 and 5 and is even."
relatesToZeroAndFive (<=0) = "The value is less than or equal to 0."
relatesToZeroAndFive (>=5) = "The value is greater than or equal to 5."

This removes the need for a separate guard syntax, because the pattern matching itself is just as powerful. There are still a couple open questions. For example it is often necessary to bind to the real value even with these complex matches, maybe that could look something like:

relatesToZeroAndFive value <- (>0 `fand` <5) = "The value " ++ show value ++ " is between 0 and 5."

The compiler is also a little dumber for providing more flexible pattern matching. It can no longer guarantee that all possibilities are handled. This could lead to additional errors and missed edge cases. Of course, with guards the same thing is possible, even in Haskell. Haskell's syntax somewhat discourages use of pattern matching in this way while Sanity would embrace it. Like all the other ideas here, I am not entirely convinced it is a good one, but the point of Sanity is to try these kinds of things and find out. The exact syntax Sanity would use to accomplish this is still up in the air.


Compile-Time Execution

Elm-style Streams

Import/Export and Module System


Import Types

NodeJS's require(...) syntax can be used on JSON files. It will import the file and parse it to a JavaScript object rather than executing any code. This feature is expanded upon in Sanity.

Certain types can be specified when importing a file. The file will then be read according to that type instead of being compiled as Sanity code. The types would include at least:

  • import myString as string = "path/to/file.ext": Loads the file into a single string and stores it in the output binary. Can be a simple way to load long user messages, configuration files, or markup.
  • import myData as binary = "path/to/file.ext": Loads the file as binary data. Depending on how Sanity choosing to represent binary data, this could be an array of byte or a separate Blob or File object.
  • import myWorker as worker = "path/to/file.ext": Loads the file in a worker context. See Workers for more details.

More complex formats might be possible, such as:

import json = "path/to/file.ext";
import myJson as json = "path/to/file.ext";

If Sanity provides an API for the json module to implement, then any system could be written to load data from a file at compile time and work with the natural import syntax. All of these would look for the file at compile time and embed the result directly into the compiled binary. This makes it easy to check-in configuration files or other data directly into source control and load it into the binary as a build step. XML, HTML, protocol buffers, configuration file formats, etc. could all work with this.

My one concern is that this kind of import would require the library to be imported first, followed by the data which requires the library. This could create some weird dependency problems. Another way of doing the same thing would be:

import json = "path/to/file.ext";
import myJsonData as binary = "path/to/file.ext";

let myJson = json.deserialize(myJsonData);

This would be much simpler and fairly equivalent, though the syntax does not work out so cleanly.


Modern ideas of parallelism via multi-threading are complex and hard to work with. Sanity will implement parallelism by using separate memory spaces to provide strong guarantees about the state of the system and reduce potential race conditions without sacrificing performance.

Existing Problems

Most languages support parallelism by simply having multiple threads running in the same memory space. This leads to many potential race conditions and adds a significant amount of complexity to software development. A statement as simple as x++ is a potential race condition if it can be executed by multiple threads at once. Special constructs like locks and monitors are necessary to contain access to synchronized data in order to reason about it properly.

This is especially tricky because any variable could be used by another thread unless you take special care to protect it. The problem here is that most languages implement an opt-out sharing model. All data is shared, unless you specifically prevent it. Most data is not protected, and this can lead to many unintended side effects.

Many tools and processes have been built to try and tame the complex world of multi-threading. Many classes will be annotated as ThreadSafe, basically meaning they were designed with multi-threading in mind. However, this does not mean they are foolproof. They are often built to support a particular API which can be misused. For example:

public class MyThreadSafeClass {
    private VeryBigObject mySharedData;
    private boolean initialized;
    public void init() {
        mySharedData = new VeryBigObject();
        initialized = true;
    public boolean getInitialized() {
        return initialized;
    public synchronized void doSomething() {

This class uses the Java synchronized keyword to make this class ThreadSafe. However, it really is not because it assumes that its user will only call init() once. That is a very easy mistake to make, particularly if it is initialized lazily. Consider the following snippet:

public class MyThreadSafeClassUser {
    private MyThreadSafeClass threadSafeClass = new MyThreadSafeClass();
    public void doSomething() {
        if (!threadSafeClass.getInitialized()) {

An argument can be made that MyThreadSafeClass should have assumed that the API could be misused and synchronized the init() method. That is true, however this shows the ineffectiveness of a ThreadSafe annotation. There are tools which require that ThreadSafe code only calls other ThreadSafe or ThreadLocal code, but these do not take into account possible API misused which is not truly ThreadSafe.

Why You Do Not Need Multi-Threading.

Multi-threading is hard, it adds a singificant amount of complexity to any project and is a heavy maintenance burden. Sanity's take on this, 99% of projects do not need multi-threading. The simple answer is to not use multiple threads when it is not needed. Most applications are not performance intensive enough to require multi-threading because they are typically IO bound.

IO bound work is when a function is limited by the speed of the Input/Output device it is using as opposed to CPU bound where the processor is the limiting factor. Reading a file is IO bound, because the disk takes a long time to find and read the file, while parsing the file path on the CPU is trivial by comparison. Computing Pi to a million digits is CPU bound because the majority of the work is done on the processor and no network requests/disk reads are required.

Sanity's view is that most modern applications are IO bound. They require network requests and disk reads, while the underlying computation requirements are minimal. Consider a webserver, whose primary job is to serve files, connect to a database, or just call other services which do the real work. Frontend applications are very similar, most of their computing power is saved for rendering the screen, most of the hard computational work is sent to servers via network requests meaning they are really IO bound.

Because most applications are IO bound, the main feature they need is to unblock the main thread. Frontend applications for example should never perform IO work on the main thread because it is slow and will introduce "jank" when the screen draws a little under 60 frames per second. Event systems already provide this feature without introducing the overhead of threads.

In JavaScript, you can simply do:

fetch("/api/user/getById?id=12345").then((res) => {
    // Use response.

This code will perform the network request in a non-blocking manner, allowing the main thread to continue to paint the UI. When done, the response is returned as callback via the Promise API. Modern tricks like async/await can be used to make this a little cleaner, but the important aspect is that multiple threads are not needed. Race conditions are incredibly limited in a language like JavaScript (excluding JavaScript workers which break this concept). A simple x++ can never be a race condition because of JavaScript's single-threaded nature.

Of course this does not completely solve the problem of race conditions, but it limits them to callback boundaries:

let myUser = User.fromId(12345);
fetch(`/api/user/getById?id=${}`).then((res) => {
    return res.json(); // Have to process the response as json asynchronously.
}).then((json) => {
    // POSSIBLE RACE CONDITION: `myUser` may have changed.

This can be a little easier to see with async/await:

let myUser = User.fromId(12345);
const res = await fetch('/api/user/getById?id=${}');
const json = await res.json(); // Have to process the response as json asynchronously.

// POSSIBLE RACE CONDITION: `myUser` may have changed.

Race conditions are still possible, but only when a read/write occurs around a await boundary. This drastically reduces the space of potential race conditions and makes them much easier to identify and correct. This means that the developer can think in a single-threaded mindset, and only needs to consider timing issues as they relate to long-running IO work. Features like locks and monitors are rarely needed in JavaScript because it's all single-threaded. This model makes things inifitely easier to reason about than traditional multi-threading concepts.

"But threads are needed to perform non-blocking IO!!!" NodeJS begs to differ, it provides IO functionality for accessing files and network requests without the need for user visible threads. Whether or not threads are actually used under the hood is irrelevant to the language. If they are independent and not observable to the end developer, then they may as well not be there. All the real work is done on the main thread, which is perfectly fine because these applications are IO bound.

"But applications need multithreading to run smoothly." The web platform has done just fine without threads in JavaScript.

"But my application is running too slowly!" Odds are you have a critical path you simply are not handling correctly. Double check your IO usage. Are you parallelizing your network requests / disk reads where possible? Are you batching your major work? Evaluate the big-O runtime of your algorithm and look for improvements. Going from O(n2) -> O(n) is a far bigger improvement than multi-threading will give you.

"But my application needs additional threads!" Statistically speaking, no it does not. Introducing threads into a system does not magically make it faster. Think through whether or not your use case is really CPU bound or IO bound. IO bound work can be served just fine in this model. Even if it is CPU bound, consider whether or not that task is truly computationally intensive enough to require and benefit signifcantly from multiple threads. Is it worth the additional maintenance costs? Is it worth the additional race conditions and bugs that you will inevitably run into? If you work in Java, are you just going to use directExecutor() everywhere? Do you even know any other Executors and when/why/how you would use them? Does anyone on your team know? Answer: No one knows, literally no one. Why put this maintenace burden on your project if it is not going to work well for you?

"But my use case is critically CPU bound!" See the previous questions.

"I swear, this project requires every bit of performance it can get." Are you really, really sure?

"Yes, we are already running a prototype which is running too slow!" Is the critical path CPU bound with no major potential algorithmic improvements?

"Yes, our problem is too computationally complex for one thread." Are you willing to accept the maintenance and development burden that this will cause?

"Yes, we understand what we are getting ourselves into."

OK, if you really, really, really, really, really need threads because you're building a game engine, writing graphics shaders, computing Pi to a bazillion digits, then Sanity provides workers.


Sanity's solution is workers. Each worker exists in its own, separate, isolated memory space with an opt-in sharing model. All data is thread-local (protected from other threads), unless you specifically expose it to other workers.

The general API works like so:


let foo := "bar" + "baz"; // Invoked at `adderWorker.start();`

export worker func add(let a: int, let b: int): int {
  return a + b;


import adderWorker as worker from "./adder.sane";

let adder := await adderWorker.start();
await adder.add(1, 2); // 3

The import x as worker syntax returns a Worker object which simply has a start() method. When start() is called, it will spin up a thread and invoke the provided module at the top level. In this example, calling start would compute "bar" + "baz" and return the exported symbols as an anonymous object to the calling thread.

Because of the way workers are loaded all variables are thread-local. This means there is no potential for race conditions between threads because no data is shared.

The extra keyword worker is required on any function declarations which are exposed via a worker (start() only returns worker functions). Worker functions have an additional requirement that they only support inputs/outputs of primitive or shared types. Because workers exist in different memory spaces, arbitrary objects cannot be passed through. The worker keyword on the function performs a compile-time check to ensure that the function only accepts and returns primitive or shared types. A primitive such as a string or int can be copied between the spaces very easily. More complex objects can be serialized to a string or binary format, passed from one worker to another, and then deserialized. This is intended to be primary method of transferring data between workers.

When called, all worker functions are async and require an await. Since the code is executed on a different thread, there are no timing guarantees and the function could take an arbitrarily long time to execute. This means that even if the worker function is synchronous, it still must be called with await.

Hard copying memory between threads is not always practical. Large data such as long video cannot be practically copied between workers. In this case, shared memory can be used. Shared memory is a set of special types of primitives which can coexist across the memory spaces. These would include SharedInt, SharedBoolean, SharedBytes, etc. When this data is modified in one worker, it is reflected in another.


export worker func increment(let sharedData: SharedInt) {
    sharedData.value += 1;


import incrementWorker as worker from "./incrementor.sane";
const incrementor = await incrementWorker.start();

let mySharedData := SharedInt.create(2 /* initial value */);
await incrementor.increment(mySharedData);
print(mySharedData.value); // 3

This, of course, opens up a potential for race conditions. The data could change at any time meaning monitors, locks, and other synchronization techniques must be used. However, the developer is opting-in to this risk rather than having to directly protect their data at every opportunity. Shared data is a pretty specific feature, and it should only be used with great caution in memory-intensive situations where you cannot afford to copy the data between workers.

Because shared data is so specific and well-declared, tooling could be implemented to require that shared data is only access in thread-safe manners. For instance, it could determine that a read-write operation is possible without a lock between the two. This probably will not catch every possible race condition, but will hopefully catch a decent number of them.

Non-primitive shared values would not be supported because they can contain pointers to other data which was not built with multi-threading in mind. Instead you would pass the shared primitive value and then instantiate a wrapper object around it. This would enable each worker to have an encapsulating object managing the same set of shared data.


export class Incrementor {
  private sharedData: SharedInt;

  // Construct this class. See "Constructors" for why it works this way.
  static func create(let sharedData: SharedInt): Incrementor {
    return new Incrementor({sharedData = sharedData});
  func increment() {
    // Lock the data so no other worker can overwrite it during the operation.
    // I have not really thought through this API, locks may actually work very differently.
    this.sharedData.exclusiveLock(() => {
      this.sharedData.value += 1;


import Incrementor from "./incrementor.sane";

export worker func init(let sharedData: SharedInt): worker () -> void {
  let incrementor := Incrementor.create(sharedData);
  return {
    worker func doSomething() {


import Incrementor from "./incrementor.sane";
import myWorker as worker from "./myWorker.sane";

let wkr = await myWorker.start();

let sharedData := SharedInt.create(0 /* initial value */);
let wkrModule = await wkr.init(sharedData);

const workerTask := wkrModule.doSomething(); // Returns awaitable task, but do not await it yet.

// Do operations on the same data, parallel to the worker.
let incrementor := Incrementor.create(sharedData);

// Wait for the worker to finish and check the result.
await workerTask;
print(sharedData.value); // Always 4.

In this example, the Incrementor class is respsonible for managing access to the shared data and encapsulates all the necessary synchronization so other modules do not need to worry about it. Then the worker and the main module create two different instances of Incrementor wrapping the same shared data. They perform multiple increment operations in parallel, meaning that they could happen in any order and have the potential for a race condition. However, since the Incrementor class properly locks its usage of the shared data. No matter what order they execute in all four increment() calls will be counted without risk of dropping one.

Note that the worker's init() function actually returns an anonymous object with a doSomething() function. This illustrates the fact that functions declared worker can be passed across workers as parameters or return values of higher order functions. In this case, it forces us to initialize the incrementor via init() before we can call doSomething(). If we left doSomething() exported alongside init(), then incrementor would need to be declared in the root scope and initialized some kind of invalid value (see Nulls and Exceptions). The best way of avoiding this is to require init() to be called first by returning the other functions from it.

Workers will likely also have some form of Go-like channels as another form of communication between workers.

Testing Support



Deep Notify


Variables Read-Only by Default

this Always Lexically Bound