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Dynamic-Preference-Structure (ICBK 2021)

Authors: Tongya Zheng, Zunlei Feng, Yu Wang, Chengchao Shen, Mingli Song*, Xingen Wang, Xinyu Wang, Chun Chen, Hao Xu

Code for Learning Dynamic Preference Structure Embedding From Temporal Networks, which is highly inspired by Inductive Representation Learning on Temporal Graphs.


The dynamics of temporal networks lie in the continuous interactions between nodes, which exhibit the dynamic node preferences with time elapsing. The challenges of mining temporal networks are thus two-fold: the dynamic structure of networks and the dynamic node preferences.

In this paper, we investigate the dynamic graph sampling problem, aiming to capture the preference structure of nodes dynamically in cooperation with GNNs. Our proposed Dynamic Preference Structure (DPS) framework consists of two stages: structure sampling and graph fusion. In the first stage, two parameterized samplers are designed to learn the preference structure adaptively with network reconstruction tasks. In the second stage, an additional attention layer is designed to fuse two sampled temporal subgraphs of a node, generating temporal node embeddings for downstream tasks.

DPS architecture


  • python==3.7

Dataset Statistics

We have preprocessed most temporal graphs in the data/format_data directory, and placed the JODIE datasets at Google drive, which can be downloaded and placed at the data/format_data.

Data Statistics

We use temporal networks without node/edge features from network repository for temporal link prediction, and use Wikipedia and Reddit from JODIE: Predicting Dynamic Embedding Trajectory in Temporal Interaction Networks. We preprocess them into a unifed data format with the node columns including node_id, id_map, role, label where role indicates whether it is a user-item bipartite network, and the edge columns including from_node_id, to_node_id, timestamp, state_label, feat0, ... where both from_node_id and to_node_id are node_id in the node columns, state_label indicates whether the user was banned from the Wikipedia page or subreddit, and feat0, ... are preprocessed edge features.

For temporal link prediction, we remove unseen nodes in the training dataset from validation and testing dataset because previous embedding methods are not inductive. For temporal node classification, we remain the inductive training setting, and inherit most comparison results from TGAT and APAN.

Data Preprocess


We use to make necessary directories for our experiments to store generated datasets by data/*, boost the training speed by gumbel_cache and sample_cache, record training details by log, record testing results by results and nc-results, save our trained models by ckpt and saved_models.

python -t datasplit
python -t datalabel

We use -t datasplit to split datasets into the training, validation and testing set according to the ratios.

Config flags for

usage: Configuration for a unified train-valid-test preprocesser.
       [-h] --task {datastat,datasplit,datalabel} [--start START] [--end END]
       [--train-ratio TRAIN_RATIO] [--valid-ratio VALID_RATIO] [--label]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --task {datastat,datasplit,datalabel}, -t {datastat,datasplit,datalabel}
  --start START         Datset start index.
  --end END             Datset end index (exclusive).
  --train-ratio TRAIN_RATIO, -tr TRAIN_RATIO
                        Train dataset ratio.
  --valid-ratio VALID_RATIO, -vr VALID_RATIO
                        Valid dataset ratio, and test ratio will be computed
                        by (1-train_ratio-valid_ratio).
  --label               Whether to generate negative samples for datasets.
                        Each labeled dataset will have a suffix

Temporal Link Prediction

We use and gumbel_pretrain

# `-t edge` means that we read data from splitted `data/[train/valid/test]_data`.
# computes the Time Decay Sampler.
python -t edge
# computes the Gumbel Attention Sampler.
python -t edge -d ia-contact --hard soft
# After sampler precomputation, we have `edge-ia-contact-alpha.npz` from and `edge-False-ia-contact-gumbel-soft.pth` from
# We further compute `edge-False-ia-contact-gumbel-soft-10.pyc` and store it in `gumbel_cache` in
python -t edge -d ia-contact

Config flags for, which mainly inherits the interface of TGAT.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DATA, --data DATA  data sources to use
  -t {edge,node}, --task {edge,node}
  -f, --freeze
  --bs BS               batch_size
  --prefix PREFIX       prefix to name the checkpoints
  --n_degree N_DEGREE   number of neighbors to sample
  --n_head N_HEAD       number of heads used in attention layer
  --n_epoch N_EPOCH     number of epochs
  --n_layer N_LAYER     number of network layers
  --lr LR               learning rate
  --drop_out DROP_OUT   dropout probability
  --gpu GPU             idx for the gpu to use
  --node_dim NODE_DIM   Dimentions of the node embedding
  --time_dim TIME_DIM   Dimentions of the time embedding
  --agg_method {attn,lstm,mean}
                        local aggregation method
  --attn_mode {prod,map}
                        use dot product attention or mapping based
  --time {time,pos,empty}
                        how to use time information
  --uniform             take uniform sampling from temporal neighbors
  --alpha ALPHA         Sampling skewness.
  --hard {soft,hard,atte}
                        hard Gumbel softmax
  --temp TEMP
  --anneal ANNEAL

Temporal Node Classification

# `-t node` means that we read data from splitted `data/format_data`.
python -t node
python -t node -d JODIE-wikipedia --hard soft -f
python -t node -d JODIE-wikipedia -f
# We use DPS model pretrained by to predict the temporal node states.
python -t node -d JODIE-wikipedia

-f indicates whether we train the node embeddings. In the inductive training setting, we find freeze node embeddings brings better generalization performance. We set the default freeze=True in

Config flags for, which mainly inherits the interface of TGAT.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DATA, --data DATA  data sources to use
  -t {node}, --task {node}
  --val_time VAL_TIME
  --node_layer NODE_LAYER
  --neg_ratio NEG_RATIO
  --binary              Only use source_node embedding or use the combined
  --non-freeze          whether train the node embeddings
  --bs BS               batch_size
  --prefix PREFIX       prefix to name the checkpoints
  --n_degree N_DEGREE   number of neighbors to sample
  --n_head N_HEAD       number of heads used in attention layer
  --n_epoch N_EPOCH     number of epochs
  --n_layer N_LAYER     number of network layers
  --lr LR               learning rate
  --drop_out DROP_OUT   dropout probability
  --gpu GPU             idx for the gpu to use
  --node_dim NODE_DIM   Dimentions of the node embedding
  --time_dim TIME_DIM   Dimentions of the time embedding
  --agg_method {attn,lstm,mean}
                        local aggregation method
  --attn_mode {prod,map}
                        use dot product attention or mapping based
  --time {time,pos,empty}
                        how to use time information
  --uniform             take uniform sampling from temporal neighbors
  --alpha ALPHA         Sampling skewness.
  --hard {soft,hard,atte}
                        hard Gumbel softmax
  --temp TEMP
  --anneal ANNEAL

Cite us

    title={Learning Dynamic Preference Structure Embedding From Temporal Networks},
    author={Zheng, Tongya and Feng, Zunlei and Wang, Yu and Shen, Chengchao and Song, Mingli and Wang, Xingen and Wang, Xinyu and Chen, Chun and Xu, Hao},
    booktitle={12th IEEE International Conference on Big Knowledge},