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Writing a Backend

This document explains how to write your own backend. If you're simply looking to use an included backend, see Builtin Backends.

Backend convert a spec into some other markup or code. Most commonly, a backend will target a programming language and convert a spec into classes and functions. But, backends can also create markup for things like API documentation.

Backends are written as Python modules that satisfy the following conditions:

  1. The filename must have a extension ("g" for "generator"). For example,
  2. At least one class must exist in the module that extends the stone.backend.CodeBackend class and implements the abstract generate() method. Stone automatically detects subclasses and calls the generate() method. All such subclasses will be called in ASCII order.

Here's a simple no-op backend:

from stone.backend import CodeBackend

class ExampleBackend(CodeBackend):
    def generate(self, api):

Assuming that the backend is saved in your current directory as and that our running example spec users.stone from the Language Reference is also in the current directory. you can invoke the backend with the following command:

$ stone . users.stone

To create an output file, use the output_to_relative_path() method. Its only argument is the path relative to the output directory, which was specified as an argument to stone, where the file should be created.

Here's an example backend that creates an output file for each namespace. Each file is named after a respective namespace and have a .cpp extension. Each file contains a one line C++-style comment:

from stone.backend import CodeBackend

class ExampleBackend(CodeBackend):
    def generate(self, api):
        for namespace_name in api.namespaces:
            with self.output_to_relative_path(namespace_name + '.cpp'):
                self.emit('/* {} */'.format(namespace_name))

The generate method receives an api variable, which represents the API spec as a Python object. The object is an instance of the stone.api.Api class. From this object, you can access all the defined namespaces, data types, and routes.

A map from namespace name to Namespace object.
A Struct object that defines the schema for route attributes.
The name of the namespace.

The documentation string for the namespace. This is a concatenation of the docstrings for this namespace across all spec files in the order that they were specified to stone on the command line. The string has no leading or trailing whitespace except for a newline at the end.

If no documentation string exists, this is None.

A list of Route objects in alphabetical order.
A map from route name to Route object. For routes of multiple versions, only the route at version 1 is included. This field is deprecated by routes_by_name and will be removed in the future.
A map from route name to RoutesByVersion object containing a group of Route objects at different versions.
A list of user-defined DataType objects in alphabetical order.
A map from data type name to DataType object.
A list of Alias objects in alphabetical order. Aliases will only be available if the backend has set its preserve_aliases class variable to true.
A map from alias name to Alias object.
A list of user-defined AnnotationType objects.
A map from annotation name to AnnotationType object.
get_imported_namespaces(must_have_imported_data_type=False, consider_annotations=False, consider_annotation_types=False)
A list of Namespace objects. A namespace is a member of this list if it is imported by the current namespace and a data type or alias is referenced from it. If you want only namespaces with aliases referenced, set the must_have_imported_data_type parameter to true. Namespaces are in ASCII order by name. By default, namespaces where only annotations or annotation types are referenced are not returned. To include these namespaces, set consider_annotations or consider_annotation_types parameters to true.
A list of Namespace objects. A namespace is a member of this list if it is imported by the current namespace and has a data type from it referenced as an argument, result, or error of a route. Namespaces are in ASCII order by name.
A list of all user-defined data types that are referenced as either an argument, result, or error of a route. If a List or Nullable data type is referenced, then the contained data type is returned assuming it's a user-defined type.
Returns a list of all data types used in the namespace. Because the inheritance of data types can be modeled as a DAG, the list will be a linearization of the DAG. It's ideal to generate data types in this order so that user-defined types that reference other user-defined types are defined in the correct order.
Returns a list of all aliases used in the namespace. The aliases are ordered to ensure that if they reference other aliases those aliases come earlier in the list.
The name of the route.
Set to a DeprecationInfo object if this route is deprecated. If the route was deprecated by a newer route, DeprecationInfo will have a by attribute populated with the new route.
The documentation string for the route.
A DataType object of the arg to the route.
A DataType object of the result of the route.
A DataType object of the error of the route.
A map from string keys to values that is a direct copy of the attrs specified in the route definition. Values are limited to Python primitives (None, bool, float, int, str) and TagRef objects.

See the Python object definition for more information.

A map from version number to Route object. The version number is an integer starting at 1.
The name of the data type.

See stone.data_type for all primitive type definitions and their attributes.

The name of the struct.
The namespace the struct was defined in.
The documentation string for the struct.
A list of StructField objects defined by this struct. Does not include any inherited fields.
A list of StructField objects including inherited fields. Required fields come before optional fields.
A list of StructField objects required fields. Includes inherited fields.
A list of StructField objects for optional fields. Includes inherited fields. Optional fields are those that have defaults, or have a data type that is nullable.
If it exists, it points to a DataType object (another struct) that this struct inherits from.

Returns whether this type, or any of its fields, are documented.

Use this when deciding whether to create a block of documentation for this type.

Returns whether at least one field is documented.

Unlike other enumerated-subtypes-related functionality, this method returns not just direct subtypes, but all subtypes of this struct. The tag of each subtype is the tag of the enumerated subtype from which it descended.

The return value is a list of tuples representing subtypes. Each tuple has two items. First, the type tag to be used for the subtype. Second, a Struct object representing the subtype.

Use this when you need to generate a lookup table for a root struct that maps a generated class representing a subtype to the tag it needs in the serialized format.

Raises an error if the struct doesn't enumerate subtypes.


Returns a list of subtype fields. Each field has a name attribute which is the tag for the subtype. Each field also has a data_type attribute that is a Struct object representing the subtype.

Raises an error if the struct doesn't enumerate subtypes.

Returns whether this struct enumerates its subtypes.

Indicates whether this struct should be used in the event that none of its known enumerated subtypes match a received type tag.

Raises an error if the struct doesn't enumerate subtypes.

Returns true if this struct enumerates subtypes or if its parent does. Structs that are members of trees must be able to be serialized without their inherited fields.
Returns an OrderedDict mapping labels to Example objects.
The name of the field.
The documentation string for the field.
The DataType of the field.
Whether this field has a default if it is unset.

The default for this field. Errors if no default is defined.

The Python type of the default depends on the data type of the field. The following table shows the mapping:

Primitive Python 2.x Python 3.x
Bytes str bytes
Boolean bool bool
Float{32,64} float float
Int{32,64}, UInt{32,64} long int
List list list
String unicode str
Timestamp str str

If the data type of a field is a union, its default can be a TagRef object. No defaults are supported for structs.

The name of the union.
The namespace the struct was defined in.
The documentation string for the union.
A list of UnionField objects defined by this union. Does not include any inherited fields.
A list of all UnionField objects that make up the union. Required fields come before optional fields.
If it exists, it points to a DataType object (another union) that this union inherits from.
A UnionField object representing the catch-all field.

Returns whether this type, or any of its fields, are documented.

Use this when deciding whether to create a block of documentation for this type.

Returns whether at least one field is documented.
Returns an OrderedDict mapping labels to Example objects.
The name of the field.
The documentation string for the field.
The DataType of the field.
A boolean indicating whether this field is the catch-all for the union.
The target name.
The DataType referenced by the alias as the source.
The documentation string for the alias.
The label for the example defined in the spec.
A textual description of the example that follows the label in the spec. Is None if no text was provided.
A JSON representation of the example that is generated based on the example defined in the spec.

There are several emit*() methods included in a CodeBackend that each serve a different purpose.

Adds indentation, then the input string, and lastly a newline to the output buffer. If s is an empty string (default) then an empty line is created with no indentation.
emit_wrapped_text(s, prefix='', initial_prefix='', subsequent_prefix='', width=80, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False)

Adds the input string to the output buffer with indentation and wrapping. The wrapping is performed by the textwrap.fill Python library function.

prefix is prepended to every line of the wrapped string. initial_prefix is prepended to the first line of the wrapped string subsequent_prefix is prepended to every line after the first. On a line, prefix will always come before initial_prefix and subsequent_prefix. width is the target width of each line including indentation and prefixes.

If true, break_long_words breaks words longer than width. If false, those words will not be broken, and some lines might be longer than width. If true, break_on_hyphens allows breaking hyphenated words; wrapping will occur preferably on whitespaces and right after the hyphen in compound words.

Adds the input string to the output buffer. The string must end in a newline. It may contain any number of newline characters. No indentation is generated.

The stone.backend.CodeBackend class provides a context manager for adding incremental indentation. Here's an example:

from stone.backend import CodeBackend

class ExampleBackend(CodeBackend):
    def generate(self, api):
        with self.output_to_relative_path('ex_indent.out'):
            with self.indent()
    def _output_world(self):
        with self.indent():

The contents of ex_indent.out is:


Indentation is always four spaces. We plan to make this customizable in the future.

generate_multiline_list(items, before='', after='', delim=('(', ')'), compact=True, sep=',', skip_last_sep=False)

Given a list of items, emits one item per line. This is convenient for function prototypes and invocations, as well as for instantiating arrays, sets, and maps in some languages.

items is the list of strings that make up the list. before is the string that comes before the list of items. after is the string that follows the list of items. The first element of delim is added immediately following before, and the second element is added prior to after.

If compact is true, the enclosing parentheses are on the same lines as the first and last list item.

sep is the string that follows each list item when compact is true. If compact is false, the separator is omitted for the last item. skip_last_sep indicates whether the last line should have a trailing separator. This parameter only applies when compact is false.

block(before='', after='', delim=('{','}'), dent=None, allman=False)

A context manager that emits configurable lines before and after an indented block of text. This is convenient for class and function definitions in some languages.

before is the string to be output in the first line which is not indented. after is the string to be output in the last line which is also not indented. The first element of delim is added immediately following before and a space. The second element is added prior to a space and then after. dent is the amount to indent the block. If none, the default indentation increment is used. allman indicates whether to use Allman style indentation instead of the default K&R style. For more about indent styles see Wikipedia.

process_doc(doc, handler)

Helper for parsing documentation references in Stone docstrings and replacing them with more suitable annotations for the target language.

doc is the docstring to scan for references. handler is a function
you define with the following signature: (tag: str, value: str) -> str. handler will be called for every reference found in the docstring with the tag and value parsed for you. The returned string will be substituted in the docstring for the reference.
This is an instance of the logging.Logger class from the Python standard library. Messages written to the logger will be output to standard error as the backend runs.
The path to the output folder. Use this when the output_to_relative_path method is insufficient for your purposes. includes functions for classifying data types. These are useful when backends need to discriminate between types. The following are available:


There is also an unwrap_nullable(data_type) function that takes a Nullable object and returns the type that it wraps. If the argument is not a Nullable, then it's returned unmodified. Similarly, unwrap_aliases(data_type) takes an Alias object and returns the type that it wraps. There might be multiple levels of aliases wrapping the type.

The unwrap(data_type) function will return the underlying type once all wrapping Nullable and Alias objects have been removed. Note that an Alias can wrap a Nullable and a Nullable can wrap an Alias.

Tag references can occur in two instances. First, as the default of a struct field with a union data type. Second, as the value of a route attribute. References are limited to members with void type.

The Union object that is the data type of the field.
The name of the union member with void type that is the field default.

To check for a default value that is a TagRef, use is_tag_ref(val) which can be imported from stone.data_type.

Backends can receive arguments from the command-line. A -- is used to separate arguments to the stone program and the backend. For example:

$ stone python_types . ../sample.stone  -- -h
usage: python-types-backend [-h] [-r ROUTE_METHOD]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r ROUTE_METHOD, --route-method ROUTE_METHOD
                        A string used to construct the location of a Python
                        method for a given route; use {ns} as a placeholder
                        for namespace name and {route} for the route name.
                        This is used to translate Stone doc references to
                        routes to references in Python docstrings.

Note: This is for backend-specific arguments which follow arguments to
Stone after a "--" delimiter.

The above prints the help string specific to the included Python backend.

Command-line parsing relies on Python's argparse module so familiarity with it is helpful.

To define a command-line parser for a backend, assign an Argument Parser object to the cmdline_parser class variable of your backend. Set the prog keyword to the name of your backend, otherwise, the help string will claim to be for stone.

The generate method will have access to an args instance variable with an argparse.Namespace object holding the parsed command-line arguments.

Here's a minimal example:

import argparse
from stone.backend import CodeBackend

_cmdline_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='example')
_cmdline_parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
                             help='Prints to stdout.')

class ExampleBackend(CodeBackend):

    cmdline_parser = _cmdline_parser

    def generate(self, api):
        if self.args.verbose:
            print 'Running in verbose mode'

The following examples can all be found in the stone/example/backend folder.

We'll create a backend that generates a file called ex1.out. Each line in the file will be the name of a defined namespace:

from stone.backend import CodeBackend

class ExampleBackend(CodeBackend):
    def generate(self, api):
        """Generates a file that lists each namespace."""
        with self.output_to_relative_path('ex1.out'):
            for namespace in api.namespaces.values():

We use output_to_relative_path() a member of CodeBackend to specify where the output of our emit*() calls go (See more emit_methods).

Run the backend from the root of the Stone folder using the example specs we've provided:

$ stone example/backend/ex1/ output/ex1 example/api/dbx-core/*.stone

Now examine the contents of the output:

$ cat example/backend/ex1/ex1.out

Now we'll create a Python module for each namespace. Each module will define a noop() function:

from stone.backend import CodeBackend

class ExamplePythonBackend(CodeBackend):
    def generate(self, api):
        """Generates a module for each namespace."""
        for namespace in api.namespaces.values():
            # One module per namespace is created. The module takes the name
            # of the namespace.
            with self.output_to_relative_path('{}.py'.format(

    def _generate_namespace_module(self, namespace):
        self.emit('def noop():')
        with self.indent():

Note how we used the self.indent() context manager to increase the indentation level by a default 4 spaces. If you want to use tabs instead, set the tabs_for_indents class variable of your extended CodeBackend class to True.

Run the backend from the root of the Stone folder using the example specs we've provided:

$ stone example/backend/ex2/ output/ex2 example/api/dbx-core/*.stone

Now examine the contents of the output:

$ cat output/ex2/
def noop():
$ cat output/ex2/
def noop():

As a more advanced example, we'll define a backend that makes a Python class for each struct in our specification. We'll use some provided helpers from stone.backends.python:

from stone.data_type import is_struct_type
from stone.backend import CodeBackend
from stone.backends.python_helpers import (

class ExamplePythonBackend(CodeBackend):

    def generate(self, api):
        """Generates a module for each namespace."""
        for namespace in api.namespaces.values():
            # One module per namespace is created. The module takes the name
            # of the namespace.
            with self.output_to_relative_path('{}.py'.format(

    def _generate_namespace_module(self, namespace):
        for data_type in namespace.linearize_data_types():
            if not is_struct_type(data_type):
                # Only handle user-defined structs (avoid unions and primitives)

            # Define a class for each struct
            class_def = 'class {}(object):'.format(fmt_class(

            with self.indent():
                if data_type.doc:


                # Define constructor to take each field
                args = ['self']
                for field in data_type.fields:
                self.generate_multiline_list(args, 'def __init__', ':')

                with self.indent():
                    if data_type.fields:
                        # Body of init should assign all init vars
                        for field in data_type.fields:
                            if field.doc:
                                self.emit_wrapped_text(field.doc, '# ', '# ')
                            member_name = fmt_var(
                            self.emit('self.{0} = {0}'.format(member_name))