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Global ARPEGE model combined with high resolution AROME model

Code Example :

Only Hourly Options

from openmeteo_py import OWmanager
from openmeteo_py.Hourly.HourlyMeteoFrance import HourlyMeteoFrance
from openmeteo_py.Options.MeteoFranceOptions import MeteoFranceOptions

# Latitude, Longitude for Toulouse,France
longitude = 1.444209	
latitude = 43.604652

hourly = HourlyMeteoFrance()
options = MeteoFranceOptions(latitude,longitude)

mgr = OWmanager(options,OWmanager.meteofrance,hourly.all(),None)

# Download data
meteo = mgr.get_data()


Only Hourly Options using a pressure level variable

#from openmeteo_py.Daily.Marine import Marine as Daily
from openmeteo_py import OWmanager
from openmeteo_py.Hourly.HourlyMeteoFrance import HourlyMeteoFrance
from openmeteo_py.Options.MeteoFranceOptions import MeteoFranceOptions

# Latitude, Longitude 
longitude = 1.444209	
latitude = 43.604652

hourly = HourlyMeteoFrance()
options = MeteoFranceOptions(latitude,longitude)

#notice that we had to give the value "None" for the hourly parameter,otherwise you'll be filling the hourly parameter instead of the daily one.
mgr = OWmanager(options,OWmanager.meteofrance,hourly.geopotential_height_600hpa(),None)

# Download data
meteo = mgr.get_data()


Only Daily Variables

#from openmeteo_py.Daily.Marine import Marine as Daily
from openmeteo_py import OWmanager
from openmeteo_py.Daily.DailyMeteoFrance import DailyMeteoFrance
from openmeteo_py.Options.MeteoFranceOptions import MeteoFranceOptions

# Latitude, Longitude 
longitude = 1.444209	
latitude = 43.604652

daily = DailyMeteoFrance()
options = MeteoFranceOptions(latitude,longitude)

#notice that we had to give the value "None" for the hourly parameter,otherwise you'll be filling the hourly parameter instead of the daily one.
mgr = OWmanager(options,OWmanager.meteofrance,None,daily.all())

# Download data
meteo = mgr.get_data()


Both Daily and Hourly Variables

#from openmeteo_py.Daily.Marine import Marine as Daily
from openmeteo_py import OWmanager
from openmeteo_py.Daily.DailyMeteoFrance import DailyMeteoFrance
from openmeteo_py.Hourly.HourlyMeteoFrance import HourlyMeteoFrance
from openmeteo_py.Options.MeteoFranceOptions import MeteoFranceOptions

# Latitude, Longitude 
longitude = 1.444209	
latitude = 43.604652

daily = DailyMeteoFrance()
hourly = HourlyMeteoFrance()
options = MeteoFranceOptions(latitude,longitude)

#notice that we had to give the value "None" for the hourly parameter,otherwise you'll be filling the hourly parameter instead of the daily one.
mgr = OWmanager(options,OWmanager.meteofrance,hourly.all(),daily.all())

# Download data and order it as a key value json where the keys are timestamps and value are the equivalent variable value
meteo = mgr.get_data(1)


Options :

Parameter Format Required Default
latitude, longitude Floating point Yes
current_weather Bool No false
temperature_unit String No celsius
windspeed_unit String No kmh
precipitation_unit String No kmh
timeformat String No iso8601
timezone String No UTC
past_days Integer (0-2) No 0
start_end Boolean No False
start_date,end_date String (yyyy-mm-dd) No -
cell_selection String No nearest

Hourly Parameter Definition :

Variable Valid time Unit
temperature_2m Instant °C (°F)
relativehumidity_2m Instant %
dewpoint_2m Instant °C (°F)
apparent_temperature Instant °C (°F)
pressure_msl,surface_pressure Instant hPa
cloudcover Instant %
cloudcover_low Instant %
cloudcover_mid Instant %
cloudcover_high Instant %
windspeed_10m Instant km/h (mph, m/s, knots)
winddirection_10m Instant °
windgusts_10m Preceding hour max km/h (mph, m/s)
shortwave_radiation Preceding hour mean W/m²
direct_radiation Preceding hour mean W/m²
diffuse_radiation Preceding hour mean W/mv²
vapor_pressure_deficit Instant kPa
precipitation Preceding hour sum mm (inch)
weathercode Instant WMO code
cape Instant J/kg
et0_fao_evapotranspiration Preceding hour sum mm (inch)
snowfall Preceding hour sum cm (inch)
all - -

Pressure Level Variables

Pressure level variables do not have fixed altitudes. Altitude varies with atmospheric pressure. 1000 hPa is roughly between 60 and 160 meters above sea level. Estimated altitudes are given below. Altitudes are in meters above sea level (not above ground). For precise altitudes, geopotential_height can be used.

Variable Unit
weathercode WMO code
temperature_1015hPa ... temperature_10hPa °C (°F)
relativehumidity_1015hPa ... relativehumidity_10hPa %
dewpoint_1015hPa ... dewpoint_10hPa °C (°F)
cloudcover_1015hPa ... cloudcover_10hPa %
windspeed_1015hPa ... windspeed_10hPa km/h (mph, m/s, knots)
winddirection_1015hPa ... winddirection_10hPa °
geopotential_height_1015hPa ... geopotential_height_10hPa meter

Pressure level methods

to call a pressure level method all you have to do is put the variable for example ; temperature then an underscore _ and the equivalent pressure level for example : 1015hpa

for this example the method is temperature_1015hpa()

pressure - elevation equivalent

Pressure Elevation
10 hPa 26 km
20 hPa 23 km
30 hPa 22 km
50 hPa 19.3 km
100 hPa 15.8 km
150 hPa 13.5 km
175 hPa 12.6 km
200 hPa 11.8 km
225 hPa 11 km
250 hPa 10.4 km
275 hPa 9.7 km
300 hPa 9.2 km
350 hPa 8.1 km
400 hPa 7.2 km
450 hPa 6.3 km
500 hPa 5.6 km
550 hPa 4.9 km
600 hPa 4.2 km
650 hPa 3.6 km
700 hPa 3 km
750 hPa 2.5 km
800 hPa 1900 m
850 hPa 1500 m
875 hPa 1200 m
900 hPa 1000 m
925 hPa 800 m
950 hPa 500 m
970 hPa 370 m
985 hPa 240 m
1000 hPa 110 m
1015 hPa -10 m

Daily Parameter Definition

Variable Unit
temperature_2m_max °C (°F)
temperature_2m_min °C (°F)
apparent_temperature_max °C (°F)
apparent_temperature_min °C (°F)
precipitation_sum mm
precipitation_hours hours
snowfall_sum cm
sunrise iso8601
sunset iso8601
windspeed_10m_max km/h (mph, m/s, knots)
windgusts_10m_max km/h (mph, m/s, knots)
winddirection_10m_dominant °
shortwave_radiation_sum MJ/m²
et0_fao_evapotranspiration mm
all -