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Don't expect too much

When working with real widefield images, in contrast to synthetic ones, it is important to know that the success or failure of deconvolution depends on several factors and that there are limitations that can not be overcome.

Most important, the results will always be limited by mismatches between the PSF of the microscopy and what is given as input to the software (PSF mismatch).

The "Born and Wolf" PSF model that is included with deconwolf should be a good, or at least simple, starting point since it only requires very few parameters. Please be aware there is a compromise between simplicity and accuracy, especially the Born and Wolf model relies on several assumptions that typically are met. For instance you can see that such PSFs are symmetric both around the lateral plane and around the z-axis. That is something I've never seen in real images.

It is likely that better results can be obtained by using more advanced models (like the Gibson-Lanni) or by experimentally estimating the PSF based on image data (of beads). However, to find a better PSF for a specific microscope is typically quite complicated.

Richardson-Lucy based methods assume that the image formation can be described as a linear process, something which is only approximate since any interesting sample will both absorb and refract light. Saturated pixel in the input image clearly violates the linearity assumption so please check for that before deconvolution.

Saturated pixels, sensor noise, sensor artifacts, PSF mismatches, an excessive number of iterations, ..., can cause artifacts. Ideally one should acquire samples also with super resolution, to be in a position to recognize and distinguish interesting features from potential artefacts.


Deconvolution is not guaranteed to improve microscopy images and might introduce artefacts.

Running deconwolf

Deconwolf has a command line interface (CLI), and can be run from a terminal or script. There is also a limited GUI that might be handy, at least initially.

To deconvolve an image (let's call it dapi_001.tif) you need an approximation of the PSF of your particular microscope at the given emission wave length.

If you don't have one you can create one according to the Born-Wolf model with the dw_bw program that is shipped with deconwolf.

The basic information that you need to know is:

  • The numerical aperture, NA.
  • The refractive index of the immersion, ni. Common media are air (ni = 1) and oil (ni = 1.51) and silicon oil (ni = 1.405).
  • The lateral size of the pixels in the image -- NOT the size of the pixels in the sensor.
  • The axial size of the pixels in the image, i.e. distance between the images/planes.

For example: one of our microscopes has a 100x objectives with NA = 1.45, ni = 1.515 and pixel size is 130 nm. The distance between planes was set to 250 nm. To generate a PSF with this information (we will call it PSF_dapi.tif) the following command can be used:

dw_bw --resxy 130 --resz 250 --lambda 461 --NA 1.45 --ni 1.515 PSF_dapi.tif


You can of course re-use the PSF with multiple images. Please make sure to keep the .log.txt file, generated along with the PSF, to know what parameters were used.


Please note that deconwolf does not read any meta data from the tif files regarding pixel size etc. Hence it is the PSF file that determines those factors implicitly.

With a PSF at hand the image can be deconvolved with a command line like this:

dw --iter 40 dapi_001.tif psf_dapi.tif

When done, dw will write a new image called dw_dapi_001.tif along with a log file called dw_dapi_001.tif.log.txt.


By default, the pixel values of the output image will be scaled to make most out of the 16-bit image format. If absolute intensities matter, please read about the various output options below.

For a list of the available command line options, please see:

dw --help
dw_bw --help

On Linux/Mac there should also be manuals installed which can be opened by:

man dw
man dw_bw

If the manuals are not available on your system, they can also be found at this link [].

Test data

If you want to test that dw works, there is a small image of a single nuclei in the demo subfolder. The image is small enough that it can be deconvolved with very modest hardware.

More test images can be found on the DeconvolutionLab2 web page. Please note that in some cases the PSFs do not contain enough z-planes for a proper deconvolution.

Memory considerations

If you have 16 GB of RAM, images up to [1024x1024x60] pixels should work without tiling. If deconwolf crashes because it runs of out memory you can:

  1. Consider removing top and bottom slices from the image. The boundary handling in the axial direction is quite good so often there is no need for a lot of out of focus images planes above and below the objects of interest.
  2. Use the --tilesize N option. To process the image as slightly overlapping tiles.
  3. Use fewer threads, i.e. specify --threads N.
  4. Consider switching to a lower quality on the boundaries with --bq 1. The option --bq 0 is not recommended for normal images (since it assumes that the image repeats itself around the edges which is bad particularly in the axial direction).

The peak memory usage is written at the end of the log file (at least if run on Linux).

PSF considerations

The dw_bw program will generate PSFs that can be used with deconwolf, but it is also possible to use PSF from other sources.

deconwolf requires that the PSF is centered, i.e., that the largest value is in the middle. If you generate the PSF with some other program you might have to center it first. In our experience it is better to have a PSF with odd sizes, i.e. that the PSF is centered at a certain pixel and not between them. Ideally the PSF should have at least $2P-1$ planes where $P$ is the number of planes of the input image.

If the PSF has more planes than needed, it will be cropped automatically when loaded. If it has fewer than the ideal number of planes, an warning will be issued.

The PSF might also be cropped in the lateral plane when loaded (to save some memory). To prevent that, add the command line argument --xyfactor 0.

Supported image formats

Currently deconwolf can only read tif images, specifically: multi-page, 8-bit unsigned, 16-bit unsigned or 32-bit floats. The data should be written in strip mode (typically the default output format). The output is either 16-bit unsigned or 32-bit floating point (with the --float flag) and can be read by Matlab, ImageJ, etc. If you use 16-bit output note that images will be scaled in order to not be saturated. The scaling value can be found at the end of the log files.

It is undefined behavior to use pyramidal (multiple resolution) or multi-color images.

Log files

  • The reported error, Idiv, is the I-divergence between the input image and the current guess convolved with the PSF. Please note that deconwolf doesn't know how the deconvolved images should look like so this isn't in any way a measurement of how good image quality you get out of the program.

  • If deconwolf finished normally you will find that it ends with something like:

    Iteration  24/ 25, Idiv=5.539379e-01
    Iteration  25/ 25, Idiv=5.426050e-01
    Deconvolution took 15.52 s
    2.452803% pixels at bg level in the output image.
    scaling: 2.975924
    Took: 17.723509 s
    peakMemory: 18486288 kiB

    If it doesn't, chances are that deconwolf run out of memory and crashed.

Output format

Internally deconwolf use 32-bit floating point precision but when it is time to write the output image to disk 16-bit unsigned tif images are used by default since that is more memory efficient, and 16-bits per pixel should be good enough in most cases.

To prevent clipping/saturation and to make full use of the 16-bit dynamic range all pixel values are scaled by a scaling factor, $s$, prior to writing. The value of the scaling factor is based on the deconvolved image, $Y$, and set as $s=(2^{16}-1)/\max(Y)$.

The scaling is reported in the log file like:

$ cat dw_dapi_001.tif.log.txt | grep scaling
scaling: 0.425100

If you care about the absolute intensities there are three things you can do:

  1. Use the --float argument to save images as 32-bit floating point tif files. The downside is that the output images will be twice as large compared to the default and that the support for reading such images is not widespread.

  2. Set a scaling factor manually by using --scale s where $v$ is some value that you have to figure out yourself. $s==1$ is a natural choice to start with but might cause saturated pixels. If that is the case reduce $s$ until you are satisfied. For example, if you use --scale 0.5 the output pixels will have only half of the computed value, if you load the images you can then multiply the pixel values by $2$ to get the original values back.

  3. Read the scaling value from the log files and divide by that value to get the computed intensities back.

Questions and Answers

I have a GPU that I want to use, what can I do?

Congratulations, that will make deconwolf run much faster. In general you only need to supply the command line argument --gpu to enable GPU acceleration. However, there are some things to take into consideration:

  • Was deconwolf compiled with GPU support? If you run dw --version the output should include:

    OpenCL: YES
    VkFFT: YES

    if not, you need to re-build with the GPU options turned on.

  • Does OpenCL work on you machine? On linux you can check with the command line program clinfo. In some cases you need to download specific drivers/software from the GPU vendor.

  • Do you have enough memory? The GPU based pipeline use about as much GPU memory as the non-gpu pipeline use RAM. If you first deconvolve an image with without the --gpu option you can check the log file (at least under linux) to figure out how much RAM was used. If there isn't enough memory on the GPU there is the option to deconvolve using tiles, see the info about the --tilesize option.

  • The results will not be pixel identical to images deconvolved without the --gpu option. However differences should be negligable (if not, please report a bug). This is because the FFT libraries have a limited precision.

  • Do you have more than one GPU or "cldevice"? Then you can tell dw which one to use with the --cldevice n argument, where $n$ is the number of the device to use, the first one has number $0$.

Do I really need to specify the number of iterations?

RL-based deconvolution methods are iterative and don't know when to stop. While some programs have automatic stop conditions we argue that it is better if the user specify the number of iterations for two reasons:

  1. How many iterations that are wanted/needed/optimal depends on downstream analysis. And who knows what your purposes are?
  2. For consistency. Given a dataset with multiple FOV is makes sense that each FOV is deconvolved with the same number of iterations. With an automatic stop functionality, that is probably not the case.

It takes a long time before deconwolf starts iterating

FFTW is self tuning and perform some optimizations whenever presented to a new problem size. The result of this tuning is called wisdom and is stored in files like fftw_wisdom_float_threads_16.dat by deconwolf in ~/config/deconwolf/. Those files can in general not be transferred to other machines.

This self-tuning can take considerable time but should only be needed once per problem size. To turn of the self-tuning use the --noplan flag.

How can I prepare tif files for deconwolf?

Deconwolf only accept tif files with one channel per file. ImageJ/FIJI is typically helpful for conversions. For ND2 files check out randiantkit or nd2tool.

How do I get metadata from ND2-files?

You could use either nd2tool or the more mature showinf from openmicroscopy. With showinf you could do something like:

$ bftools/showinf -nopix -omexml iAM337_20190830_001.nd2 > omexml

$ cat omexml | grep -B 1 -A 2 dObjectiveNA

$ cat omexml | grep EmissionWavelength | grep Channel:0:
         <Channel Color="-16711681" EmissionWavelength="810.0" EmissionWavelengthUnit="nm" ID="Channel:0:0" Name="ir800" SamplesPerPixel="1">
         <Channel Color="-2147467009" EmissionWavelength="700.0" EmissionWavelengthUnit="nm" ID="Channel:0:1" Name="a700" SamplesPerPixel="1">
         <Channel Color="16056319" EmissionWavelength="488.0" EmissionWavelengthUnit="nm" ID="Channel:0:2" Name="a488" SamplesPerPixel="1">
         <Channel Color="-16776961" EmissionWavelength="695.0" EmissionWavelengthUnit="nm" ID="Channel:0:3" Name="Cy5" SamplesPerPixel="1">
         <Channel Color="-1241579265" EmissionWavelength="542.0" EmissionWavelengthUnit="nm" ID="Channel:0:4" Name="tmr" SamplesPerPixel="1">
         <Channel Color="-9109249" EmissionWavelength="590.0" EmissionWavelengthUnit="nm" ID="Channel:0:5" Name="a594" SamplesPerPixel="1">
         <Channel Color="570490879" EmissionWavelength="432.0" EmissionWavelengthUnit="nm" ID="Channel:0:6" Name="dapi" SamplesPerPixel="1">

$ cat omexml | grep PhysicalSizeZ= | head -n 1
      <Pixels BigEndian="false" DimensionOrder="XYCZT" ID="Pixels:0" Interleaved="false" PhysicalSizeX="0.129780110998775" PhysicalSizeXUnit="µm" PhysicalSizeY="0.129780110998775" PhysicalSizeYUnit="µm" PhysicalSizeZ="0.2" PhysicalSizeZUnit="µm" SignificantBits="16" SizeC="7" SizeT="1" SizeX="1024" SizeY="1024" SizeZ="81" Type="uint16">

How can I run deconwolf for many files?

Either use the GUI, or write your own script in your favorite language.

Don't you have more PSF models?

No, not at this time. Please check out the PSF Generator from EPFL.

What about image dimensions?

dw report image dimensions in the same way as ImageJ (although dw does not understand time and channel dimensions). For example the file dapi_001.tif in the demo/ folder is reported to have the shape 101x201x40 by dw and ImageJ.

Other tools might report it the other way around, for example:

skimage reports the size 40x201x101 by

>>> from skimage import io
>>> I = io.imread('dapi_001.tif')
>>> I.shape

In general this is nothing to worry about, see [] for a discussion around this topic.

Maximizing throughput

To get a high throughput, i.e., many processed images / hour it is typically a little faster to process many images in parallel (if enough RAM). Here are some example timings based on images: [2048x2048x20], psf: [117x117x39] --iter 20, --bq 2. Using dw version 0.1.0 on an AMD Ryzen 3700X:

  • One dw (using --threads 8) took 88 s using 7294 MB RAM.

-> 40 images / hour or 88 s / image

  • Two dw in parallel (using --threads 4) took 2 m 44 s using 2x7106 = 14212 MB RAM

-> 43 images / hour or 82 s / image

  • Four dw in parallel (using --threads 2) took 297 s using 6795x4 = 27181 MB RAM

-> 48 images / hour or 74 s / image

  • Eight dw in parallel (using --threads 1) took 9 m 12 s, using 6712x8 = 53696 MB RAM

-> 52 images / hour or 69 s / image

2D images?

No, that option is deliberately turned off.

My question was not in this list!

Then you are welcome to ask it at [].