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File metadata and controls

109 lines (81 loc) · 5.27 KB


Zero-dependency ZIP file compressor/decompressor module for use with LÖVE.

There were a couple existing Lua options but I was yet to find any that could support compressing/decompressing symlinks on Windows correctly without either making empty symlink files or duplicating the content, or without wiping the last modified date/time when decompressed by the OS.

This module is built to work with versions 11.X and 12.X


Simply require the module in your game, some usage examples are shown below. See the API section further down for more details on each method. You can also run the main.lua file with LÖVE to see some basic examples in action.

As this module uses the LÖVE filesystem, your file paths should be relative to save directory or your project path as they are passed directly to love.filesystem.x.

-- load the module

-- decompress an existing zip
local unzip =
local decompress, err = unzip:decompress('path/to/my/', 'path/to/output/')
assert(decompress == true)

-- compress an existing folder to a zip
local zip =
local compress, err = zip:compress('path/to/compress/', 'path/to/output/')
assert(compress == true)

-- compress while ignoring a list of folders/files
local zip =
local compress, err = zip:compress('path/to/compress/', 'path/to/output/', {'.DS_Store', 'dist', '.gitignore'})
assert(compress == true)

-- compress specific files/folders manually
local zip =
zip:addFile('path/to/file.txt', 'file.txt') -- single file 
zip:addFolder('file/to/directory') -- specific directory contents
zip:addFolder('file/to/other/directory', {'ignore.txt'}) -- directory contents with ignore list
local compress, err = zip:finish('path/to/')
assert(compress == true)


The module uses os.execute() to mark binary files as executable when decompressing if needed, as well as to resolve and create symlinks, if any.

On Windows, mklink is used when decompressing UNIX symlinks to recreate the link, this means you will need to run the program as an administrator or you'll see the following error:

You do not have sufficient privilege to perform this operation.


Creates a new Zip instance to work with.

Parameter Datatype Description
verbose_logs boolean output more detailed logs when compressing/decompressing

Returns a new Zip object to use with the methods below

Zip:decompress(zip_file, output_folder)

Decompresses a given zip file to a given output folder.

Parameter Datatype Description
zip_file string relative path of the zip file from the LÖVE $SAVE_DIRECTORY
output_folder string output folder for zip contents

Returns two values, the first is a boolean of whether the method suceeded, the second is an error string if an error occured.

Zip:compress(target_folder, output_zip, ignore_list)

Compresses an existing folder into a new zip file.

Parameter Datatype Description
target_folder string target folder relative to the LÖVE $SAVE_DIRECTORY
output_zip string output path and filename for the zip
ignore_list table list of strings containing files/folders to ignore when zipping

Returns two values, the first is a boolean of whether the method suceeded, the second is an error string if an error occured

If you want more control you can use the following methods to directly add specific files and folders
You will need to use Zip:finish() when done to commit the added data to disk

Zip:addFile(target_file, file_path)

Adds a specific file to the zip instance ready to be written.

Parameter Datatype Description
target_file string target file to add relative to the LÖVE $SAVE_DIRECTORY
file_path string path of the file to use inside the zip folder

Returns two values, the first is a boolean of whether the method suceeded, the second is an error string if an error occured

Zip:addFolder(target_folder, ignore_list)

Adds the contents of a given folder to the zip instance ready to be written.

Parameter Datatype Description
target_folder string target folder relative to the LÖVE $SAVE_DIRECTORY
ignore_list table list of strings containing files/folders to ignore when zipping

Returns two values, the first is a boolean of whether the method suceeded, the second is an error string if an error occured


Commits all data added via addFile and addFolder and writes the final zip

Parameter Datatype Description
output_zip string output path and filename for the zip

Returns two values, the first is a boolean of whether the method suceeded, the second is an error string if an error occured