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678 lines (445 loc) · 15.9 KB

File metadata and controls

678 lines (445 loc) · 15.9 KB

[0.7.3] Improvements

  • Improves after & before methods to include whitespace in patterns
  • Adds topics at the library

[0.7.2] - New parameter

  • Adds a new optional parameter, defaultToBlank, to the after and before methods. The defaultToBlank parameter allows the user to specify whether to return an empty string or the original string when no pattern is found. By default, it is set to true, meaning an empty string is returned. This enhancement improves the flexibility and usability of the methods.


  • Changes intl version constraints from 0.19.0 to >=0.18.1


  • Library now also extends String so there is no need of using the bang operator on Strings that are not null
  • Bumps dependencies

[0.6.14] - Code clean up

  • Removes Flutter from dependencies
  • Improves documentation

[0.6.13] - New Extensions

  • nullIf(String? comparisonString) : Returns null if String equals comparisonString. Otherwise return the String as is.
  • emptyIf(String? comparisonString) : Returns empty String if it equalts to comparisonString. Otherwise return the String as is.
  • replaceFirst(String pattern, String replacement) : Returns a new string with the first occurrence of the given pattern replaced with the replacement string.
  • replaceLast(String pattern, String replacement) : Returns a new string with the last occurrence of the given pattern replaced with the replacement string.

[0.6.12] - New Extensions

  • insertAt : Inserts a String at a specified index
  • splitLines : Splits the String into a List of lines ('\r\n' or '\n')
  • isJson : Returns true if the String is a valid JSON string

[0.6.11] - New Extensions & SDK Version constraints bump

  • Bumps SDK constraint from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0
  • Adds screenshots in project

New methods

  • hasWhitespace : Checks whether the String has any whitespace
  • isLettersOnly : Checks whether the String is consisted of only letters (Latin & Greek atm)

[0.6.10] - Bug fixes & New Extensions

New methods

  • greekTimeLiteralToEnglish : Transforms the Greek μ.μ. time literal to the equivalent English PM
  • containsAnyGreekCharacters : Checks whether a String contains any Greek character
  • isUnique : Checks whether the String is consisted of unique characters
  • commonCharacters : Returns a Set of common characters between two Strings
  • uncommonCharacters: Returns a Set of uncommon characters between two Strings
  • containsAllCharacters : Checks whether the String contains all characters

[0.6.9] - Bug fixes & Optimisations

  • Improves mostFrequent() method's performance. Also adds ignoreSpaces flag to ignore whitespace from character count
  • Fixes removeWhitespace method to properly remove all spaces
  • Fixes toGreekUppercase method missing letter "omicron - Ό" from mapping

[0.6.8] - Fixes failing test

[0.6.7] - New Extensions & Optimizations

New methods

  • isSwiftCode : A static method to check whether the provided String is a valid Swift code. Source
  • digitCount : A static method to count (if any) digits in the String
  • isAscii : A static method to check whether a String is consisted only from ASCII characters
  • isAnagramOf(String s) : A static method to check whether the provided s String is anagram of the extended String
  • isPalindrome : A static method to check whether the String is palindrome
  • isMixedCase : A static method to check whether the String is consisted of both upper & lower case letters

Optimized methods

  • Optimizes replaceGreek method
  • Optimizes toGreekUppercase method
  • Optimizes getLevenshtein by using Wagner-Fisher algorithm

[0.6.6] - New Extensions

  • isIban : A static method to check whether the provided String is a valid IBAN. Source
  • isGreekId : A static method to check whether the provided String is a valid Greek Identification Number. Source
  • isLowerCase : Checks whether the String is in upper case
  • isUpperCase : Checks whether the String is in lower case
  • swapCase() : Swaps the case in the String.
String foo = 'Hello World';
String swapped = foo.swapCase(); // returns 'hELLO wORLD'

[0.6.5] - Code Improvements

Updates project dependencies, to improve score.

[0.6.4] - New Extensions

  • toGreekUpperCase() : Properly uppercases Greek letters, removing the tones.
String greek = 'Τι κάνεις πώς τα περνάς φίλτατέ μου';
String wrongUpperCase = greek.toUpperCase(); // returns 'ΤΙ ΚΆΝΕΙΣ ΠΏΣ ΤΑ ΠΕΡΝΆΣ ΦΊΛΤΑΤΈ ΜΟΥ'
String correctUpperCase = greek.toGreekUpperCase(); // returns 'ΤΙ ΚΑΝΕΙΣ ΠΩΣ ΤΑ ΠΕΡΝΑΣ ΦΙΛΤΑΤΕ ΜΟΥ'

[0.6.3] - Bug Fixes & Documentation improvements

  • Fixes truncate(length) method. If the String is equal to length then the String should be returned as it is.

[0.6.2] - New Extensions & Documentation improvements

  • toLeet : Transform the String to 1337 alphabet. The letters are randomized since each letter can have multiple variations.
String foo = 'esentis';
String leet = foo.toLeet ; // returns '€5£п+!$'
  • isCreditCard : Checks if the provided String is a valid credit card number using Luhn algorithm
  • removeWhiteSpace : Removes all white space from the provided String.

[0.6.1] - New Extensions

  • formatFileSize : Formats a String representing bytes to show the proper file size.
String foo = '24117248';
String formatted = foo.formatFileSize; // returns '23 MB'
  • replaceAtIndex(index,replacement) : Adds a [replacement] at the [index] of the String.
  • removeSpecial : Removes all special characters from the String. Issue #22
  • onlyLetters : Removes everything but characters from the String.Issue #21

[0.6.0] - Breaking Changes, New Extensions & Bug Fixes

  • Project depends on crypto (3.0.2) due to new md5 method wich returns the MD5 hash of the String.
  • Bug fixes for various methods, after, before, toTitleCase, openCloseWrappers, removeFirstAndLastAny.
  • Various improvements.

[0.5.1] - Bug fix

  • Fixes titleCase not trimming whitespaces.

[0.5.0] - Breaking Changes & New Extensions

  • All methods will now trim the String before operations.
  • toSnakeCase : Converts a String to snake case format.

[0.4.5] - New extensions

  • addAfter : Adds a String after the first occurence of a specific pattern.
  • addBefore : Adds a String before the first occurence of a specific pattern.

[0.4.4] - New Extensions

  • removeAfter : Removes everything after the first occurence of a specific pattern.

  • removeBefore : Removes everything before the first occurence of a specific pattern.

Thanks to zonaro

  • wrap : Wraps a String between two Strings.

  • getOppositeChar : Returns the opposite wrap char of the String.

  • isOpenWrapChar : Check if String is a open wrap char: <, {, [, ", '.

  • isCloseWrapChar : Checks if String is a close wrap char: >, }, ], ", '.

  • removeFirstAny : Continuously removes from the beginning of a String any String contained in [patterns].

  • removeLastAny : Continuously removes from the end of a String any String contained in [patterns].

  • removeFirstAndLastAny : Continuously removes from the beggining and end of a String any String contained in [patterns].

  • removeLastEqual : Remove a String from the end of other string if equal [pattern].

  • removeFirstEqual : Remove a String in the beginning of other string if equal [pattern].

  • removeFirstAndLastEqual : Remove String from the beginning and the end of String if equal [pattern].

  • containsAny : Check if String contains any Strings of [list].

  • containsAll : Check if String contains all Strings of [list].

[0.4.3] - New Extensions

Thanks to zonaro

  • isBlank : Checks if a String is null empty or contains only whitespaces.

  • isNotBlank : Checks if a String is NOT null empty or contains only whitespaces.

  • asIf : Compares a String to another and returns the first if equal, otherwise returns the second one.

  • ifBlank(String default) : Checks if a String is blank and gives it a default value.

[0.4.2] - Minor improvements & New Extensions

  • Returns the String after a character / word.
after(String pattern)
  • Returns the String before a character / word.
before(String pattern)
  • Gets Jaro distance to check String similarity. The higher the number the similar the two Strings/
getJaro(String wordToCompare)

[0.4.1] - Minor improvements & New Extensions

  • Converts the String to a bool value if possible.

[0.4.0] - Breaking Changes & New Extensions

Breaking changes

Following extension methods are now created using get and can now being accessed without ().

  • capitalize
  • countWords
  • removeNumbers
  • onlyLatin
  • onlyGreek
  • isNull
  • isIpv4
  • isIpv6
  • isUrl
  • isDate
  • isMail
  • isNumber
  • isStrongPassword
  • isGuid
  • isLatin
  • isGreek
  • onlyNumbers
  • removeLetters
  • charOccurences
  • mostFrequent
  • reverse
  • toSlug
  • toCamelCase
  • toTitleCase
  • toArray
  • replaceGreek
  • stripHtml
  • hasSameCharacters
  • shuffle

New Extensions

  • Truncates String with "..." when more than n characters.
truncate(int maxChars)
  • Truncates String in the middle with "..." keeping max n characters.
truncateMiddle(int maxChars)
  • Quotes a String adding " at the start & at the end.
  • Trims leading and trailing spaces, so as extra spaces in between words.

[0.3.5] - New Extensions

  • Returns the month name of the DateTime (in String format).
  • Returns the first day of the month from the provided DateTime (in String format).
  • Returns the last day of the month from the provided DateTime (in String format).
  • Returns left side of the String starting from char.
leftOf(String char)
  • Returns right side of the String starting from char.
rightOf(String char)

[0.3.4] - New Extensions

  • formatWithMask now accepts optional parameter specialChar which defaults to '#'

  • Add a String at the beginning of your String.

prepend(String prefix)
  • Adds - operator subtracting a text from a String
  • Returns the day name of the DateTime (in String format).
String date = '2021-10-23';
String day = date.getDayFromDate(); // returns 'Saturday'
String grDay = date.getDayFromDate(locale:'el'); // returns 'Σάββατο'

[0.3.3] - New Extensions

  • Removes the first n characters of the String.
removeFirst(int n)
  • Removes the last n characters of the String.
removeLast(int n)
  • Trims the String to have exactly n characters. If n is larger than the String length, the same String is returned.
maxChars(int n)
  • Reverses slash provided the slash direction (int). 0 for / to \ and 1 for \ to /.
reverseSlash(int direction)
  • Returns the character at index.
charAt(int index)
  • Checks if a string is null.
  • Do something if a string is null.
  • Provide default value if a string is null.
defaultValue(String defaultValue)
  • Append a String at the end of your String.
append(String suffix)
  • Formats the String to properly show currency amount.
toPriceFormat({String? currencySymbol})

[0.3.2] - Bug Fixes & New Extensions

Bug fixes & New Extensions

  • Returns only the Greek characters of the String.
  • Checkes whether the String has only Latin characters.
  • Checkes whether the String has only Greek characters.
  • onlyLetters() is now onlyLatin() characters.
  • The countWords extension now correctly counts only words, excluding numbers and symbols from words. For example, Hello 5 2asd friend ! word count will return 3 words.

[0.3.1] - New extensions

  • Added String? operators >, >=, <, <= to compare String lengths.

  • isIn(Iterable<String>), checks if a given String is in an Iterable<String>.

  • formatWithMask(String mask), formats a String with a specific mask.

[0.3.0] - New extensions & Code improvements

Successfully converts library to extend String? from String. Further code optimization and bug fixes.

New extensions

  • Converts the String to a num value if possible, else returns null.
  • Converts the String to int if possible, else returns null.
  • Converts the String to double if possible, else returns null.

[0.2.4] - New extensions

Improves and renames toStringArray (toArray now)

Adds a new extension that counts specific charater occurences in a String.

charCount(String char)

[0.2.3] - New extensions

  • Squeezes a String to a character
squeeze(String x);
  • Check if the String is consisted of same characters.
  • Shuffles the word's letters.
  • Gets the Levenshtein distance of two String
  • Checks if a String is a valid Url.
  • Checks if a String is a valid Date.

[0.2.2] - New extensions

  • Repeats a String x times
repeat(int x);
  • Check if the String is a valid Ipv6
  • Check if the String is a num
  • An extension that makes easier handling empty strings.
ifEmpty(()=>print('The string is empty'));

[0.2.1] - Downgrade test library version

Some projects were breaking due to they depending on test_api:3.0.0 version.

[0.2.0] - Adds tests

[0.1.4] - New extension

Method to check whether a String is a valid Guid.


[0.1.3] - New extensions

  • Method to get a List<String> from a String.
  • Method to strip all HTML code from a String.
  • Method to check whether a String is a strong password.

[0.1.2] - New extensions & Code refactor

  • Adds isEmpty checks on all extensions.

  • Given a String and a pattern, finds the starting indices of all occurrences of the pattern in the String.

    findPattern({required String pattern})

[0.1.1] - New extensions

Useful method to normalize greek text for more performant text searches.


[0.1.0] - New extensions

first({int count})
last({int count})

[0.0.3] - New extensions and Null Safety


Migrates library to null safety.

Extension added :


[0.0.2] - New extensions and bug fixes

Bug fixes

  • Methods now correctly remove trailing and leading whitespaces from strings.

New extensions


[0.0.1] - Initial release

Extension methods
