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File metadata and controls

248 lines (185 loc) · 8.33 KB


A client lib and CLI tool for interacting with Artifactory.

The artifactory-client module provides API for working with Artifactory via its REST API.
Also the module provides CLI tool (art-client).

CLI usage

Run art-client without arguments or with -h to get help.

The tool provides a bunch of commands. To see help for particular command run:
art-client <command> -h.

Common parameters for all commands are:

  • url - base url of Artifactory
  • user (u) - user name
  • password (p) - user password (plain or encrypted)
art-client <command> --url -u user -p pwd


Encrypt a password for a user. The encrypted password can be used as a normal password in password parameter. In Artifactory it's called as "Centrally Secure Passwords" - see details in the documentation.


art-client encrypt --url -u user -p pwd


Setup a repository for different tools (it depend on repository type).
Usage: art-client setup <type> where type is: npm, nuget (not yet), bower (not yet).

setup npm

Setup npm repository. It can be a global registry, i.e. a registry to use by default, or a scoped registry. Usage:

art-client setup npm <repo> [scope]

If a scope is supplied then it'll be set up a scoped registry. Otherwise a global. By default the command creates a .npmrc file in the current directory. You can pass -g flag to change .npmrc in user profile via npm config command.

Programmatic usage


For interacting with Artifactory you need to create a instance of ArtifactoryClient with the base url of your Artifactory server.
If base url of your Artifactory instance includes a path you need to include it as well.

constructor(url: string, options?);


  • strictSSL Type: boolean Default: false


var artifactory = new ArtifactoryClient('');
var artifactory = new ArtifactoryClient('', {strictSSL: true});


If your Artifactory requires authentication (probably it does) you'll need to set up credentials. That should be done via setAuth method. You can pass a value of username:password in base 64 or username and password separetely.


var artifactory = new ArtifactoryClient('https:<myServerURL>');
// or:
artifactory.setAuth("user", "password");

Hint: you can quickly obtain the base64 of any string by opening a Chrome browser and typing this in the developer console:

btoa('user:password') //prints: "dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA=="


All actions return a Q Promise.















isPathExists(repoKey, remotefilePath)

Verifies if the path (file or folder) exists in the server. You need to provide the repoKey and the path in the server.

API: RetrieveArtifact but only asking for the HEAD instead of doing a GET.

Usage example:

artifactory.isPathExists('libs-release-local', '/my/jar/1.0/jar-1.0.jar').then(function (exists) {
    console.log('YES, file exists!');
  } else {
    console.log('NO, it\'s not there');


Provides all the info related to a folder as a json object. You need to provide the repoKey and the path to the file. API: FolderInfo

getFileInfo(repoKey, remotefilePath)

Provides all the info related to a file as a json object. You need to provide the repoKey and the path to the file.

API: FileInfo

Usage example:


That would print to console something like this:

  "uri": "http://localhost:8080/artifactory/api/storage/libs-release-local/org/acme/lib/ver/lib-ver.pom",
    "downloadUri": "http://localhost:8080/artifactory/libs-release-local/org/acme/lib/ver/lib-ver.pom",
    "repo": "libs-release-local",
    "path": "/org/acme/lib/ver/lib-ver.pom",
    "remoteUrl": "http://some-remote-repo/mvn/org/acme/lib/ver/lib-ver.pom",
    "created": ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ),
    "createdBy": "userY",
    "lastModified": ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ),
    "modifiedBy": "userX",
    "lastUpdated": ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ),
    "size": "1024", //bytes
    "mimeType": "application/pom+xml",
    "checksums": {
      "md5" : string,
      "sha1" : string
      "md5" : string,
      "sha1" : string

All this info will be available in the fileInfoJson object that is returned as part of the promise resolution.

uploadFile(repoKey, remotefilePath, localfilePath, forceUpload)

Uploads a file to artifactory. All you need to provide is the repoKey, the remote path where you want to upload the file and the local path of the file you want to upload. If the file already exists in the server it will fail unless you provide the forceUpload flag with a true value. In that case, it will overwite the file in the server.

API: DeployArtifact

Usage example:

artifactory.uploadFile('libs-release-local', '/my/jar/1.0/jar-1.0.jar', '/Users/user/artifacts/jar-1.0.jar').then(function (uploadInfo) {
  console.log('UPLOAD INFO IS: ' + JSON.stringify(uploadInfo));

This would print to console the creation info:

  "uri": "http://localhost:8080/artifactory/libs-release-local/my/jar/1.0/jar-1.0.jar",
  "downloadUri": "http://localhost:8080/artifactory/libs-release-local/my/jar/1.0/jar-1.0.jar",
  "repo": "libs-release-local",
  "path": "/my/jar/1.0/jar-1.0.jar",
  "created": ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ),
  "createdBy": "userY",
  "size": "1024", //bytes
  "mimeType": "application/java-archive",
  "checksums": {
    "md5" : string,
    "sha1" : string
  "originalChecksums": {
    "md5" : string,
    "sha1" : string

All this info will be available in the uploadInfo object that is returned as part of the promise resolution.

downloadFile(repoKey, remotefilePath, destinationFile, checkChecksum)

Downloads a file from a given repository/path into a specific file. You need to provide the repoKey, the remote path where the file is located and a destination file. The folder that will contain the destination file must exist! Additionally you can indicate whether you want to perform a checksum verification as part of the download or not.

API: RetrieveArtifact

Usage example:

artifactory.downloadFile('repo', '/path/to/file', '/path/to/local/file', true).then(function (result) {

The result object returned as part of the promise resolution is just a string indicating the final result of the operation.

downloadFolder(repoKey, remotePath, destinationFile, archiveType)

Download a folder as an archive from a given repository/page info specified file. API: RetrieveArtifact


  • repoKey: string - The key of the repo.
  • remotePath: string - The path to a folder inside the repo.
  • destinationFile: string - Absolute or relative path to a local file. The folder that will contain the destination file must exist.
  • archiveType?: string Optional archive type, by default - 'zip'.


The package is inspired by and based on artifactory-api package by Christian Adam.
