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ESL Media

Version: 1.4.0

Authors: Alexey Stsefanovich (ala'n), Yuliya Adamskaya, Julia Murashko, Natallia Harshunova

ESLMedia is a custom element, that provides an ability to add and configure media (video / audio) using a single tag as well as work with external providers using simple native-like API.

Supported Features:

  • extendable MediaProviders implementation for different media types. Out-of-the-box support of:

    • HTMLAudio (audio type)
    • HTMLVideo (video type)
    • Youtube (youtube type)
    • Brightcove (brightcove type)
    • Abstract Iframe (iframe type)
  • load-condition - restriction to load esl-media. Uses ESLMediaQuery syntax.

  • play-in-viewport - feature that restricts active state to only visible components on the page.

  • manual initialization - component will not be initialized until disable marker is removed.

  • group manager - to allow single active player in group restriction.

  • fill mode - feature that allows managing player rendering option in bounds of given element area.

  • state change events (esl:media:load, esl:media:error, esl:media:play, etc).

  • provides 'HTMLMedia like' API that is safe and will be executed after real API is ready.


  • media-src (for html media / iframe) - media resource src

  • media-id (for youtube/brightcove) - id of media resource

  • media-type - type of media provider

  • group (optional) - group name, only one media player can be active in bounds of the group

  • ready-class - class to add when the resource is ready

  • ready-class-target - ESLTraversingQuery to define a target for ready-class

  • lazy - an attribute that governs the loading behavior of media resources on a webpage. This attribute provides enhanced control over when media content is fetched and displayed.

    • none (or attribute absence) - triggers the immediate loading of media content as soon as the webpage is loaded;
    • manual - in this mode, media content loading is blocked until the attribute is removed manually from the consumer's code;
    • auto - the auto mode ensures that media content starts loading when it becomes visible in the browser viewport or is in close proximity to it. This behavior is determined using the Intersection Observer API, optimizing loading times for content that is likely to be viewed by the user. If the media is both intersecting and has a sufficient intersection ratio, the lazy attribute is removed from the media element.
  • fill-mode (optional) - enables resource size management. Available options:

    • auto - default, media area will be stretched to element size
    • cover - media area will be zoomed in/out, cropped and centered to cover element area
    • inscribe - media area will be inscribed into element area
  • aspect-ratio (optional) - override aspect ratio for media resource. Supported formats:

    • 1.5 - width / height (3:2 proportion in this example)
    • 16:9 - colon-separated proportion
    • 16/9 - slash-separated proportion
  • play-in-viewport (boolean) - auto stop media which is out of viewport area

  • autofocus (boolean) - set focus to the player when the media starts playing

  • autoplay (boolean) - start to play automatically on initialization (note: initialization doesn't happen until disabled attribute is removed from the element)

  • controls (boolean) - show media player controls

  • loop (boolean) - play media in loop

  • mute (boolean) - mute media

  • playsinline (boolean) - allow playing media inline (media player will not request special control over device)

  • load-condition (optional) - ESLMediaQuery syntax to define a condition to load the media. Works independently from lazy attribute.

  • load-condition-class (optional) - class to add when the load-condition is met. Independent of the lazy state, use ready-class if you are interested in the final state of component.

  • load-condition-class-target (optional) - ESLTraversingQuery to define a target for load-condition-class

  • start-time - attribute that allows a user to start viewing a video from a specific time offset. The value is simple time in seconds. By default, it is undefined which means to start from the beginning. (note: that feature doesn't work for Abstract Iframe provider, also doesn't work for HTMLAudio and HTMLVideo providers in case when Web-server when hosted resource doesn't support 'Accept-Ranges' HTTP response marker)

Deprecated attributes (going to be removed in the next major release):

  • load-cls-accepted (optional) - class to add when the media is loaded and accepted by the load condition. Use load-condition-class instead.

  • load-cls-declined (optional) - class to add when the media is loaded and rejected by the load condition. Use load-condition-class with inverted syntax (!class) instead.

  • load-cls-target (optional) - ESLTraversingQuery to define a target for load-cls-accepted and load-cls-declined

  • disabled (boolean) - marker that prevents media API initialization. Deprecated alias for manual mode of lazy attribute

Readonly Attributes:

  • error (boolean) - marker that indicates that media API has loaded with error
  • ready (boolean) - marker that indicates that media API has loaded
  • played (boolean) - marker that indicates that media has played
  • active (boolean) - marker that indicates that media is playing


  • esl:media:error - (bubbles) fires when API is initialized with error
  • esl:media:ready - (bubbles) fires when API is ready
  • esl:media:play - (bubbles) fires when esl-media starts playing
  • esl:media:paused - (bubbles) fires when esl-media is paused
  • esl:media:ended - (bubbles) fires when esl-media is ended
  • esl:media:detach - (bubbles) fires after esl-media provider is detached (reinitialized / disconnected from the DOM)
  • esl:media:managedpause - (bubbles) fires when media was paused by esl-media group restriction manager


    title="Video Title"     
    [ disabled ]    
    [ group="mediaGroup" ]