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Releases: f5devcentral/f5-sphinx-theme

f5-sphinx-theme v1.0.7

25 Jan 18:28
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Change version to 1.0.7

f5-sphinx-theme v1.0.7b1

22 Jan 20:12
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Style changes:
font changed to be F5 standard (some limitations on license; using same fonts as DevCentral)
heading sizes changed so they're easier to differentiate between (and padding added around them)
:guilabel: is now plain text bold
code is now grey background that matches code-block
admonitions (note, important, tip, etc) changed to grey with accent color, less padding, 90% instead of full width
table changes: header color, thin border, border between rows, less padding
version sidebar made a bit smaller
Heading menu updated to have F5 look and feel
Copy code button css updates. Copy code functionality is part of container so styles should be good when the extension is added to container (soon).

Bug fixes:
Footer for short pages stays at the bottom of the page (previously it would float up and chop off TOC)
All ordered lists have consistent spacing (previously when you had additional text in an ordered list it expanded, when no text, it contracted)
TOC pane now has a consistent width (previously it changed based on topic)

f5-sphinx-theme v1.0.6

18 Oct 15:13
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  • TOC sticky
  • TOC expand/collapse
  • TOC updated colors
  • TOC word wrap and indentation alignment
  • Header overlaps the TOC and page

f5-sphinx-theme v1.0.6b1

11 Oct 19:44
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TOC is now sticky, colors black/white/grey, has expand/collapse, resizes to fit browser. Top menu extended to overlap with TOC.

f5-sphinx-theme v1.0.5

10 Sep 17:27
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Release Highlights

This release implements the new React-based version selector. See the README for information and usage instructions.

View the changelog

Analytics: The Google TM scripts replace the Adobe TM scripts in this release.

To do:

  • Enforce the html_date_last_updated format required by AskF5.

f5-sphinx-theme v1.0.5b1

18 Jul 21:23
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Release Highlights

This beta release implements the new version selector. See the README for information and usage instructions.

View the changelog

To do:

  • Enforce the html_date_last_updated format required by AskF5.

f5-sphinx-theme v1.0.4

02 Jul 22:13
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Release Highlights

  • bugfix for #70; added a new theme option (base_url) which defaults to '/'; this allows projects to swap in a different base_URL, such as that of the staging site.

  • Removed the version selector functionality; requires further development

  • uses correct AskF5 format for product metadata

  • use the header and footer from clouddocs/clouddocs-staging

  • testing and deployment improvements:

    • sample content is built, tested, and deployed in the container image used for production deployments
    • replace htmlproofer with htmlhint

To do:

  • Enforce the html_date_last_updated format required by AskF5.
  • Integrate the version selector

View the changelog)


Bumped version to v1.0.4 to get around duplicate package error from pypi (even though there was no v1.0.3 uploaded).

f5-sphinx-theme v1.0.3b4

07 Jun 23:02
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Release Summary

Same as v1.0.3b3, except had to bump the version again to fix the deployment to PyPi.

This beta release contains:

  • bugfix for mobile display on small screens
  • testing and deployment improvements
    • sample content is built, tested, and deployed in the container image used for production deployments
    • replace htmlproofer with htmlhint
  • bugfix for #70; added a new theme option (base_url) which defaults to '/'; this allows projects to swap in a different base_URL, such as that of the staging site.
  • version selector bar added by @nerdoftech
  • uses correct AskF5 format for product metadata
  • use the header and footer from the staging site ( instead of building them in to the theme (**SOURCE URL TO BE UPDATED once HTTPS is active for

To do:

  • Enforce the html_date_last_updated format required by AskF5.

View the changelog

f5-sphinx-theme v1.0.3b3

07 Jun 23:00
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This beta release contains:

  • bugfix for mobile display on small screens
  • testing and deployment improvements
    • sample content is built, tested, and deployed in the container image used for production deployments
    • replace htmlproofer with htmlhint
  • bugfix for #70; added a new theme option (base_url) which defaults to '/'; this allows projects to swap in a different base_URL, such as that of the staging site.
  • version selector bar added by @nerdoftech
  • uses correct AskF5 format for product metadata

To do:

  • Enforce the html_date_last_updated format required by AskF5.

View the changelog

F5 Sphinx Theme v1.0.2

30 Mar 19:52
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Release Highlights

This release contains a bugfix for the sidebar formatting, which had issues when viewed in some browser/OS combinations. (see #66).

View the changelog for details.