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Setting Env var Default value Description
influxdb.hostport INFLUXDB_HOSTPORT http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, Influxdb output is enabled
influxdb.database INFLUXDB_DATABASE falco Influxdb database (api v1 only)
influxdb.organization INFLUXDB_ORGANISATION Influxdb organisation
influxdb.bucket INFLUXDB_BUCKET falco Metrics bucket
influxdb.precision INFLUXDB_PRECISION ns Write precision
influxdb.user INFLUXDB_USER User to use if auth is enabled in Influxdb
influxdb.password INFLUXDB_PASSWORD Password to use if auth is enabled in Influxdb
influxdb.token INFLUXDB_TOKEN API token to use if auth in enabled in Influxdb (disables user and password)
influxdb.mutualtls INFLUXDB_MUTUALTLS false Authenticate to the output with TLS, if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
influxdb.checkcert INFLUXDB_CHECKCERT true Check if ssl certificate of the output is valid
influxdb.minimumpriority INFLUXDB_MINIMUMPRIORITY "" (= debug) Minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency,alert,critical,error,warning,notice,informational,debug or ""


The Env var values override the settings from yaml file.

Example of config.yaml

  # hostport: "" # http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, Influxdb output is enabled
  # database: "falco" # Influxdb database (api v1 only) (default: falco)
  # organization: "" # Influxdb organization
  # bucket: "falco" # Metrics bucket (default: falco)
  # precision: "ns" # Write precision
  # user: "" # user to use if auth is enabled in Influxdb
  # password: "" # pasword to use if auth is enabled in Influxdb
  # token: "" # API token to use if auth in enabled in Influxdb (disables user and password)
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # mutualtls: false # if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)


> use falco
Using database falco
> show series
> select * from events
name: events
time                akey    bkey    ckey    priority rule      value
----                ----    ----    ----    -------- ----      -----
1560433816893368400 AValue  BValue  CValue  Debug    Testrule  This is a test from falcosidekick
1560441359119741800 A_Value B_Value C_Value Debug    Test_rule This is a test from falcosidekick