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204 lines (170 loc) · 3.44 KB

File metadata and controls

204 lines (170 loc) · 3.44 KB


Class and Methods

Familiar C-like syntax

  class Person
    var name: Str
    var age: Int

    //method with default parameter
    fun say(a:Str = "default") { echo("Hi $a") }

    //named constructor
    new make(name: Str, age: Int) { = name
      this.age = age

  //Type Inference
  p := Person("B", 30)

  //named param
  p := Person(name:"B", age:30)

Field Accessors

No more boiler plate getters and setters.

  class Person
    var name: Str
    var age: Int {
      set { checkAge(val); &age = it }

Hybrid Static and Dynamic Typed

the "->" operator to call a method dynamically.

  //static invoke
  p.age = 10

  //dynamic invoke
  p->age = 10


  [0, 1, 2]

  [1:"one", 2:"two"]

  0..5    // 0 to 5
  0..<5   // 0 to 4

  //string interpolation
  "$x + $y = ${x+y}"

  100ms   //100 milliseconds

Non-Nullable Types

A non-nullable type is guaranteed to never store the null value.

  var a: Str? = null //might stores null
  var b: Str  //never stores null

  //Nullable is a part of API
  fun foo(arg: Str?): Str

Functional and Closures

Functions are first class objects

  // print 0 to 9
  10.times { echo(it) }

  files = files.sort |a, b| { a.modified <=> b.modified }

  ["one", "two", "three"].map { it.size }.each { echo(it) }

Strong Immutability

First class support immutable class.

  //immutable class
  const class Str { ... }

  const p: Str       //deep immutable
  const p: StrBuf    //compile error
  let p: StrBuf //shallow immutable

Thread Safe Concurrency

The actor-model concurrency. The runtime make sure no shared mutable state between threads.

  actor := Actor |msg| { echo(msg) }

Declarative Programming

Fantom serialization format just is a subset of Fantom source grammar.

    title = "Demo"
    size = Size(600,600)
      numCols = 2
      Label { text="label1" },
        top    = Button { text = "top" }
        left   = Button { text = "left" }
        right  = Button { text = "right" }
        bottom = Button { text = "bottom" }
        center = Button { text = "center" }


Pods are the unit of versioning deployment and namespace. They are combined together using clear dependencies. The pod build script:

  podName = testlib
  summary = test lib
  version = 2.0
  srcDirs = test/,fan/
  depends = sys 1.0, std 1.0, reflect 1.0


The interface with implementations

  mixin Audio
    abstract var volume: Int
    fun incrementVolume() { volume += 1 }
    fun decrementVolume() { volume -= 1 }

  class Television : Audio
    override var volume: Int  = 0


  class Foo<T> {
    var t: T? 
    fun get(): T { return t }

  foo := Foo<Str>()
  foo.t = "abc"

Extension method

To add methods out side the class

  class Whatever {
    extension static fun foo(str: Str) {

  //shortcut of

Aspect Oriented Programming

  //same as bar.trap("foo", arg)

Async/Await Coroutine

The C#/Javascript like async/await pattern.

  async fun foo(id: Int) {
    user := await getUser(id)
    image := await getImage(user.image)
    imageView.image = image