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NFQueue Tamper

A tool to help in testing client/server robustness in the presence of malformed data.

Supported protocols:

  • IPv4
    • UDP
    • TCP



Build with make


nfqueue_tamer -q <queue> -t "method1;opt1;opt2" -t "method2;opt1"

Queue number defaults to 0. Must be run as root.

To create a queue:

iptables -A <chain> [filter criteria] -j NFQUEUE --queue-num <queue>

For example, to trap all outbound UDP traffic coming from port 63:

iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp --sport 63 -J NFQUEUE --queue-num 0

Available methods and associated options:

  • rand - Randomly tamper with data
    • off - Offset, or offset range, at which to apply randomization
      • Defaults to 0:-1 (0 - end)
    • con - If offset is a range, whether or not modified bytes must be consecutive
      • Defaults to 0 (non-consecutive allowed)
    • sz - Number of bytes to modify, can be a range
      • Defaults to 1
  • fixed - Overwrite region of data with supplied values
    • off - Offset at which to apply data
      • Cannot be a range
    • data - Hex data
  • replace - Replace bytes within matching sequence
    • off - Offset into sequence to start replacing
      • Cannot be a range
      • Can be negative
    • seq - Hex sequence to search for
    • data - Replacement data
    • multi - Whether to allow multiple replacements
      • NOTE: Previously matching sequence is currently skipped

Global options:

  • chance - How likely the tamper method is to be used on a given packet
    • Probability value between 0 and 1
    • Defaults to 1


nfqueue_tamper -q 0 -t "rand;chance=.5;off=0:4;sz=1:2" -t "fixed;chance=0.1;off=16;data=0FEA0011"

This will have a 50% chance on every packet of replacing one or two of the first five bytes in the payload (application-layer data) with a random value, and a 10% chance of replacing data at offset 16-19 with 0F,EA,00,11.