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This document contains usage examples for individual roles from community.fdo Ansible Collection. A copy-paste Ansible playbook snippets are listed below.


You need to install Ansible and community.fdo & ansible.posix collections.


Install FDO AIO Server

- name: Install FDO AIO Server
  hosts: aio_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    # Role installs required packages, starts services &
    # enables required ports for FDO AIO Server.
    - import_role:
        name: setup_aio_server

Configure FDO AIO Server

- name: Configure FDO AIO Server
  hosts: aio_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    - aio_configuration_serviceinfo_api_auth_token: "token_1" # to be changed
    - aio_configuration_serviceinfo_api_admin_token: "token_2" # to be changed
    # Role updates FDO AIO Server config files and restarts the services.
    # In case ports are changed, it also enables newly configured ports.
    - import_role:
        name: configure_aio_server

Install Manufacturing, Owner & Rendezvous Servers

In case of the specific use-case where Manufacturing Server is located in different network than Owner and Rendezvous Servers - and the latter can't access the former, copy_manufacturer_certs variable has to be set to false (for Owner & Rendezvous Servers installation).

- name: Install Manufacturing Server
  hosts: manufacturing_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    # Role installs required packages, starts services &
    # enables required ports for FDO Manufacturing Server.
    - import_role:
        name: setup_manufacturing_server

- name: Install Owner Server
  hosts: owner_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
  #  - copy_manufacturer_certs: false
    # Role installs required packages, copies required keys and certificates from Manufacturing Server,
    # starts services and enables required ports for FDO Owner Server.
    - import_role:
        name: setup_owner_server

- name: Install Rendezvous Server
  hosts: rendezvous_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
  #  - copy_manufacturer_certs: false
    # Role installs required packages, copies required keys and certificates from Manufacturing Server,
    # starts services and enables required ports for FDO rendezvous Server.
    - import_role:
        name: setup_rendezvous_server

Note: server components are not configured as a part of setup roles. To successfully complete installation run configure roles.

Configure Manufacturing, Owner & Rendezvous Servers

In case of the specific use-case where Manufacturing Server is located in different network than Owner and Rendezvous Servers - and the latter can't access the former, update_keys_certs variable has to be set to false (for Owner & Rendezvous Servers configuration).

- name: Configure Manufacturing Server
  hosts: manufacturing_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    # Role updates FDO Manufacturing Server config files and restarts the services.
    # In case ports are changed, it also enables newly configured ports.
    - import_role:
        name: configure_manufacturing_server

- name: Configure Owner Server
  hosts: owner_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
  #  - update_keys_certs: false
    # Role updates FDO Owner Server config files and restarts the services.
    # If not configured otherwise it also updates installed Manufacturing Server keys and certificates .
    # In case ports are changed, it also enables newly configured ports.
    - import_role:
        name: configure_owner_server

- name: Configure Rendezvous Server
  hosts: rendezvous_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
  #  - update_cert: false
    # Role updates FDO Rendezvous Server config files and restarts the services.
    # If not configured otherwise it also updates installed Manufacturing Server keys and certificates .
    # In case ports are changed, it also enables newly configured ports.
    - import_role:
        name: configure_rendezvous_server

Copy Manufacturing Server Certificates and Keys to Owner/Rendezvous Servers via localhost

- name: Fetch Manufacturing Server Certs and Keys to localhost
  hosts: manufacturing_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    # Role copies Server Certificates and Keys from Manufacturing Server to localhost.
    # This role should be delegated only to Manufacturing Server.
    - import_role:
        name: fetch_manufacturing_server_certs_to_localhost

- name: Copy Manufacturing Server Certs and Keys to Owner Server
  hosts: owner_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    # Role copies Manufacturing Server Certificates and Keys from localhost to Owner Server.
    # This role should be delegated only to Owner Server.
    - import_role:
        name: copy_manufacturing_server_certs_to_owner_server

- name: Copy Manufacturing Server Certs to Rendezvous Server
  hosts: rendezvous_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    # Role copies Manufacturing Server Certificate from localhost to Rendezvous Server.
    # This role should be delegated only to Rendezvous Server.
    - import_role:
        name: copy_manufacturing_server_certs_to_rendezvous_server

Copy Manufacturing Server Ownership Vouchers

- name: Copy Ownership Vouchers
  hosts: owner_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    # Role copies Device Ownership Vouchers from Manufacturing Server to Owner Server.
    # This role should be delegated only to Owner Server.
    - import_role:
        name: copy_ownership_vouchers

Copy Manufacturing Server Ownership Vouchers via localhost

- name: Fetch Ownership Vouchers from Manufacturer server to localhost
  hosts: manufacturing_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    # Role copies Device Ownership Vouchers from Manufacturing Server to localhost.
    # This role should be delegated only to Manufacturing Server.
    - import_role:
        name: fetch_ownership_vouchers_to_localhost

- name: Copy Ownership Vouchers from localhost to Owner server
  hosts: owner_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    # Role copies Device Ownership Vouchers from localhost to Owner Server.
    # This role should be delegated only to Owner Server.
    - import_role:
        name: copy_ownership_vouchers_from_localhost

Use Custom FDO Keys and Certificates

In cases where manufacturing and owner servers belong to different entities, it is possible to use custom keys and certificates instead of having them generated by the manufacturing server. The following examples show how to disable the automatic generation, and distribute locally stored keys and certificates to FDO servers.

- name: Install Manufacturing Server with Custom Keys and Certificates
  hosts: manufacturing_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    manufacturing_server_generate_keys_and_certificates: false
    # Role installs packages required for FDO manufacturing server, copies required configuration and opens firewall ports
    - import_role:
        name: setup_manufacturing_server
    # Role copies keys and certificates required for FDO manufacturing server from localhost
    - import_role:
        name: copy_manufacturing_server_certs_to_manufacturing_server

- name: Install Rendezvous Server with Custom Keys and Certificates
  hosts: rendezvous_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    copy_manufacturer_certs: false
    # Role installs packages required for FDO rendezvous server, copies required configuration and opens firewall ports
    - import_role:
        name: setup_rendezvous_server
    # Role copies keys and certificates required for FDO rendezvous server from localhost
    - import_role:
        name: copy_manufacturing_server_certs_to_rendezvous_server

- name: Install Owner Server with Custom Keys and Certificates
  hosts: owner_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    copy_manufacturer_certs: false
    # Role installs packages required for FDO owner server, copies required configuration and opens firewall ports
    - import_role:
        name: setup_owner_server
    # Role copies keys and certificates required for FDO owner server from localhost
    - import_role:
        name: copy_manufacturing_server_certs_to_owner_server

A custom location for keys and certificates can be specified via the localhost_manufacturing_server_certs_dir variable.

Generate Keys and Certificates on Local Host

The collection also includes a role for generating all or a subset of keys and certificates if needed.

- name: Generate FDO Keys and Certificates
  hosts: localhost
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    # Role generates keys and certificates of FDO types
    - import_role:
        name: generate_keys_and_certificates

Customize ServiceInfo API

In most cases you will want to customize the onboarding via a ServiceInfo API configuration. This can be done by providing the configuration in YAML format with two-space indentation, as either an in-line value

- name: Configure Owner Server
  hosts: owner_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    serviceinfo_api_server_config: |-
        username: admin
        - "ssh-rsa ABCDEF+EXAMPLE/PUBLICSSHKEY= [email protected]"
      - path: /root/
        source_path: "/etc/fdo/store/serviceinfo_api/scripts/"
        permissions: "744"
      - command: /bin/bash
        - /root/
        return_stdout: true
        return_stderr: true
      - disk_label: /dev/vda4
          pin: tpm2
          config: "{}"
        reencrypt: true
      additional_serviceinfo: ~
    # Role updates FDO Owner Server config files and restarts the services.
    - import_role:
        name: configure_owner_server

or a file

- name: Configure Owner Server
  hosts: owner_server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    serviceinfo_api_server_config: "{{ lookup('file', 'serviceinfo-api-config.yml') }}"
    # Role updates FDO Owner Server config files and restarts the services.
    - import_role:
        name: configure_owner_server

The custom configuration can also be a template. In that case, set all necessary vars and define the configuration as follows

    serviceinfo_api_server_config: "{{ lookup('template', 'serviceinfo-api-config.yml.j2') }}"

The full list of customization options can be found under service_info in the How-To documentation for the FIDO Device Onboard implementation.