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DBSP Storage Design

This document describes the persistent storage implementation for the dbsp runtime.


At the lowest level of DBSP, state is stored in two data-structures which both represent (ordered) sets of keys and for every key, potentially a set of values (OrderedLayer) or a weight (ColumnLayer):

  • ColumnLayer: The column-layer holds a key with a weight. The in-memory implementation uses two equal-length vectors for keys and weights.
  • OrderedLayer: The ordered-layer holds key and a set of values per key. The in-memory representation uses a vector for keys, a vector for offsets (start/end of values for each key in values), and values -- which is again either an OrderedLayer or a ColumnLayer.

These two low-level constructs are then used to build the "middle-layer" data-structures which store state:

  • OrdIndexedZSet (OrderedLayer<K, ColumnLayer<V, R>, O>)
  • OrdKeyBatch (OrderedLayer<K, ColumnLayer<T, R>, O>)
  • OrdValBatch (OrderedLayer<K, OrderedLayer<V, ColumnLayer<T, R>, O>, O>)
  • OrdZSet (ColumnLayer<K, R>)

These four data-structures are also called batches, because they implement the Batch trait in dbsp. Implementing Batch gives dbsp a way to combine two data-structures of the same type by merging them together (hence forming a new "batch"), but also to query the data inside the batch by providing a cursor based API. Another important property for batches is that they are immutable, they never change once they are created (minus some instances where we don't adhere to this design philosophy, more on that below).

Finally, the "upper-level" is just one data-structure called a Spine. The Spine is an LSM tree implementation: It accepts batches as inputs and maintains a consistent view for the key, values and weights (also by providing a cursor API -- which now internally uses many batch cursors) across all batches currently in the Spine (e.g., if multiple batches contain the same key, it will display the most up-to-date value/weight for the given key). The spine also garbage collects state by periodically merging batches.

Goals & Motivation

  1. Currently, all the above data-structures are in-memory, hence state in dbsp can not exceed the main-memory capacity of a machine (assuming no distribution). The goal of this project is to implement a persistent storage layer for the above data-structures, which allows dbsp to use a disk as a backing store for state. This will allow dbsp to store and query state beyond main-memory capacity.

  2. The second goal of the proposal is to be able to store data in the persistent storage layer in a consistent manner to survive application crashes and power failures and be able to recover the data structures from disk from an earlier checkpoint. In the context of fault-tolerant dbsp this means: if a dbsp worker crashes, or a machine becomes temporarily unavailable, instead of having to replay all input data from kafka before we can resume processing, we can load most of the state from disk and resume processing from the last available checkpoint. In addition, data corruption of the persistent state should be detected and result in a graceful abort of the worker. Similarly failing to write to the disk should result in a retry (and later a graceful abort).

  3. The third goal is to provide both goal 1 and 2 at a performance that is "as close as possible" to the in-memory implementation of dbsp. One of the learnings from our rocksdb prototype is that the dbsp performance is very sensitive to the underlying storage layer (unsurprisingly). For example, we found that the rocksdb implementation of the spine is very slow because of deserialization overheads for keys and values. The design we plan in this document addresses this by avoiding any unnecessary deserialization (and copy) overheads when loading data from disk altogether. This should allow us to achieve performance that is very close to the in-memory implementation as long as we have enough memory available (and afterwards we're ideally bottlenecked by the disks latency/throughput+performance of prefetching logic).


Some things are not part of this proposal, but we try to keep them in mind as they are future work:

  • Distributed storage: This proposal only deals state on a single machine. Workers running on multiple machines will have their own (local) storage but won't be able to e.g., share state in a unified data-lake or store it such that in case of failures we can resume from a new machine.
  • DDL Changes: DBSP will support arbitrary schema changes in the future (which changes the format and state of the stored data-structures). How to handle schema changes in the persistent storage layer is future work.
  • The proposal does not deal with adding/removing or using multiple disks for storage. Although this could be added in the future or solved by having a RAID layer.

How to go about it?

There are three reasonable ways to inject persistence in dbsp:

  1. Top-down: Replace Spine (and everything underneath) with a "persistent spine" (e.g., by using rocksdb or an equivalent solution). This means that the spine receives (in-memory) batches (e.g., OrdValBatch) from dbsp and is responsible to store them. As discussed earlier the spine is essentially a KV-store (structured as an LSM tree). So the spine would be responsible to store the batches on a disk and merge batches etc. The reader will note that this closely resembles what existing LSM-based KV-stores (e.g., rocksdb) already do.
  2. Bottom-up: The OrderedLayer and ColumnLayer are replaced with persistent equivalents that no longer hold the entire vectors in memory (but only parts currently/recently used).
  3. Have a single data-lake that is mostly decoupled from the (in-memory) dbsp. During pre-processing operators prefetch all necessary keys from the data-lake which then gets manifested as a set of batches in dbsp. This is similar to the top-down approach, but the data-lake is not part of dbsp and dbsp only interacts with it through a well-defined interface.

The top-down approach is easier to implement as a lot of concerns can be "just" offloaded to rocksdb, and in fact we already implemented enough of it. However, we found that it results in a very slow dbsp. The learnings inspired the bottom-up approach which is what this document will focus on. The third approach is mostly a theoretical idea at this point, but for an implementation it is likely more useful as an optimization of the 2nd approach in the future as some operators will require to scan all existing state.


We describe the design for the persistence layer in a bottom-up fashion, focusing on the lowest layers and APIs first.


See Layer File Format for a format proposal.

Storage Engine / IO Access

We need a storage engine that handles IO for us. The storage engine abstracts away the details of the file read/write API.

We will aim to support two backends:

  • io-uring: This interface is the most efficient and allows us to get data from disk into a user-space buffer using a 0-copy approach (e.g., disk DMAs directly into the user-space buffer).
  • POSIX read & write (using direct IO, and potentially vectored): Allows dbsp to work on non-Linux hosts when performance doesn't matter and developer does not want to use io-uring.

In the future, we can potentially support spdk too. This will increase CPU efficiency by 2x and can increase performance (by 10-20%) over io-uring according to [1]. The downside is that it requires exclusive access over the nvme drive(s) & a FUSE file-system needs to be mounted for inspection of storage files etc. So it's a tradeoff between max. performance for usability if we would want to significantly improve resource util. However, maybe io-uring will catch up wrg. to efficiency too (as it's still pretty new).

There are existing rust APIs/libraries we can use for both backends. What we need to do is wrap this under a common interface to abstract the details away from clients.


io-uring has multiple modes:

  • iou: interrupt from device, syscall for submit receive queue
  • iou+p: poll device, syscall for submit and receive queue
  • iou+k: poll device, poll submit and receive queue (IORING_SETUP_SQPOLL)

Here are some (performance) observations about io-uring from [1]:

  • iou+k has the best performance (similar to spdk) but requires 2x the amount of cores for the same performance as spdk (because one extra poller kernel thread).
  • Sharing kernel poller threads among several thread is something that is supported by io-uring (not investigated in paper).
  • iou vs. iou+p has little throughput difference but overall less performance for lower core counts (40% slower than iou+k or spdk).
  • iou+p approach has better latency than iou.

This conflicts somewhat with findings in [2]:

  • We run experiments with io_uring using SQPOLL (iou+k) as dedicated I/O threads, but this actually decreased performance and efficiency. This is the case because kernel workers take up CPU cores that could otherwise be used by worker threads. Further adjusting the number of I/O threads is difficult and highly dependent on the workload.

It seems the simplest way for now is by using the iou+k model and a reserve some cores for kernel IO (polling) and leave the rest for dbsp threads. Note that polling here doesn't mean 100% CPU utilization as it would with dpdk or spdk (as the kernel threads will still have configurable back-off timeouts).


At the lowest level, the storage backend should be a (potentially async) API that allows a client to submit reads and writes to/from files and give indication to prefetch certain blocks. e.g., on a very abstract level it supports the following operations:

type FilePtr = (file_descriptor, offset, length) // or just (fd, block_number)
read(FilePtr) -> Arc<FileBlock>
prefetch([FilePtr; N])
GetFreeBuffer() -> Arc<Buffer>
write(FilePtr, Buffer)

Buffer pool

Internally, the Storage Engine will need a buffer pool to cache previously read (or written) data for reuse by clients. A policy (e.g., LRU) can be implemented to evict buffers from the pool once memory becomes scarce.

The exact details for this are TBD, but there are some important points to consider for the design:

  • Most likely the buffer pool for allocating buffers will need to be shared among all threads or allow some way to rebalance buffers in case one dbsp worker thread runs out of memory and another has spare buffers. This can be implemented using a layered approach for buffer management (e.g., have a fast thread-local buffer pool and a slower shared buffer pool).

  • In dbsp a buffer is accessed only by a single thread (since the data in Spines are per dbsp-thread and partitioned). Though, this might change in the future once we no longer store the entire row as values in dbsp. So we might still want to use Atomic reference counts on the buffers.

  • For good performance with io-uring, the buffers need to be registered with the OS before use.

  • Ideally the buffers should all be a fixed size (e.g., 64 KiB or 2MiB) so the buffer pool allocator can be implemented in a simple fashion (e.g., a slab). (It's not clear to me this is possible with rkyv out of the box yet.)

There are a few ways to implement this:

  • Use existing libraries that implement buffer pools: I didn't find anything in the rust library ecosystem we can "just use" for this yet instead of writing our own, but there are definitely some building blocks (e.g., slab allocator)
  • Another alternative is to just rely on the malloc implementation and call the eviction policy if malloc fails. This probably isn't ideal as we don't expect malloc to fail in other parts of the code and changing the rest of the code to handle malloc failures is more work than using a separate buffer pool.

Persistent Ordered and ColumnLayers

The next step is to implement the persistent version of the OrderedLayer and ColumnLayer. While the logic of these can closely resemble the in-memory versions, the important difference is that we can no longer store the entire data-set in memory. Instead, we need to store the data on disk and only load parts of it into memory when needed. This can be done by interacting with the storage engine described above.

The persistent versions of the layers will need to implement the following APIs to match the DRAM functionality:

keys() -> usize
cursor(from, to) -> Cursor
retain() // this is new I don't understand yet what it does
truncate(bound: usize) // ignore everything above `bound`
truncate_below(bound: usize) // ignore everything below `bound` in the future

Certain APIs we currently have in dbsp will not work with a fully immutable/on-disk layer.

  • We currently store the lower_bound in a ColumnLayer, but this is not possible in a persistent layer. So we would refactor this to be part of the Spine meta-data in the future as it is the same for all layers in the spine.
  • There are APIs like keys_mut, diffs_mut etc. that return a mutable reference to all the keys. This is not possible in a persistent layer.
  • Other APIs make assumptions that all keys and diffs are available in DRAM e.g., columns_mut, as_parts, into_parts etc. These APIs will need to be refactored to work with the persistent layer either by eliminating them or by providing an iterator instead of the full slice.
  • Some of these function seemingly are only used by the JIT, so we can probably remove them easily.

Then there are some traits that we need to implement like MergeBuilder and TupleBuilder to construct new layers and the Cursor trait to iterate over a layer. There are a lot of methods on Cursors, but from an implementation perspective the part that's really different is the implementation for seek (which now needs to take into consideration the index to minimize disk access). While there might be some re-use of the existing code, the persistent versions will need to work with a limited amount of data-blocks in memory at any time which is something the current code doesn't consider.

The Ord family (OrdIndexedZSet, OrdKeyBatch, OrdValBatch, OrdZSet)

This will be the part that we get almost for free if we have the persistent layers because we can probably "just" use the DRAM implementation. However, here as well we will encounter are a few things that won't fit with persistence (like the valid flag or the recede_to functionality but in discussion with Leonid recede_to can probably be eliminated completely).

Persistent Circuits

The general problem we face is to persist an entire circuit at a given step id and resume from it later (potentially inside a new (OS) process).

Luckily, with what we discussed above dbsp can already store batches in files, which contain most of the circuit state. However, to checkpoint and resume from checkpoints, the software also needs to save the spine state. The spine holds collections of batches, provides a cursor to lookup keys and values from the batch collection, and computes the weight of a tuple by consolidating identical tuples. It also merges batches during garbage-collection.

Persisting a spine involves storing the batches/files which are currently in the spine along with certain meta-data (bounds and filters mentioned earlier). While it's not a lot of state, it's important to store this data in a manner that is consistent with the persistent layers so a spine's original state can be recovered from disk in case of failures.

Aside from spines, there is other state we will eventually have to persist but we ignore it for now as it only applies to recursive circuits. However, we do want a general design for persisting circuits which we explain next.

Integration with the rest of DBSP

Persistence is exposed through a control plane API that operates on a circuit handle. The control plane API involves:

  • an API call for taking a checkpoint of the circuit: [commit]
  • an API call to delete (the oldest available) checkpoint: [gc_checkpoint]
  • a configuration option when initializing the circuit to resume from a given storage location and checkpoint in [CircuitConfig]

Next we will explain these operations and settings in more detail.

Providing a storage location

The circuit will store its persistent state in a set of files and sub-directories in a path specified through a configuration option. The circuit will take full control of this location and add/remove files/directories over time. It will also ensure that the directory is locked as to prevent accidentally running two processes/circuits that use the same directory.

The layout of a circuit storage location looks like this:

  • checkpoints.feldera: A binary file containing a list of available checkpoints (uuid, ordered by time taken), and for every checkpoint an optional identifier, corresponding circuit step id, and fingerprint of the circuit.
  • *.mut: A partially written file, that may exist during adding a new checkpoint/writing a new batch. The .mut will eventually be removed once the file is fully written. While it is not necessary it makes it a bit safer to get rid of incomplete files when recovering from a failure.
  • <uuid>.feldera: Batch files used by various spines of a circuit.
  • <uuid>/: Directories that correspond to a checkpoint and have checkpoint specific files (note that a batch may be used by many checkpoints, hence they live in the base directory).
  • <uuid>/pspine-batches-<persistent-id>.dat: There is one for every spine in the circuit. These are rkyv files of type Vec<String> and they contain just a list of batch filenames in-use by the spine for this given checkpoint.
  • <uuid>/psine-<persistent-id>.dat: This contains a rkyv representation of all the state necessary to completely reconstruct struct Spine.

Q: Why do we have two set of files, pspine-*.dat and pspine-batches-*.dat for spine meta-data: It is easier to read pspine-batches-*.dat as it doesn't require the code to know the exact generic type of the Spine in order to read/write it with rkyv.

Taking a checkpoint

We add a blocking commit method to the circuit (DBSPHandle) to take a new checkpoint. The commit is named using an uuid and will lead to a uuid directory being created in the storage location for storing files specific to the checkpoint. To take a checkpoint, the circuit will send a checkpoint command to all workers, which then will invoke a checkpoint method on every node/operator. The operators can indepdently have custom logic to persist state and/or reply with an error. The checkpoint command will wait synchronously until all workers have replied. If everyone was successful it will write a new entry for this checkpoint into checkpoints.feldera.mut and atomically rename it to checkpoints.feldera, which is the point at which the checkpoint was successfully created and is discoverable by a new process/circuit.

Concurrent execution between commit and step is prevented by the rust type system.

The most important commit implementation is the one for the Spine. Since the Spine is roughly a set of batches, the commit implementation has to write this list out in a persistent way so that a new dbsp process can reinitialize the Spine again with the same set of when resuming after a crash. Potentially, there can be many Spines in a circuit, so dbsp also needs to name them so it can find them again. For that we added persistent-ids for operators, based on the global node-ids of the circuit.

Currently, we flush (too often) whenever we complete writing a batch. In the future we would need to flush at least before we commit. In case of an ongoing merge (two batches are currently being merged into one while we commit), we will ignore the new batch that is in the making and just record the batches that are currently being merged. This means in the event of a crash we would loose any progress of ongoing merges.

If all commit operations on every spine succeeds, we can (given that we know the commit id) recover the state of every spine by re-creating the spine object and inserting the same batches again into it. More on that in the next section.

Removing a checkpoint

Deleting a checkpoint involves two steps:

  • Removing the checkpoint entry from the checkpoints.feldera file.
  • Deleting the checkpoint directory in the storage location
  • Figuring out which batch files (in the base directory) can be removed

The first two operations are trivial. Garbage collection of old batch files can be done by computing the set difference of all available batch files (in the file-system) vs. all files referenced by the available checkpoints (computed by reading the spine meta-data files).

Recovery Process

In order to restore a given checkpoint, we added two configuration options which are given to the circuit on initialization (the storage location and the commit id). Both of these can be queried from the Runtime struct in dbsp, hence during circuit construction we can decide if we want to either create a new/empty operator or initialize an operator based on state found in a commit (e.g., the spine would reinitialize itself by creating batches from existing files).

Another problem that is related to removing checkpoint is collecting garbage on startup. When a circuit crashes there might be intermediary files (e.g., unfinished merges of batches) in the storage location, depending on the size of batches being merged they might be large. Hence we run a cleanup routine on startup to remove any leftover, temporary files.

Data consistency for Distributed dbsp

The requirements for consistency in presence of multiple workers are slightly different than for a single worker. In essence: a worker needs to be able to participate in a distributed commit protocol to ensure that all workers have the same view of the data. If one of the workers abort, all clients need to revert to the previous checkpoint.

With the implementation above, the distributed implementation needs to revert every worker to the commit taken at the same step id.

Getting more parallelism for the disks

nvme disks need a lot of parallel requests for full performance. This means we need to be able to issue many IO requests at once. There are several ways to achieve this in dbsp:

  • Prefetch based on incoming data batches: We have batches coming in (small) and they usually require seeks in bigger persistent Spines. We can use the keys of the incoming batch to start prefetching the stored state.

  • Prefetch based on cursor usage. These are pretty basic optimizations, but we can prefetch the next block if we know a cursor is doing a sequential scan.

  • Add many more shards (micro shards)

    • This will partition the data across many more Spines and hence generate more parallel requests
    • However, it will have more overhead as all shards are currently a (POSIX) thread so it likely won't be great if we have 1000s of shards
    • It may also make the problem of imbalance among batches worse
  • The merge of a spine can ideally be expressed as a series of (vectored) scatter-gather writes.

The prefetching API will be part of the storage engine API, but still we need to inject the prefetching logic in the right places of dbsp. This is likely hard to get right so we need to be able to gather performance metrics about it too in the future.

Making the Spine smarter

The spine currently uses fairly deterministic and simple heuristics to decide when to merge batches. In addition, the merging happens in the foreground (with some ways to continue serving reads even with partially merged batches). For a persistent Spine implementation, it is likely better to merge batches in the background and swap them once the merge is complete.

Passing the serialized data format all the way to the operators

It may not have become obvious but in the current design, we will be using the rkyv serialized data format all the way to the cursor. However, after the cursors is where the data is actually used by the operators. At this point the current dbsp APIs will require us to deserialize the data and pass it on to the operators. This isn't ideal as in many cases it's not necessary and the dbsp operator (e.g., doing equality checks or simple arithmetic) can be implemented on the serialized data directly. This will require some refactoring of the dbsp operator APIs to allow them to work on serialized types and actual types interchangeably. We discussed some solutions for this, but it is future work for now.

DBSP (and corresponding File Format) updates

Ideally the file format should be relatively stable, but we will likely make changes in the future anyways as we work on dbsp. This means we need to be able to read old files and convert them to new formats. This can be done by adding a version number to the file header and then having a conversion function that converts the old format to the new format stored as part of the dbsp library code. The code can then convert files either lazily (e.g., during merges) or in an eager fashion on program startup. This also means that the program logic associated with a given
file-format version (e.g., ColumnLayer implementation) is preserved (in case of lazy updates) since we need to ensure that the layer can always handle all formats it might encounter.

Furthermore, the approach described in this document uses rkyv to define the storage layout with compile-time types, which means that the type we persisted (e.g., key or values) will also likely have to be versioned in order to detect changes in them. This will require some support from the compiler which ultimately generates these types persisted. At the very least we should have static asserts/tests to validate that the format of a type has not changed accidentally between feldera releases.

Pipeline Updates (DDL Changes)

Future implementations of SQL will support DDL changes (e.g., adding/removing columns). Changes in schema will likely lead to changes in the underlying persisted layers. This means we need to be able to update the file format to reflect the new schema. This is future work as it will require help from the compiler to generate a transformation plan for the data. However, similar to format changes it can be done lazily or eager (on restart) and will require a version/identifier to detect what changes have been applied to which files. The lazy approach is likely to be complicated as we need to save the transformation plan and keep it until all data has been transformed.


Testing the implementation of this design needs to consider three aspects:

  • Functional correctness: This can be ensured with unit and model-based tests that validate the correctness of the persistent implementations against their DRAM counter-parts (e.g., the ColumnLayer client API should behave the same as the one for PersistentColumnLayer). Finally, two versions of pipelines (DRAM and persistent) can be run with the same inputs and their outputs should be equal.
  • Correctness in presence of software crashes: This can be ensured with a test-framework that runs the pipeline and injects faults at random and well-defined/critical code-points. The system is evaluated for successful resume and maintaining data integrity.
  • Correctness in presence of hardware/OS failures: This can be tested using fault injection libraries and building testing infrastructure that physically cuts power. The system is evaluated for successful detection of data-corruption+abort and/or maintaining data integrity.


We will need a CLI tool to inspect, validate and potentially transform the on-disk data files. This needs some help from the compiler which should generate the data-schema for state in every persistent spine, so we can store it together with the data. (Otherwise, the CLI tool will not know how to interpret the data on disk.). In fact, if the types are very complicated, the compiler might have to generate the CLI tool (or at least the types used in the files as part of a library) we won't be able to interpret it otherwise.

An alternative approach might be to just be able to open a pipeline in static/snapshot mode where it allows us to read/inspect all data through an HTTP API. This would likely be easier to implement.

Related Systems (or why don't we just use X)

Roughly existing systems/storage engines can be categorized into two designs:

Embedded stores (linked together with the application, using rust API to interface):

  • RocksDB: Since we don't have control over data-alignment from RocksDB we can't make use of zero-copy reads. This is problematic for performance as we found out in our prototype.
  • LMDB: This stopped making progress in a simple benchmark after storing ~60M keys.
  • SplinterDB: No rust bindings, still experimental.
  • Sled: Slower than rocksdb in simple experiments, not mature yet.
  • sqlite: Not a KV-store, but can be used as one. Not sure how it performs.

Distributed storage systems:

  • Apache Paimon: A distributed LSM tree. This is what Flink wants to use as a future distributed storage layer, still early/experimental & in Java (though we might be able to use GraalVM to have efficient boundary crossing between Rust+Java).
  • DAOS: A HPC key-value store based on spdk. This is somewhat interesting, as it claims arbitrary alignments and zero-copy IO. Haven't tried it yet.
  • FoundationDB: A distributed key-value store. Complicated setup. Most likely not faster than rocksdb for a single node.
  • RockSet: Distributed RocksDB, will suffer from the same problems as single-instance RocksDB.
  • DragonflyDB: A Redis clone that is much faster. The linked blog shows >3M get/set operations per second. Under BSL so we won't be able to use it.


[1] Understanding Modern Storage APIs: A systematic study of libaio, SPDK, and io_uring (PDF, Talk)

[2] What Modern NVMe Storage Can Do, And How To Exploit It: High-Performance I/O for High-Performance Storage Engines (PDF)

[3] TRIAD: Creating Synergies Between Memory, Disk and Log (PDF)