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ElixirST: Session Types in Elixir

Elixir CI

ElixirST (Session Types in Elixir) applies session types to a fragment of the Elixir language. It statically checks that the programs use the correct communication structures (e.g. send/receive) when dealing with message passing between processes.

The design decisions of ElixirST and its underlying theory are described in the following papers co-authored by Gerard Tabone and Adrian Francalanza:

  • ElixirST: A Session-Based Type System for Elixir Modules. JLAMP 2023. (doi, pdf)
  • Session Fidelity for ElixirST: A Session-Based Type System for Elixir Modules. ICE 2022. (doi, pdf)
  • Session Types in Elixir. AGERE 2021. (doi, pdf)
  • Static Checking of Concurrent Programs in Elixir Using Session Types. Technical report, 2022. (pdf)


To session typecheck modules in Elixir, add use ElixirST and include any assertions using the annotations @session and @dual preceding any public function (def). The following is a simple example, which receives one label (?Hello()):

defmodule Example do
  use ElixirST

  @session "server = ?Hello().end"
  @spec server(pid) :: atom()
  def server(_pid) do
    receive do
      {:Hello} -> :ok

  @dual "server"
  @spec client(pid) :: {atom()}
  def client(pid) do
    send(pid, {:Hello})

ElixirST runs automatically at compile time (mix compile) or as a mix task (mix sessions [module name]):

$ mix sessions SmallExample
[info]  Session typechecking for client/1 terminated successfully
[info]  Session typechecking for server/0 terminated successfully

If the client sends a different label (e.g. :Hi) instead of the one specified in the session type (i.e. @session "!Hello()"), ElixirST will complain:

$ mix sessions Examples.SmallExample
[error] Session typechecking for client/1 found an error. 
[error] [Line 7] Expected send with label :Hello but found :Hi.

A (Failing) Example

In the next example, session typechecking fails because the session type !Hello() was expecting to find a send action with {:Hello} but found {:Yo}:

defmodule Module2 do
  use ElixirST

  @session "!Hello().end"
  @spec do_something(pid) :: {:Yo}
  def do_something(pid) do
    send(pid, {:Yo})


mix compile
== Compilation error in file example.ex ==
** (throw) "[Line 7] Expected send with label :Hello but found :Yo."

Session Types in Elixir

Session types are used to ensure correct communication between concurrent processes. The session type operations include the following: ! refers to a send action, ? refers to a receive action, & refers to a branch (external choice), and + refers to an (internal) choice.

Session types accept the following grammar:

S =
    !label(types, ...).S            (send)
  | ?label(types, ...).S            (receive)
  | &{?label(types, ...).S, ...}    (branch)
  | +{!label(types, ...).S, ...}    (choice)
  | rec X.(S)                       (recurse)
  | X                               (recursion var)
  | end                             (terminate)

types =
  | boolean
  | number
  | atom
  | pid
  | {types, types, ...}             (tuple)
  | [types]                         (list)

The following are some session type examples along with the equivalent Elixir code.

  • Send
    !Hello() - Sends label :Hello

    Equivalent Elixir code:

    send(pid, {:Hello})
  • Receive

    ?Ping(number) - Receives a label :Ping with a value of type number.

    Equivalent Elixir code:

    receive do
      {:Ping, value} -> value
  • Branch


    The process can receive either {:Option1} or {:Option2}. If the process receives the former, then it has to send {:Hello}. If it receives {:Option2}, then it terminates.

    Equivalent Elixir code:

    receive do
      {:Option1} -> send(pid, {:Hello, 55})
                    # ...
      {:Option2} -> # ...
  • Choice


    The process can choose either {:Option1} or {:Option2}. If the process chooses the former, then it has to send {:Hello}. If it chooses {:Option2}, then it terminates.

    Equivalent Elixir code:

    send(pid, {:Option1})
    send(pid, {:Hello, 55})
    # or
    send(pid, {:Option2})
  • Recurse

    X = &{?Stop(), ?Retry().X} - If the process receives {:Stop}, it terminates. If it receives {:Retry} it recurses back to the beginning.

    Equivalent Elixir code:

    def rec() do
      receive do
        {:Stop}  -> # ...
        {:Retry} -> rec()

Using ElixirST


The package can be installed by adding elixirst to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:elixirst, "~> 0.8.4"}

Documentation can be found at

Use in Elixir modules

To session typecheck a module, link the ElixirST library using this line:

use ElixirST

Insert any checks using the @session attribute followed by a function that should be session typechecked, such as:

@session "pinger = !Ping().?Pong()"
def function(), do: ...

The @dual attribute checks the dual of the specified session type.

@dual "pinger"
# Equivalent to: @session "?Ping().!Pong()"

Other examples can be found in the examples folder.


Feel free to cite ElixirST as follows (or use .bib file):

Francalanza, A., & Tabone, G. (2023). ElixirST: A session-based type system for Elixir modules. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 135, 100891.


Some code related to Elixir expression typing was adapted from typelixir by Cassola (MIT licence).

This project is licenced under the GPL-3.0 licence.