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Ghislain B edited this page Dec 11, 2021 · 22 revisions

The Grid Menu (also known as the Hamburger Menu) is now part of Aurelia-Slickgrid and is enabled by default).

How to use it?

It's Enabled by default

Technically, it's enable by default and so you don't have anything to do to enjoy it. However if you want to customize the content of the Grid Menu, then continue reading.


Demo Page / Demo ViewModel


Column Picker

The Grid Menu comes, by default, with a Column Picker. This brings an easy way to show/hide certain column(s) from the grid. This functionality was copied from the Column Picker Plugin and brought over to the Grid Menu.

Custom Commands

The Grid Menu also comes, by default, with a list of built-in custom commands (all their positionOrder are in the reserved range of 40 to 60)

  • Clear all Filters (you can hide it with hideClearAllFiltersCommand: true)
  • Clear all Sorting (you can hide it with hideClearAllSortingCommand: true)
  • Toggle the Filter Row (you can hide it with hideToggleFilterCommand: true)
  • Export to CSV (you can hide it with hideExportCsvCommand: true)
  • _Export to Text Delimited (you can hide it with hideExportTextDelimitedCommand: true)
  • Refresh Dataset, only shown when using Backend Service API (you can hide it with hideRefreshDatasetCommand: true)

This section is called Custom Commands because you can also customize this section with your own commands. To do that, you need to fill in 2 properties (an array of commandItems and define onGridMenuCommand callback) in your Grid Options. For example, Aurelia-Slickgrid is configured by default with these settings (you can overwrite any one of them):

this.gridOptions = {
   enableAutoResize: true,
   enableGridMenu: true,   // <<-- this will automatically add extra custom commands
   enableFiltering: true,
   gridMenu: {
     commandTitle: 'Custom Commands',
     columnTitle: 'Columns',
     iconCssClass: 'fa fa-ellipsis-v',
     menuWidth: 17,
     resizeOnShowHeaderRow: true,
     commandItems: [
         iconCssClass: 'fa fa-filter text-danger',
         title: 'Clear All Filters',
         disabled: false,
         command: 'clear-filter'
         iconCssClass: 'fa fa-random',
         title: 'Toggle Filter Row',
         disabled: false,
         command: 'toggle-filter'
     onCommand: (e, args) => {
       if (args.command === 'toggle-filter') {
       } else if (args.command === 'clear-filter') {

Callback Hooks

There are 3 callback hooks which are accessible in the Grid Options

  • onGridMenuBeforeShow
  • onGridMenuCommand
  • onGridMenuClose

For more info on all the available properties of the custom commands, you can read refer to the doc written in the Grid Menu implementation itself.

How to change an icon of all default commands?

You can change any of the default command icon(s) by changing the icon[X-command], for example, see below for the defaults.

this.gridOptions = {
   enableGridMenu: true,
   gridMenu: {
     iconClearAllFiltersCommand: 'fa fa-filter text-danger'
     iconClearAllSortingCommand: 'fa fa-unsorted text-danger',
     iconExportCsvCommand: 'fa fa-download',
     iconExportTextDelimitedCommand: 'fa fa-download',
     iconRefreshDatasetCommand: 'fa fa-refresh',
     iconToggleFilterCommand: 'fa fa-random',

How to Disable the Grid Menu?

You can disable the Grid Menu, by calling enableGridMenu: false from the Grid Options.

this.gridOptions = {
   enableGridMenu: false,


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