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File metadata and controls

367 lines (278 loc) · 8.21 KB


You can write your scenarios on files and then use those with chatterbox. Once you have your file ready, you use that with:

chatterbox -f scenario.yaml

You can specify indifferently a relative or an absolute path. If you want, you can also specify a relative path from where files are read.

chatterbox -p /scenarios -f scenario.yaml

Input/Output concepts

chatterbox works with the concept that the input yaml provided is also the template used to render the output. The output yaml keeps the same format of the input, eventually enriched.

Conceptually, the input is used by the chatterbox's engine to produce the final rendered output yaml. Each response in the input is inserted in the output at the proper place. All the eventual modifications operated by JavaScript functions are rendered in the output as well.

Input/Output example


  - host: localhost:8080
      - method: DELETE
        uri: foo/bar

Possible rendered output

  - host: 'localhost:8080'
      - method: DELETE
        uri: foo/bar
          code: 401
          rtt: 0
          body: 'unauthorized'
      requests: 1
        401: 1
  conversations: 1
  requests: 1
    401: 1

chatterbox scenario format

The chatterbox scenario format is pretty straightforward: that is a yaml with the properties for the conversation you want to realize.

Scenario context

At the root context, or scenario context, you define an array of conversations:

  - host: 'http://service1.host1.domain1'
  - host: 'https://service2.host2.domain2'

This means that the tool can be used to send requests against multiple endpoints.

Conversation context

A conversation is defined as an array of requests(s):

  - method: HEAD
    tag: "one"
  - method: GET
    tag: "two"
  - method: PUT
    tag: "three"
  - method: POST
    tag: "four"
  - method: DELETE
    tag: "five"

Request context

A request describes a single HTTP request.

 for : 1
 auth : aws_v2
 method : PUT
 uri : foo
 queryString: param=value
 data: something
 response : {}

You can repeat a request for n times specifying the for attribute in the request's context.

Response context

A rendered response contains the response for a single request.

code: 200
body: OK
 response-foo-h1: "foo"
 response-bar-h2: "bar"

Referencing conversations and requests

Any conversation or request node in the output yaml can be referenced in any subsequent node.

There are currently 3 subscript syntaxes for accessing a conversations and requests:

  1. Full explicit path

  2. Quick path

  3. By user defined ID


The 1 and 2 reference a conversation or a request by its natural index defined implicitly by the position resulted in the output yaml.

The 3 uses an id property defined by the user for the conversation or the request.

Dumps and Formats

At every context in the input is always possible to define an out node describing what should be rendered in the output.

Valid contexts are:

  • scenario
  • conversation
  • request
  • response

Suppose that this fragment is inserted inside a response context in the input:

    body: true
    body: json

This means that in the corresponding output context, the body field should be rendered and it should be rendered as json.


Every time a scenario runs, a brand new JavaScript context is spawned into V8 engine and it lasts for the whole scenario's life.

Field's value

Generally speaking, all the fields in the input object can be scripted defining JavaScript functions that are executed to obtain a value.

For example, the queryString attribute of a request could be defined as this:

auth: aws_v2
method: HEAD
uri: bar
  function: getQueryString
  args: [bar, 41, false]

When the scenario runs, the queryString attribute's value is evaluated as a JavaScript function named: getQueryString taking 3 parameters.

The getQueryString function must be defined inside a file with extension .js and placed into the directory where chatterbox reads its inputs.

function getQueryString(p1, p2, p3) {
    return "foo=default"
  log(TLV.INF, "getQueryString", "Invoked with: " + p1 + "," + p2);
  return "foo=" + p1 + p2;

Context lifecycle handlers

At every context activation, chatterbox can invoke, if defined, the corresponding before and after handlers.

Valid contexts, where this mechanism works, are:

  • scenario
  • conversation
  • request
  • response

For example, to define these handlers in the scenario context:

  function: onScenarioBefore
  args: [one, 2, three]
  function: onScenarioAfter
  args: [1, two, 3]
conversations: []

You would also define the corresponding functions in the JavaScript:

function onScenarioBefore(outCtx, p1, p2, p3) {
  log(TLV.INF, "onScenarioBefore", "parameter-1: " + p1);
  log(TLV.INF, "onScenarioBefore", "parameter-2: " + p2);
  log(TLV.INF, "onScenarioBefore", "parameter-3: " + p3);

  //set an optional tag in the contextual object passed as first argument
  outCtx.optionalTag = "my-custom-tag";

function onScenarioAfter(outCtx, p1, p2, p3) {
  log(TLV.INF, "onScenarioAfter", "parameter-1: " + p1);
  log(TLV.INF, "onScenarioAfter", "parameter-2: " + p2);
  log(TLV.INF, "onScenarioAfter", "parameter-3: " + p3);

  //read the optional tag we set before
  log(TLV.INF, "onScenarioAfter", "optionalTag: " + outCtx.optionalTag);

Note these handlers are called by chatterbox with the first argument: outCtx always set to the contextual yaml node where the handler is defined.

Global objects

In the JavaScript environment you can access and manipulate a series of global objects automatically set by chatterbox.

Currently, you can access and manipulate the following objects:

  • out

This object represents the current state of the output. You can access any of its properties and also modify or add entries.


If during the execution of a scenario the control reaches a JavaScript function: someFunction; inside that, you can manipulate the out global object:

function someFunction() {
  out.someTag1 = "myTag1";
  out.someTag2 = 2;

  log(TLV.INF, "someFunction", "out.someTag1: " + out.someTag1);
  log(TLV.INF, "someFunction", "out.someTag2: " + out.someTag2);

This would have the effect to produce an output object enriched with:

conversations: []
someTag1: myTag1
someTag2: 2

Global functions

In the JavaScript environment you can invoke a series of functions automatically set by chatterbox.

Currently, you can invoke the following functions:

  • log
let TLV = {
  TRC: 0,
  DBG: 1,
  INF: 2,
  WRN: 3,
  ERR: 4,
  CRI: 5,
  OFF: 6,

function someFunction() {
  log(TLV.INF, "someFunction", "lorem ipsum");
  • load
  • assert
function someFunction(outCtx) {
  assert("someFunction [code]", outCtx.code == 200);