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A taste of Granule

This tutorial is based on Section 2 of the ICFP 2019 paper Quantitative program reasoning with graded modal types with additional complementary exercises. Please refer to the paper for the technical details and a formalisation of the overall system.

Are you ready?

This tutorial assumes some familiarity with ML/Haskell.

This Markdown document is a tutorial-style literate Granule program. Execute gr examples/ on the command line to typecheck and run it (assuming that you are in the granule source directory). Specify the function you want to run with --entry-point.

The illtyped definitions are in a code environments called grillN (granule illtyped where N is some number), which you can give to the checker by passing the option --literate-env grillN. We number ill-typed blocks here so that the reader can focus on particular typing errors as we go through the tutorial.

Run gr --help to see various command line options.

For help with installing gr, the Granule interpreter, please see the installation instructions.

See the documentation on how to use the interpreter.

Please do open an issue if something doesn't work as expected.


Granule features a linear type system. This allows us to reason about data in a resource-like manner. Linearity means that, by default, a function must use each argument exactly once. What does "use" mean? For concrete value constructors, we must pattern match. For example, we can define the algebraic data type for booleans and give the not function (which is linear) as:

data Bool = False | True

not : Bool -> Bool
not False = True;
not True = False

Granule syntax is inspired by Haskell, but note the single colon for typing rather than double, and note that the function arrow -> denotes linear functions now.

For variables, linearity means we must either return them unchanged or pass them to a linear function. If the variable is of a function type, then applying that function is also a use. The following are two well-typed examples, also showing polymorphism in Granule:

id : forall {a : Type} . a -> a
id x = x

flip : forall {a b c : Type} . (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip f y x = f x y

Polymorphic type variables are explicit, given with their kind. These functions are both linear: they use their inputs exactly once. The id function binds its argument to some variable x on the left, which it simply returns on the right. The flip function switches around the order in which some function f takes arguments y and x (lhs). The argument function f gets applied exactly once to x and y (rhs), which are use exactly once by the parameter function as indicated by their types.

Next, let us look at what happens when we write nonlinear functions.

drop : forall {a : Type} . a -> ()
drop x = ()

Linearity error: Linear variable x is never used.

copy : forall {a : Type} . a -> (a, a)
copy x = (x,x)

Linearity error: Linear variable x is used more than once.

(gr examples/ --literate-env-name grill1)

As you can see from the error messages following both definitions, Granule's type checker does not accept these definitions.

Why would we want to enforce these restrictions?

By universally quantifying over the type of the inputs ("forall {a : Type}"), we are claiming that we can implement these functions generically for any type; however some resource-like data may be subject to specific usage protocols. Examples:

  • prohibit cross-thread aliasing to prevent race conditions
  • close file handles exactly once and don't read from a closed handle
  • use a session-typed channel exactly once

If we want to reason about resources at the type level, we must renounce thoughtless dropping and copying. We will accommodate non-linearity later using graded modalities.

For now, we briefly think about why linearity on its own can be useful.

Safer file handles

Granule provides an interface to files, which includes the following operations, given here in a slightly simplified form that elides the type indexing by handle capabilities for reading, writing and appending, since this is orthogonal to our present narrative. The exact types can be found here.

openHandle : IOMode -> String -> Handle <IO>

readChar : Handle -> (Handle, Char) <IO>

closeHandle : Handle -> () <IO>

The openHandle function creates a handle, and its dual closeHandle destroys a handle. Linearity means we can never not close a handle: we must use closeHandle to erase it. The readChar function takes a readable handle and returns a pair of a readable handle and a character. Logically, readChar can be thought of as consuming and producing a handle, though at runtime this is backed by a single mutable data structure. The <IO> type is a modality, written postfix, which captures I/O side effects akin to Haskell's IO monad. We explain <IO> more later as it approximates a more fine-grained graded modality. We now give two programs, using Granule's notation for sequencing effectful computations akin to Haskell do notation: of the form let p_1 <- e_1; ...; p_n <- e_n in e:

firstChar : Char <IO>
firstChar = let
  h <- openHandle ReadMode "examples/";
  (h, c) <- readChar h;
  () <- closeHandle h
  in pure c

(gr examples/ --entry-point firstChar)

forgetful : Char <IO>
forgetful = let
  h <- openHandle ReadMode "examples/";
  (h, c) <- readChar h
  in pure c

outOfOrder : Char <IO>
outOfOrder = let
  h0 <- openHandle ReadMode "examples/";
  () <- closeHandle h0;
  (h1, c) <- readChar h0
  in pure c

(gr examples/ --literate-env-name grill2)

The paper also provides the example reading two characters:

twoChars : (Char, Char) <IO>
twoChars = let
  h <- openHandle ReadMode "examples/";
  (h, c_1) <- readChar h;
  (h, c_2) <- readChar h;
  () <- closeHandle h
  in pure (c_1, c_2)

(gr examples/ --entry-point twoChars)

There is also the ill-typed example which contains both the mistakes of forgetful and outOfOrder together:

bad : Char <IO>
bad = let
  h_1 <- openHandle ReadMode "somefile";
  h_2 <- openHandle ReadMode "another";
  () <- closeHandle h_1;
  (h_1, c) <- readChar h_1
  in pure c

(gr examples/ --literate-env-name grill3)

Reintroducing Nonlinearity

The linear world is useful, but there are programs we want to write which are fundamentally non-linear, such as drop and copy. Just like in Linear Logic, Granule provides a type constructor for "requesting" nonlinearity. The typing rules will enforce that the call site can actually provide this capability. This type constructor is [], written postfix.

drop' : forall {a : Type}. a [] -> ()
drop' [x] = ()

copy' : forall {a : Type}. a [] -> (a, a)
copy' [x] = (x, x)

The “box” constructor [] can be thought of as the equivalent of linear logic's ! exponential for unrestricted use. Our choice of syntax alludes to necessity modality ("box") from modal logic.

Since the parameters are now modal, of type a [], we can use an “unboxing” pattern to bind a variable of x of type a, which can now be discarded or copied freely in the bodies of the functions.

Note that a value of type a [] is itself still subject to linearity: it must be used:

dropNot : forall {a : Type}. a [] -> ()
dropNot xB = ()

Linearity error: Linear variable xB is never used.

(gr examples/ --literate-env-name grill4)

Whilst this modality provides us with a non-linear binding for x, it however gives a rather coarse-grained view: we cannot distinguish the different forms of non-linearity employed by copy' and drop', which have the same type for their parameter.

Going graded

To track fine-grained resource information, modalities in Granule are graded by elements of a resource algebra whose operations capture program structure. One built-in resource algebra counts variable use via the natural numbers semiring. This enables more precisely typed copy and drop:

drop'' : forall {a : Type}. a [0] -> ()
drop'' [x] = ()

copy'' : forall {a : Type}. a [2] -> (a, a)
copy'' [x] = (x, x)

The function definitions replay drop' and copy', but the types now provide exact specifications of the amount of non-linearity: 0 and 2. We will see various other graded modalities in due course.


Solutions are at the end of this file.


Make the following functions typecheck by addition of graded modalities at the type level only where needed and the relevant unboxing pattern matches at the value level. Give the most precise type.

const : forall {a c : Type} . a -> (c -> a)
const x = \ctx -> x

ap : forall {a b c : Type}. (c -> a -> b) -> (c -> a) -> (c -> b)
ap f x = \ctx -> f ctx (x ctx)


Consider the following definition:

copyBool : Bool -> Bool × Bool
copyBool False = (False, False);
copyBool True  = (True, True)

Why does copyBool not violate linearity?


Imagine you want to model a resource Cake which can be converted into Happiness only via some linear function eat:

data Cake = ACake
data Happiness = SomeHappiness

eat : Cake -> Happiness
eat ACake = SomeHappiness

How do we prevent greedy library clients from both eating and keeping their Cake?

Section 2

All the usual (Generalised) Algebraic Data Types from ML/Haskell work in Granule. We saw a definition of Bool above; here we define Maybe (a.k.a. option):

data Maybe a = None | Some a

To safely unwrap a Maybe a value to an a, we need to provide a default value in case we actually hold a None in our hands.

fromMaybe : forall {a : Type} . a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe d None     = d;
fromMaybe d (Some x) = x

Linearity error: Linear variable d is never used. (gr examples/ --literate-env-name grill5)

The equivalent of fromMaybe would be a valid Haskell or ML program, but Granule rejects it and in fact this type is not inhabited in Granule. Since the default value doesn't get used in the Some case of the Maybe a parameter, we must wrap it in a modality that witnesses/enables nonlinearity. However, we don't know statically what it is supposed to be. For this Granule lets us declare a lower and upper bound with an interval:

fromMaybe : forall {a : Type} . a [0..1] -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe [d] None     = d;
fromMaybe [_] (Some x) = x

Intervals give us a fine-grained analysis, which is a feature that distinguishes Granule from many other implementations of systems stemming from Linear Logic.



At my first attempt of writing fromMaybe, I copy-pasted the first line and replaced None with Some x, but I forgot to change the right hand side:

data Maybe t = None | Some t

fromMaybeNot : forall {a : Type} . a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybeNot d None     = d;
fromMaybeNot d (Some x) = d

(gr examples/ --literate-env-name grill6)

Granule rejects this definition with a type error. Most compilers can emit a warning for unused bindings, which would help track down the bug in this case. Write a piece of code that subtly fails its specification where such a warning would not help. Check whether Granule would point out the issue.


Consider the following program implementing logical ‘and’.

and : Bool -> Bool [0..1] -> Bool
and False [_] = False;
and True  [q] = q

What is the technical term for the specific amount of nonlinearity denoted by [0..1]?

Indexed Types

Indexed types give us type-level access to further information about data. Granule supports user-defined indexed types, in a similar style to Haskell's GADTs. We use the well-known example of size-indexed lists (Vec) to write a partially verified implementation of leftPad.

data Vec (n : Nat) (a : Type) where
  Nil : Vec 0 a;
  Cons : a -> Vec n a -> Vec (n + 1) a

data N (n : Nat) where
  Z : N 0;
  S : N n -> N (n + 1)

Now we define some familiar list operations.

append : forall {a : Type, m n : Nat} . Vec n a -> Vec m a -> Vec (n + m) a
append Nil ys = ys;
append (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (append xs ys)

Notice that the type is exactly the same as in a nonlinear language. Indexed types give us the useful property that the length of the output list is indeed the sum of the length of the inputs. But in a linear language this type guarantees even more: every element from the inputs must appear in the output. In a nonlinear setting, the implementation of this type could drop and copy values, as long as the output has the correct length.

Polymorphism is important when reasoning about linearity: when we can pattern match on the concrete values, then we consume them. In append we cannot pattern match on the exact value of the elements of the list because of their polymorphic type, hence the only thing we can do is to return it.

The most straightforward way to get the length of a list linearly is to destruct the list until we reach the base case Nil and then reconstruct it as we keep incrementing our N.

length : forall {a : Type, n : Nat} . Vec n a -> (N n, Vec n a)
length Nil = (Z, Nil);
length (Cons x xs) =
  let (n, xs) = length xs in (S n, Cons x xs)

Next we define a function rep to produce a list of a desired length by replicating a given element:

rep : forall {a : Type, n : Nat} . N n -> a [n] -> Vec n a
rep Z [c]     = Nil;
rep (S n) [c] = Cons c (rep n [c])

Note that grades can depend on variables!

Now we define subtraction on our indexed naturals:

sub : forall {m n : Nat} . {m >= n} => N m -> N n -> N (m - n)
sub m Z = m;
sub (S m') (S n') = sub m' n'

Granule lets us give preconditions in the context of type schemes (before =>). These must hold where the function is used. Such predicates are discharged by the external solver.

Finally, we can put the above functions together and define our left pad function:

leftPad : forall {t : Type, m n : Nat} . {m >= n} => N m -> Vec n t -> t [m - n] -> Vec m t
leftPad n str c = let (m, str) = length str in append (rep (sub n m) c) str

The type says that given a target length m and an input list with a lesser or equal length n, we consume some padding element of type a exactly m - n times to produce an output list of the target length m. In Granule this type alone implies the correct implementation—modulo reorderings and nontermination—via:

  • Parametric polymorphism: ensuring that the implementation cannot depend on the concrete padding items provided or the items of the input list (hence we use lists instead of strings);
  • Indexed types: ensuring the correct size and explaining the exact usage of the padding element;
  • Graded linearity: ensuring that every item in the input list appears exactly once in the output. The type [m - n] of the padding element reveals its exact usage.

The type of leftPad in Granule is superficially similar to what we could write in GHC Haskell or a fully dependently-typed language, except for the nonlinearity of the padding element, a minor syntactic addition. However the extra guarantees we get in a graded linear system like Granule's means we get properties for free which we would otherwise have to prove ourselves.



Consider the following type signature:

id_Vec : Vec n a -> Vec n a

A function of this type need not necessarily be the identity function on lists. Why? Which structural rule could help us to reason about this?

Other graded modalities

In the file handles example we swept past the <IO> type constructor. This is an example of an effect-capturing modality (the “diamond” constructor alludes to modal possibility), in the spirit of Haskell's IO monad. However, Granule provides graded monads, which can give a more fine-grained account of effects. firstChar : Char <{Open, Read, IOExcept, Close}> which tells us its range of possible side effects via a set of labels, and notably that there are no Write effects. Thus, Granule provides graded modalities in two flavours: graded necessity/comonads for coeffects (properties of input variables) and graded possibility/monads for effects (properties of output computations).

A further graded modality that we have not seen yet provides a notion of information-flow security via a lattice-indexed graded necessity with labels Public and Private. We can then, for example, define programs like the following which capture the security level of values, and how levels are preserved (or not) by functions:

secret : Int [Private]
secret = [1234]
leak : Int [Public]
leak = hash secret

(gr examples/ --literate-env-name grill7)

hash : forall {l : Level} . Int [l] -> Int [l]
hash [x] = [x*x*x]
good : Int [Private]
good = hash secret

The End... For Now!

There is another file, if you are hungry for more.



const : forall {a c : Type} . a -> (c [0] -> a)
const x = \[ctx] -> x

Or equivalently:

const' : forall {a c : Type} . a -> (c [0] -> a)
const' x [ctx] = x
ap : forall {a b c : Type} . (c -> a -> b) -> (c -> a) -> (c [2] -> b)
ap f x = \[ctx] -> f ctx (x ctx)

Or equivalently:

ap' : forall {a b c : Type} . (c -> a -> b) -> (c -> a) -> (c [2] -> b)
ap' f x [ctx] = f ctx (x ctx)


Why does copyBool not violate linearity?

Because in all cases we are pattern matching on concrete values on the left hand side. On the right we are simply returning closed terms, which we are able to do because the definition of Bool is in scope.


How do we prevent library clients from both eating and keeping their Cake?

We need to make Cake and Happiness abstract data types by hiding their definitions and only export eat, as well as some restricted means of obtaining a Cake in the first place. This prevents clients from implementing something like the following:

copyCake : Cake -> Cake × Cake
copyCake ACake = (ACake, ACake)

eatAndKeep : Cake -> (Cake × Happiness)
eatAndKeep c = let (c1, c2) = copyCake c in (c1, eat c2)

Caveat: Granule doesn't yet have a means of selectively exporting definitions, nor of enforcing linear usage of top-level definitions.


One example:

--- Given two integers x and y, returns their sum and product resp.
foo : Int [2] -> Int [2] -> (Int, Int)
foo [x] [y] = (x + y, x * x)

Grading error: 1 is not approximatable by 2 for type Nat because Nat denotes precise usage. (gr examples/ --literate-env-name grill8)

Generally unused binding warnings will only trigger when a variable is not used at all.


What is the technical term for the specific amount of nonlinearity denoted by [0..1]?

Affinity, hence we say and is affine in its second parameter. [1..∞] denotes relevance. Intervals generalise this by allowing any lower and upper bound for usage.


A function of this type need not necessarily be the identity function on lists. Why?

Because the function could be reordering elements, e.g. reversing the list.

Which structural rule could help us to reason about this?

Exchange, which controls the order in which term-level variables can be used.