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Pavel Nikolov edited this page Oct 1, 2020 · 5 revisions


Examples can be found in the example folder of the project:

  • caching - This is a short app that allows you to imperatively chose how long to cache each resolver for using helper functions. It supports private and public caching. If at least one of the resolvers from a query supports only private caching, then the entire query can be cached only privately. If all resolvers are publicly cacheable, then the response of the query is publicly cacheable and its TTL is equal the lowest TTL value of all the resolvers
  • custom errors - demonstrates the use of error extensions
  • social - this demonstrates how to use struct fields as resolvers
  • starwars - This example is popular among GraphQL libraries and demonstrates a more advanced example using in-memory data store.

Community examples

tonyghita/graphql-go-example - A more "productionized" version of the Star Wars API example given in this repository.

deltaskelta/graphql-go-pets-example - graphql-go resolving against a sqlite database.

OscarYuen/go-graphql-starter - A starter application integrated with dataloader, psql and basic authentication.

zaydek/graphql-go-walkthrough - A beginner friendly walkthrough for prospective developers.

hsukvn/go-gin-graphql-template - a simple template of graphql-go integrated with gin http framework

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