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319 lines (201 loc) · 9.53 KB


Version 5.0.0 (6 March, 2022)

A new stable release for your favourite Retrofit call adapter. v5 is a culmination of a lot of community contributions and an overhaul of the internals of the library.

Upgrade Guide

Breaking Changes:

  • The constructors for NetworkResponse subclasses have changed (#59)

NetworkResponse.Success, NetworkResponse.ServerError and NetworkResponse.UnknownError no longer accept status code, headers or body as constructor parameters. Instead, you must supply a correctly configured instance of a Retrofit Response.

Here's an example with Mockito:

In v4:

	.thenReturn(NetworkResponse.Success(code = 200, body = Unit))

In v5:

// NetworkResponse.Success
	.thenReturn(NetworkResponse.Success(response = Response.success(200), body = Unit))

// NetworkResponse.Error
val errorResponse = Response.error<String>(
	"{\"error\": \"boom\"}"

	.thenReturn(NetworkResponse.ServerError(response = errorResponse, body = ErrorResponse("boom")))

New Features

  • Sealed Interfaces

The NetworkResponse class is now based on sealed interfaces. This allows for more concise when expressions when you don't care about the specific type of the error:

when (networkResponse) {
  is NetworkResponse.Success -> ...
  is NetworkResponse.Error -> ...
  • Raw Retrofit Responses

NetworkResponse.Success, NetworkResponse.ServerError and NetworkResponse.UnknownError now bundle the raw retrofit Response<S> object to allow for greater access to the response of the network request.

when (networkResponse) {
  is NetworkResponse.Success -> {
    val statusCode = networkResponse.response.code()
  • Handling Empty Response Bodies

In the current version of the library you have to use the Unit response type if you expected your server to respond without a body. This is fine when the API never returns a body, but causes problems if it sometimes returns a body and sometimes doesn't (200 vs 204 status code).

The bundled raw Retrofit responses provide a better way to handle this situation.

interface PostsService {
  suspend fun getPost(): NetworkResponse<Unit, ErrorResponse>

when (val postResponse  = service.getPost()) {
  is NetworkResponse.Success -> {
    if (postResponse.code != 204) {
      val rawBody = postResponse.response.rawBody()
      // Manually parse the raw body to access the response
  is NetworkResponse.Error -> { ... }
  • Tests Overhaul & Migration to Kotest

This PR gets refactors the library's test suite to get rid of redundant and obscure tests, and replaces them with a streamlined test suite focused on publicly exposed functionality.

We've also finally moved away from the deprecated kotlintest artifacts to the new kotest libraries.

  • Remove Deprecated Classes

We've removed deprecated ways to instantiate adapter factory. The existing classes had been marked as deprecated for a long period, and I hope everyone has moved away from them.

  • Kotlin 1.6.0

Updated the language level to 1.6.0

  • Sample App

Add a module showing sample usage of the library using the kotlinx.serialization library.

Huge thanks to @argenkiwi and @gilgoldzweig for their contributions to this release.

Version 5.0.0-beta01 (26 Jan, 2022)

This release brings the v5 beta for NetworkResponseAdapter!


  • NetworkResponse.UnknownError now bundles the raw Retrofit response when available
  • Updated documentation site for changes in the v5 release
  • Added upgrade guide to v5 to the docs
  • Added a projects and endorsements page

Version 5.0.0-alpha01 (16 December, 2021)

The next version of NetworkResponseAdapter is here! Here's a list of all the changes:

Sealed Interfaces

The NetworkResponse class is now based on sealed interfaces. This allows for more concise when expressions when you don't care about the specific type of the error:

when (networkResponse) {
  is NetworkResponse.Success -> ...
  is NetworkResponse.Error -> ...

Raw Retrofit Responses

NetworkResponse.Success and NetworkResponse.ServerError now bundle the raw retrofit Response<S> object to allow for greater access to the response of the network request.

when (networkResponse) {
  is NetworkResponse.Success -> {
    val statusCode = networkResponse.response.code()

We still supply code and headers properties as before to retain familiarity with the existing API design.

Handling Empty Response Bodies

In the current version of the library you have to use the Unit response type if you expected your server to respond without a body. This is fine when the API never returns a body, but causes problems if it sometimes returns a body and sometimes doesn't (200 vs 204 status code).

The bundled raw Retrofit responses provide a better way to handle this situation.

interface PostsService {
  suspend fun getPost(): NetworkResponse<Unit, ErrorResponse>

when (val postResponse  = service.getPost()) {
  is NetworkResponse.Success -> {
    if (postResponse.code != 204) {
      val rawBody = postResponse.response.rawBody()
      // Manually parse the raw body to access the response
  is NetworkResponse.Error -> { ... }

Tests Overhaul & Migration to Kotest

This PR gets refactors the library's test suite to get rid of redundant and obscure tests, and replaces them with a streamlined test suite focused on publicly exposed functionality.

We've also finally moved away from the deprecated kotlintest artifacts to the new kotest libraries.

Remove Deprecated Classes

We've removed deprecated ways to instantiate adapter factory. The existing classes had been marked as deprecated for a long period, and I hope everyone has moved away from them.

Kotlin 1.6.0

Updated the language level to 1.6.0

Sample App

Add a module showing sample usage of the library using the kotlinx.serialization library.

Version 4.2.2 (4 July, 2021)


  • Gracefully handle the case when a service interface method's return type can not be handled by NetworkResponseAdapterFactory


  • Upgrade to Kotlin 1.5.20 and Gradle 7.1
  • Migrate to Maven publish plugin

Version 4.2.1 (5 May, 2021)

Fixes the Jitpack build issue that plagued v4.2.0.

Version 4.2.0 (3 May, 2021)

This version is not available for download due to Jitpack build issues. Use v4.2.1 instead

  • Build issues on Jitpack mean that JAR files for v4.2.0 are not available for download yet.
  • Please continue using v4.1.0, or wait for the next release that fixes this problem.**


  • Introduce a new generic Error interface for when you don't about the specific type of error in a NetworkResponse (thanks @gilgoldzweig!)
  • Update Kotlin to v1.4.31 and Dokka to v1.4.32
  • Migrate to Pipenv for the documentation website

Version 4.1.0 (13 December, 2020)

  • Add nullable status code and headers fields to NetworkResponse.UnknownError
  • Update to Kotlin 1.4.21, Coroutines 1.4.2, OkHttp 4.9.0
  • Make kotlin, coroutines, retrofit and okhttp as api dependencies

Version 4.0.1 (13 May, 2020)

This release adds a couple of new features:

  • A special case of successful responses with empty bodies can now be handled by declaring the success type to be Unit
  • NetworkResponse.Success class now contains a field representing the response code

Version 3.0.1 (18 October, 2019)


  • This release fixes a bug in NetworkResponseCall class, which caused Retrofit's suspending functions to always receive null as the ErrorType.

Version 3.0.0 (15 September, 2019)

This release adds a big new feature to this library: Support for suspending functions in Retrofit's service interfaces!


  • Support for suspending functions
  • Kotlin 1.3.50
  • Coroutines 1.3 stable


  • Deprecate CoroutinesNetworkResponseAdapter and CoroutinesNetworkResponseAdapterFactory classes. Replaced with NetworkResponseAdapter and NetworkResponseAdapterFactory. Quickfix suggestion should be available within the IDE.

Huge thanks to @JavierSegoviaCordoba for helping out with this release.

Version 2.1.0 (27 July, 2019)

  • Upgrade Kotlin to 1.3.41
  • Upgrade Coroutines to 1.3.0-RC
  • Upgrade to OkHTTP 4 and Retrofit 2.6.0
  • Null response codes in HttpExceptions are now returned as code 520

Version 2.0.2 (29 May, 2019)

  • Fixes:
    • Fix null headers when server response body is empty.

Version 2.0.1 (29 May, 2019)

  • New features: - Added overloaded invoke operator function the NetworkResponse class.

Version 2.0.0 (21 May, 2019)

This release adds support for response headers in the NetworkResponse class. A new executeWithRetry method has also been added which automatically retries the network requests in case they result in NetworkResponse.NetworkError. You can customize the number of retries, and exponential delay parameters too.

  • New Features:

    • Headers support
    • ExecuteWithRetry utility function
  • Fixes

    • Fixed retrofit executor used in tests

Version 1.0.0 (10 May 2019)

  • First public release of the library