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Releases: hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws


03 Jul 00:57
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  • data-source/aws_availability_zones: The blacklisted_names and blacklisted_zone_ids arguments have been deprecated in preference for exclude_names and exclude_zone_ids respectively. (#13771)


  • data-source/aws_availability_zones: Add exclude_names and exclude_zone_ids arguments (#13771)
  • data-source/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Add advanced_security_options attribute (#12183)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Increase delete retry timeout from 5 to 20 minutes (#10452)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Support configurable delete timeout (#10452)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Add advanced_security_options configuration block (#12183)
  • resource/aws_sfn_state_machine: Add arn attribute (#12005)


  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Prevent unexpected differences in tags for Terraform 0.11 and earlier with boolean propagate_at_launch values (#13912)
  • resource/aws_backup_selection: Correctly handle the associated backup plan being deleted outside Terraform (#13945)
  • resource/aws_customer_gateway: Continue allowing 4-byte ASN values in bgp_asn argument (#14030)
  • resource/aws_db_instance: Prevent schema version 1 upgrade panic on missing state (#13928)
  • resource/aws_db_instance_role_association: Prevent immediate read after creation panic (#13927)
  • resource/aws_efs_mount_target: Ensure empty string ("") validation in ip_address argument continues to work for Terraform 0.11 support (#13958)
  • resource/aws_route53_record: Ensure old Route53 record is deleted when updating name argument (#11335)
  • resource/aws_route53_record: Prevent errors when health_check_id argument is configured and updating set_identifier or type arguments (#13012)
  • resource/aws_sfn_state_machine: Handle IAM Role eventual consistency on creation and wait for state machine deletion (#12005)
  • resource/aws_spot_fleet_request: Increase default delete timeout to 15 minutes (#13922)
  • resource/aws_wafv2_web_acl: Support additional nested and/or/not statement in rule statement and rule statement rate_based_statement attributes (#13961)


26 Jun 00:38
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  • New Data Source: aws_efs_access_points (#13918)
  • New Resource: aws_wafv2_web_acl_logging_configuration (#13892)


  • data-soruce/aws_ami: Add arn attribute (#12038)
  • data-source/aws_customer_gateway: Add arn attribute (#13611)
  • data-source/aws_ebs_snapshot: Add arn attribute (#13840)
  • data-source/aws_vpc_endpoint: Add arn attribute (#13852)
  • data-source/aws_vpc_endpoint_service: Add arn attribute (#13856)
  • data-source/aws_vpn_gateway: Add arn attribute (#13827)
  • resource/aws_ami: Add arn attribute and plan-time validations to architecture, volume_type and virtualization_type arguments (#12038)
  • resource/aws_ami_copy: Add arn attribute (#12038)
  • resource/aws_ami_from_instance: Add arn attribute (#12038)
  • resource/aws_customer_gateway: Add arn attribute and plan-time validations for bgp_asn, ip_address, and type arguments (#13611)
  • resource/aws_default_network_acl: Add arn attribute and plan-time validations for ingress and egress configuration block arguments (#13819)
  • resource/aws_ebs_snapshot: Add arn attribute (#13840)
  • resource/aws_ebs_snapshot: Support resource import (#13895)
  • resource/aws_ebs_snapshot_copy: Add arn attribute (#13840)
  • resource/aws_ec2_traffic_mirror_session: Add arn attribute (#13849)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Support deployment_controller configuration block type argument value of EXTERNAL (support external deployments) (#8134] / [#8652)
  • resource/aws_ecs_task_definition: Add efs_volume_configuration configuration block authorization_config, transit_encryption, and transit_encryption_port arguments (support EFS Access Points and transit encryption) (#13136)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Ultrawarm can now be enabled without re-creating the resource (#13907)
  • resource/aws_glue_catalog_database: Add arn attribute (#13452)
  • resource/aws_iot_policy: Support resource import (#13707)
  • resource/aws_iot_topic_rule: Add error_action configuration block (#11922)
  • resource/aws_network_acl: Add arn attribute and plan-time validations for ingress and egress configuration block arguments (#13819)
  • resource/aws_placement_group: Add arn attribute (#13838)
  • resource/aws_ses_receipt_filter: Add arn attribute and plan-time validations for all arguments (#13811)
  • resource/aws_vpn_connection: Add arn attribute (#13836)
  • resource/aws_vpc_endpoint: Add arn attribute (#13853)
  • resource/aws_vpc_endpoint_service: Add arn attribute (#13858)
  • resource/aws_vpn_gateway: Add arn attribute (#13827)


  • resource/aws_batch_compute_environment: Ensure desired_vcpus is fully optional and wait for updates (#4855)
  • resource/aws_batch_compute_environment: Remove resource from Terraform state when not found instead of returning error (#13935)
  • resource/aws_cloudtrail: Properly configure single event_selector with no data_resource and read_write_type of ReadOnly or WriteOnly (#5448)
  • resource/aws_cloudtrail: Prevent InvalidEventSelectorsException error when removing all event_selector configuration (#5448)
  • resource/aws_default_route_table: Validate CIDR blocks for misalignment before attempting to create the route to ensure Terraform can read the information after EC2 API canonicalization (#13778)
  • resource/aws_default_route_table: Ensure empty string ("") validation in cidr_block and ipv6_cidr_block arguments continues to work for Terraform 0.11 support (#13778)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Add plan-time validation and prevent panics with empty type argument in ordered_placement_strategy configuration block (#13926)
  • resource/aws_ecs_task_definition: Prevent showing API ordering differences in container_definitions environment variables during update plans (#11463)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Ensure empty string ("") validation in ebs_options volume_type argument continues to work for Terraform 0.11 support (#13937)
  • resource/aws_iot_policy: Ensure name argument updates recreate the resource (#13707)
  • resource/aws_route: Validate CIDR blocks for misalignment before attempting to create the route to ensure Terraform can read the information after EC2 API canonicalization (#13778)
  • resource/aws_route: Ensure empty string ("") validation in destination_cidr_block and destination_ipv6_cidr_block arguments continues to work for Terraform 0.11 support (#13778)
  • resource/aws_route_table: Validate CIDR blocks for misalignment before attempting to create the route to ensure Terraform can read the information after EC2 API canonicalization (#13778)
  • resource/aws_route_table: Ensure empty string ("") validation in cidr_block and ipv6_cidr_block arguments continues to work for Terraform 0.11 support (#13778)
  • resource/aws_spot_fleet_request: Prevent crash with missing placement information (#13577)
  • resource/aws_vpc_endpoint: Skip ModifyVpcEndpoint API call on tags only updates (#13853)
  • resource/aws_vpc_endpoint: Wait for acceptance when auto_accept is enabled (#13876)
  • resource/aws_wafv2_web_acl: Prevent unexpected UpdateWebACL API errors on tags only updates (#13871)


19 Jun 02:20
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  • data-source/aws_secretsmanager_secret: The rotation_* attributes have been deprecated in favor of the new aws_secretsmanager_secret_rotation data source. (#9487)
  • resource/aws_secretsmanager_secret: The rotation_* arguments have been deprecated in favor of the new aws_secretsmanager_secret_rotation resource. The new resource, which fixes workflow issues, prevents the existing resource from showing changes when attempting to remove rotation. Removal must be done with the new resource or manually. (#9487)


  • New Data Source: aws_ebs_volumes (#13751)
  • New Data Source: aws_ec2_local_gateway_virtual_interface (#13770)
  • New Data Source: aws_ec2_local_gateway_virtual_interface_group (#13767)
  • New Data Source: aws_ec2_local_gateway_virtual_interface_groups (#13767)
  • New Data Source: aws_ecr_authorization_token (#12395)
  • New Data Source: aws_outposts_outpost (#13777)
  • New Data Source: aws_outposts_outpost_instance_type (#13824)
  • New Data Source: aws_outposts_outpost_instance_types (#13824)
  • New Data Source: aws_outposts_outposts (#13777)
  • New Data Source: aws_outposts_site (#13825)
  • New Data Source: aws_outposts_sites (#13825)
  • New Data Source: aws_secretsmanager_secret_rotation (#9487)
  • New Data Source: aws_wafv2_web_acl (#12791)
  • New Guide: Resource Tagging (#13779)
  • New Resource: aws_ec2_local_gateway_route (#13768)
  • New Resource: aws_ec2_local_gateway_route_table_vpc_association (#13765)
  • New Resource: aws_ec2_tag (#8457)
  • New Resource: aws_secretsmanager_secret_rotation (#9487)
  • New Resource: aws_wafv2_web_acl (#12688)
  • New Resource: aws_wafv2_web_acl_association (#12698)


  • data-source/aws_vpc_dhcp_options: Add arn attribute (#13606)
  • data-source/aws_efs_mount_target: Add availability_zone_name, availability_zone_id, mount_target_dns_name, and owner_id attributes (#13650)
  • data-source/aws_internet_gateway: Add arn attribute (#13614)
  • data-source/aws_lambda_function: Add file_system_config attribute (#13782)
  • data-source/aws_workspaces_bundle: Add name and owner as search crieria (#12497)
  • resource/aws_ec2_capacity_reservation: Add arn attribute and support for Linux SQL Server values in instance_platform argument (#13607)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_log_stream: Support resource import (#13697)
  • resource/aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options: Add arn attribute (#13606)
  • resource/aws_devicefarm_project: Support resource import (#13020)
  • resource/aws_ec2_traffic_mirror_target: Add arn attribute (#13649)
  • resource/aws_ecs_capacity_provider: Implement API deletion support (#13740)
  • resource/aws_efs_mount_target: Add availability_zone_name, availability_zone_id, mount_target_dns_name, and owner_id attributes (#13650)
  • resource/aws_efs_mount_target: Add plan time validation for ip_address argument (#13650)
  • resource_aws_elasticsearch_domain: Add support for elasticsearch warm storage (#12668)
  • resource_aws_elasticsearch_domain: Add plan time validation for cloudwatch_log_group_arn, role_arn, and ebs_options.volume_type (#12668)
  • resource/aws_flow_log: Add arn attribute (#13656)
  • resource/aws_glue_catalog_table: Add arn attribute (#13456)
  • resource/aws_guardduty_detector: Add tags argument and arn attribute (#13756)
  • resource/aws_guardduty_ipset: Add tags argument and arn attribute (#13756)
  • resource/aws_guardduty_threatintelset: Add tags argument and arn attribute (#13756)
  • resource/aws_internet_gateway: Add arn attribute (#13614)
  • resource/aws_key_pair: Add arn attribute (#13648)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Add file_system_config attribute (#13782)
  • resource/aws_service_discovery_http_namespace: Add tags argument (#13750)
  • resource/aws_service_discovery_private_dns_namespace: Add tags argument (#13750)
  • resource/aws_service_discovery_public_dns_namespace: Add tags argument (#13750)
  • resource/aws_service_discovery_service: Add tags argument (#13750)
  • resource/aws_vpc_dhcp_options: Add arn attribute (#13606)
  • resource/aws_wafv2_ip_set: Increase addresses maximum amount of items limit from 50 to 10,000 to match AWS limits (#13698)


  • resource/aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity: Properly trigger resource recreation when deleted outside Terraform (#13081)
  • resource/aws_cognito_user_pool_client: Mark client_secret as sensitive (#13680)
  • resource/aws_route: Ensure retries occur on read after creation if route not found for EC2 eventual consistency (#13747)


12 Jun 01:29
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  • New Data Source: aws_wafv2_rule_group (#12790)
  • New Resource: aws_wafv2_rule_group (#12677)


  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Allow on_demand_base_capacity to be set to 0 [#13623]
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Add Computed field to instances_distribution and it's sub-fields on_demand_allocation_strategy, on_demand_base_capacity, on_demand_percentage_above_base_capacity, and spot_allocation_strategy (#13623)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Remove Default field from instances_distribution sub-fields on_demand_allocation_strategy, on_demand_percentage_above_base_capacity, and spot_allocation_strategy (#13623)
  • resource/aws_batch_job_definition: Prevent differences when no command is specified in container properties (#13634)
  • resource/aws_instance: Continue supporting empty string ("") private_ip argument (#13640)


05 Jun 00:46
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  • resource/aws_acm_certificate: Add status attribute (#13513)
  • resource/aws_directory_servicedirectory: Add availability_zones attribute to vpc_settings block (#12654)
  • resource/aws_directory_servicedirectory: Add availability_zones attribute to connect_settings block (#12654)
  • resource/aws_directory_servicedirectory: Add plan time validation to customer_dns_ips in connect_settings block (#12654)
  • resource/aws_ec2_client_vpn_endpoint: Add arn attribute and plan time validation to root_certificate_chain_arn (in authentication_options block), client_cidr_block, and server_certificate_arn [#13601]
  • resource/aws_instance: Add plan time validation to volume_type(in ebs_block_device and root_block_device blocks), private_ip, ipv6_addresses, and tenancy (#13033)
  • resource/aws_lb_listener_rule: Add support for multiple, weighted target groups in forward rules (#12574)
  • resource/aws_lb_listener: Add support for multiple, weighted target groups in default actions (#12574)
  • resource/aws_workspaces_ip_group: Add plan-time validation for rules.source (#13178)


  • resource/aws_acm_certificate: Detect AMAZON_ISSUED type validation_method value directly from API response instead of custom logic (#13513)
  • resource/aws_acm_certificate: Increase deletion retries from 10 minutes to 20 minutes (better support API Gateway Custom Domain deletion) (#13513)
  • resource/aws_apigatewayv2_stage: Prevent perpetual plan differences with default_route_settings.logging_level argument for HTTP APIs (#12904)
  • resource/aws_appmesh_route: Allow configuration of spec http_route action weighted_target weight argument to be 0 (#13539)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Prevent crash with tags argument containing boolean values in Terraform 0.11 and earlier (#13604)
  • resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Prevent multiple replica creation/deletion errors (#13523)
  • resource/aws_instance: Prevent perpetual plan differences, forcing replacement, with ebs_block_device configuration blocks [#13589]
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Correctly set kinesis_source_configuration during import to prevent resource recreation (#13536)
  • resource/aws_ses_configuration_set: Prevent Provider produced inconsistent result after apply errors during creation or import [#12024]
  • resource/aws_workspaces_ip_group: Remove resource from state if deleted outside of Terraform (#13178)


29 May 00:57
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  • data-source/aws_directory_service_directory: connect_settings connect_ips attribute now set (#13395)
  • resource/aws_directory_service_directory: connect_settings connect_ips attribute now set (#13395)
  • resource/aws_iot_topic_rule: Add step_functions configuration block (#13520)
  • resource/aws_ses_event_destination: Support resource import (#13464)


  • data-source/aws_elasticsearch_domain: processing is now correctly set (#13397)
  • resource/aws_acm_certificate: Update pending DNS validation record creation time from 1 minute to 5 minutes (better support for certificates with high amount of Subject Alternative Names) (#12371)
  • resource/aws_api_gateway_method_settings: settings now properly set (#13403)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Ignore ordering differences for tags argument (prevent unexpected differences from version 2.63.0) (#13515)
  • resource/aws_codebuild_project: Enable drift detection for environment_variable argument (#6427)
  • resource/aws_codebuild_project: Prevent inconsistent final plan errors with source configuration block (#10615)
  • resource/aws_ecs_task_definition: Ensure efs_volume_configuration changes are properly detected (#12571] / [#12751)
  • resource/aws_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy: cookie_expiration_policy now properly set (#13418)
  • resource/aws_lightsail_instance: ram_size now properly set (#13430)
  • resource/aws_load_balancer_backend_server_policy: instance_port now properly set (#13418)
  • resource/aws_load_balancer_listener_policy: load_balancer_port now properly set (#13418)
  • resource/aws_opsworks_application: environment secure now properly set (#13435)
  • resource/aws_security_group_rule: Correctly set description after state refresh when source_security_group_id refers to a security group across accounts (#13364)
  • resource/aws_ses_active_receipt_rule_set: Recreate resource when destroyed outside of Terraform (#9086)
  • resource/aws_ses_event_destination: Correctly refresh entire resource state (prevent unexpected differences from version 2.63.0 and properly perform drift detection) (#13464)
  • resource/aws_ses_receipt_rule: Recreate resource when destroyed outside of Terraform (#9086)
  • resource/aws_sns_topic: Attributes of type schema.TypeInt are now correctly set (#13437)


22 May 02:55
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  • New Data Source: aws_efs_access_point (#11965)
  • New Data Source: aws_wafv2_ip_set (#12788)
  • New Data Source: aws_wafv2_regex_pattern_set (#12789)
  • New Resource: aws_efs_access_point (#11965)
  • New Resource: aws_efs_file_system_policy (#11960)
  • New Resource: aws_wafv2_ip_set (#12119)
  • New Resource: aws_wafv2_regex_pattern_set (#12284)


  • resource/aws_ssm_document: Add document_version attribute (#13438)
  • data-source/aws_ram_resource_share: Add owning_account_id attribute (#13402)
  • data-source/aws_lb: Add ip_address_type attribute (#13400)
  • data-source/aws_lb_target_group: Add load_balancing_algorithm_type attribute (#13400)
  • data-source/aws_rds_cluster: backtrack_window attribute now available (#13362)
  • resource/aws_codebuild_webhook: Support COMMIT_MESSAGE value in filter types (#13436)
  • resource/aws_cognito_identity_pool_roles_attachment: Add import support (#13440)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Add force_new_deployment argument (#13376)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Support in-place updates for ordered_placement_strategy and placement_constraints (#13376)
  • resource/aws_eks_node_group: Add force_update_version argument (#13414)
  • resource/aws_glue_connection: Add arn argument (#13404)
  • resource/aws_iot_topic_rule: Add tags argument (#13293)


  • resource/aws_ssm_activation: expired now properly set (#13438)
  • resource/aws_redshift_security_group: The resource is now importable (#13431)
  • resource/cloudwatch_log_metric_filter: metric_transformation default_value now properly set (#13411)
  • data-source/aws_db_instance: auto_minor_version_upgrade attribute now properly set (#13362)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: tags propagate_at_launch attribute now properly set (#13360)
  • resource/aws_eks_node_group: Only pass release_version value during UpdateNodegroupVersion if changed (#13407)
  • resource/aws_network_acl: Fix issue with updating subnet associations returning InvalidAssociationID.NotFound (#13382)


15 May 00:59
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  • New Resource: aws_workspaces_workspace (#11608)


  • resource/aws_appsync_resolver: Add cache_config configuration block (#12747)
  • resource/aws_codebuild_project: Support git_submodules_config with GITHUB and GITHUB_ENTERPRISE source types (#13285)
  • resource/aws_codebuild_project: Support SECRETS_MANAGER environment variable type (#12572)
  • resource/aws_datasync_task: Support ONLY_FILES_TRANSFERRED value in verify_mode argument (#12897)
  • resource/aws_iot_topic_rule: Add dynamodbv2 configuration block (#7469)
  • resource/aws_iot_topic_rule: Add iot_analytics configuration block (#9859)
  • resource/aws_iot_topic_rule: Add iot_events configuration block (#9890)
  • resource/aws_iot_topic_rule: Add operation argument to dynamodb configuration block (#12714)
  • resource/aws_iot_topic_rule: Add qos argument republish configuration block (#12869)


  • resource/aws_codebuild_project: Allow empty value ("") environment variables (#11572)
  • resource/aws_security_group_rule: Prevent recreation when source_security_group_id refers to a security group across accounts (#11809)


08 May 01:42
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  • New Data Source: aws_ec2_coip_pool (#12852)
  • New Data Source: aws_ec2_coip_pools (#12852)
  • New Data Source: aws_ec2_local_gateway (#12764)
  • New Data Source: aws_ec2_local_gateways (#12764)
  • New Data Source: aws_ec2_local_gateway_route_table (#13002)
  • New Data Source: aws_ec2_local_gateway_route_tables (#13002)
  • New Resource: aws_ec2_transit_gateway_peering_attachment_accepter (#11185)


  • data-source/aws_ebs_volume: Add multi_attach_enabled attribute (#13108)
  • data-source/aws_efs_file_system: Add size_in_bytes attribute (#13125)
  • data-source/aws_eip: Add customer_owned_ip and customer_owned_ipv4_pool attributes (#12862)
  • data-source/aws_launch_template: add partition_number attribute (#11655)
  • resource/aws_api_gateway_deployment: Add triggers argument (#13054)
  • resource/aws_apigatewayv2_deployment: Add triggers argument (#13055)
  • resource/aws_ebs_volume: Add multi_attach_enabled attribute (#13108)
  • resource/aws_eip: Add customer_owned_ip attribute and customer_owned_ipv4_pool argument (#12862)
  • resource/aws_glue_connection: Support KAFKA for connection_type argument (#13141)
  • resource/aws_launch_template: add partition_number attribute (#11655)
  • resource/aws_launch_template: add plan time validation to volume_type, spot_instance_type, ipv6_addresses, ipv4_addresses, private_ip_address` (#11655)
  • resource/aws_workspaces_directory: Add output attributes for workspace_security_group_id, iam_role_id, registration_code, directory_name, directory_type, customer_user_name, alias, ip_group_ids and dns_ip_addresses (#13089)


  • resource/aws_workspaces_directory: Fixes error when removing tags (#13089)


01 May 01:09
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  • provider: Region validation now automatically supports the new eu-south-1 (Europe (Milan)) region. For AWS operations to work in the new region, the region must be explicitly enabled as outlined in the AWS Documentation. When the region is not enabled, the Terraform AWS Provider will return errors during credential validation (e.g. error validating provider credentials: error calling sts:GetCallerIdentity: InvalidClientTokenId: The security token included in the request is invalid) or AWS operations will throw their own errors (e.g. data.aws_availability_zones.current: Error fetching Availability Zones: AuthFailure: AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials). (#12970)
  • provider: Ignore tags functionality across all data sources and resources (except aws_autoscaling_group) via the provider-level ignore_tags configuration block has been enabled and this functionality is no longer considered in preview. (#13039)


  • New Data Source: aws_backup_plan (#13035)
  • New Data Source: aws_backup_selection (#13035)
  • New Data Source: aws_backup_vault (#13035)
  • New Data Source: aws_ec2_transit_gateway_peering_attachment (#11162)
  • New Resource: aws_ec2_transit_gateway_peering_attachment (#11162)
  • New Resource: aws_guardduty_organization_admin_account (#13034)
  • New Resource: aws_guardduty_organization_configuration (#13034)


  • data-source/aws_cloudtrail_service_account: Support eu-south-1 region (#13061)
  • data-source/aws_ebs_volume: Add outpost_arn attribute (#12439)
  • data-source/aws_elastic_beanstalk_hosted_zone: Support eu-south-1 region (#13061)
  • data-source/aws_elb_hosted_zone_id: Add us-gov-east-1 and us-gov-west-1 region values (#12976)
  • data-source/aws_elb_hosted_zone_id: Support eu-south-1 region (#13061)
  • data-source/aws_elb_service_account: Support eu-south-1 region (#13061)
  • data-source/aws_instance: Add outpost_arn attribute (#12330)
  • data-source/aws_network_interface: Add outpost_arn attribute (#12440)
  • data-source/aws_s3_bucket: Support eu-south-1 region for hosted_zone_id attribute (#13061)
  • data-source/aws_subnet: Add outposts_arn attribute (#12097)
  • provider: Support automatic region validation for eu-south-1 (#12970)
  • provider: Implement ignore tags functionality across all data sources and resources (except aws_autoscaling_group) (#13039)
  • resource/aws_api_gateway_stage: Ignore NotFoundException error on destroy (#12826)
  • resource/aws_db_snapshot: Support import (#12978)
  • resource/aws_default_route_table: Add plan-time validation to cidr_block and ipv6_cidr_block arguments (#12858)
  • resource/aws_default_route_table: Support import (#13030)
  • resource/aws_dms_endpoint: Add kafka_settings configuration block and kafka to engine_name argument validation (#12835)
  • resource/aws_ebs_volume: Add outpost_arn argument (#12439)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Support customizable update timeout (#12916)
  • resource/aws_glue_connection: Support MONGODB for connection_type argument (#13011)
  • resource/aws_key_pair: Support tag-on-create (#12962)
  • resource/aws_instance: Add outpost_arn attribute (#12330)
  • resource/aws_mq_broker: Support import (#11841)
  • resource/aws_network_interface: Add outpost_arn attribute (#12440)
  • resource/aws_placement_group: Support tag-on-create (#12963)
  • resource/aws_route_table: Add plan-time validation to cidr_block and ipv6_cidr_block arguments (#12858)
  • resource/aws_route53_health_check: Support plan-time validation for reference_name argument (#12873)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Support eu-south-1 region for hosted_zone_id attribute (#13061)
  • resource/aws_spot_fleet_request: Add launch_template_config configuration block (Support EC2 Launch Templates) (#12732)
  • resource/aws_spot_fleet_request: Support import (#12767)
  • resource/aws_storagegateway_gateway: Add gateway_vpc_endpoint argument (#9966)
  • resource/aws_storagegateway_smb_file_share: Add path attribute (#12623)
  • resource/aws_subnet: Add outposts_arn argument (#12097)
  • resource/aws_wafregional_xss_match_set: Add plan-time validation for xss_match_tuple configuration block arguments (#13024)


  • data-source/aws_api_gateway_rest_api: Prevent error with VPC Endpoint configured APIs (#12825)
  • resource/aws_appautoscaling_scheduled_action: Prevent error on refresh with multiple resources using the same scheduled action name (#12699)
  • resource/aws_batch_job_queue: Prevent panic when ComputeEnvironmentOrder is updated outside Terraform (#12632)
  • resource/aws_default_route_table: Proper tag on resource creation (#12858)
  • resource/aws_efs_file_system: Prevent panic with empty lifecycle_policy configuration block (#12640)
  • resource/aws_fsx_windows_file_system: Prevent panic when update includes self_managed_active_directory settings (#12630)
  • resource/aws_glue_catalog_table: Prevent various panics with empty configuration blocks (#12611)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Prevent panic with empty processing_configuration configuration block (#12613)
  • resource/aws_kms_external_key: Prevent MalformedPolicyDocumentException errors on creation by retrying for up to 2 minutes to wait for IAM change propagation (#12863)
  • resource/aws_kms_key: Prevent MalformedPolicyDocumentException errors on creation by retrying for up to 2 minutes to wait for IAM change propagation (#12863)
  • resource/aws_lb_listener: Prevent panics on creation and refresh when API throttled (#12617)
  • resource/aws_route53_zone: Prevent panic with A...
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