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614 lines (525 loc) · 16.5 KB

Steps to code CLI Number Guessing Game

1. Project initiation

  • Create and navigate to project directory using following commands

    mkdir wmd-ts-number-game
    cd wmd-ts-number-game
  • Intilize a node project in the newly created directory using following command, this will create a package.json file.

    npm init -y
  • Create a tsconfig.json file to define typescript configration using following command

    tsc --init
  • Create two more directories to be used as root and out directory using

    mkdir src
    mkdir dist
  • Update tsconfig.json to include above directories and also change module and moduleResolution

    "target": "ES2022",
    "module": "NodeNext",
    "rootDir": "./src",
    "moduleResolution": "NodeNext",
    "outDir": "./dist",
  • Update package.json and add following content to it

    "main": "./dist/index.js",
    "type": "module",
    "scripts": {
        "start": "node ."
    "bin": "./dist/index.js",

2. Install dependencies

  • Multiple third-party packages to be used in this project so install different dependacies using following commands

    npm install inquirer
    npm install chalk
    npm install chalk-animation
    npm install ora
    npm install random-int
  • Install types for the installed dependancies for the development using following set of commands

    npm install --save-dev @types/inquirer
    npm install --save-dev @types/chalk
    npm install --save-dev @types/chalk-animation
    npm install --save-dev @types/ora
    npm install --save-dev @types/random-int
  • After installation package.json file will be updated and package-lock.json file along with node_modules folder will be created. We don't need git to track newly created files and folders so create a .gitignore file with the following content


3. Create Hello World app

  • To check if everything is setup properly first create a hello world. All the typescript files should be created in ./src directory. Create a index.ts file with the following content

    console.log('Hello World!');
  • To transpile our code to javascript we can use any of the following command, one thing to rember we need to use first command every time we make a change and the second one automatically create js files on every change. So we are going to use the latter one. All the js files will be stored in the ./dist folder as we declared in our tsconfig.json file earlier.

    tsc -w
  • to run the js file we can use any of the following commands

    node .\dist\index.js
    node .
    npm start
  • If everything is right we will have a console output.

4. Create welcome message

  • Create welcomeMessage.ts will the following content to display welcome message to the user

    import chalkAnimation from 'chalk-animation';
    import chalk from 'chalk';
    let t1: string = chalk.inverse.bold('\n****************************\n');
    let t2: string = chalk.inverse.bold('***');
    let t3: string = chalk.greenBright.italic(' Number Guessing Game ');
    async function msg1Promise(
      t1: string,
      t2: string,
      t3: string
    ): Promise<boolean> {
      console.log(`${t1 + t2 + t3 + t2 + t1}`);
      return new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 700);
    async function msg2Promise(): Promise<boolean> {
      let radar = chalkAnimation.radar(
        '\n****************************\n*** Number Guessing Game ***\n****************************\n',
      return new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 3200);
    async function wellcomeMessage(): Promise<void> {
      await msg1Promise(t1, t2, t3);
      await msg2Promise();
      await msg1Promise(t1, t2, t3);
    async function wellcomeMessageStatic(): Promise<void> {
      await msg1Promise(t1, t2, t3);
    export { wellcomeMessage, wellcomeMessageStatic };
  • All the functions are called through index.ts so update it with the following content

    #!/usr/bin/env node
    import { wellcomeMessage } from './welcomeMessage.js';
    (async (): Promise<void> => {
      await wellcomeMessage();

5. Display Instructions to play

  • Create instructions.ts will the following content to display instructions on how to play the game

    import chalk from 'chalk';
    async function instructions(): Promise<boolean> {
      return await new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
        console.log(chalk.cyan('How to play : '));
        console.log('\tA randowm number between 1 to 20 will be generated');
        console.log('\tTo win, guess the number');
        console.log('\tYou can play in any of the following mode\n');
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 1500);
    export { instructions };
  • Update index.ts to call instructions function

    import { instructions } from './instructions.js';
    await instructions();

6. Display Modes to play in

  • Create modes.ts will the following content to display different modes available in the game

    import chalk from 'chalk';
    async function modesOfGame(mode: string): Promise<boolean> {
      function newbie() {
        console.log(chalk.yellow('\tNewbie : '));
        console.log('\t\tUnlimited number of tries');
        console.log('\t\tA hint on each wrong guess');
        console.log('\t\tNumber to guess remains the same on wrong guess');
      function beginner() {
        console.log(chalk.yellow('\tBeginner : '));
        console.log('\t\tLimited (10) number of tries');
        console.log('\t\tA hint on each wrong guess');
        console.log('\t\tNumber to guess remains the same on wrong guess');
      function proficient() {
        console.log(chalk.yellow('\tProficient : '));
        console.log('\t\tLimited (8) number of tries');
        console.log('\t\tNo hint after wrong guess');
        console.log('\t\tNumber to guess remains the same on wrong guess');
      function expert() {
        console.log(chalk.yellow('\tExpert : '));
        console.log('\t\tLimited (5) number of tries');
        console.log('\t\tNo hint after wrong guess');
        console.log('\t\tNumber to guess changes on wrong guess');
      return await new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
        switch (mode) {
          case 'Newbie':
            console.log(chalk.cyan('\nSelected Mode : '));
            console.log('\t\tTo quit app at any time enter 4815162342\n');
          case 'Beginner':
            console.log(chalk.cyan('\nSelected Mode : '));
            console.log('\t\tTo quit app at any time enter 4815162342\n');
          case 'Proficient':
            console.log(chalk.cyan('\nSelected Mode : '));
            console.log('\t\tTo quit app at any time enter 4815162342\n');
          case 'Expert':
            console.log(chalk.cyan('\nSelected Mode : '));
            console.log('\t\tTo quit app at any time enter 4815162342\n');
            console.log(chalk.cyan('Modes : '));
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 1500);
    export { modesOfGame };
  • Update index.ts to call modes function

    import { modesOfGame } from './modes.js';
    await modesOfGame('all');

7. Ask user to play or quit

  • create askToPlay.ts to define a function which asks the user to play game or quit the app

    import inquirer from 'inquirer';
    async function askToPlay(): Promise<any> {
      enum Commands {
        Use = 'Play Game',
        Quit = 'Quit App',
      const startAppC = await inquirer.prompt([
          message: 'Do you wan to continue ? ',
          name: 'startApp',
          type: 'list',
          choices: Object.values(Commands),
      return startAppC['startApp'];
    export { askToPlay };
  • Update index.ts to call above function

    import { askToPlay } from './askToPlay.js';
    let askToPlayChoice = await askToPlay();

8. Display some animation before opening game

  • create startApp.ts to define a function which displays some animaton before opeing the app

    import ora, { Ora } from 'ora';
    import chalk from 'chalk';
    function startApp(): Promise<boolean> {
      return new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
        const spinner: Ora = ora(' Starting App '));
        spinner.color = 'yellow';
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 1500);
    export { startApp };

9. Create function to quit app

  • create quitApp.ts to define a function which quits the app after displaying some animation

    import ora, { Ora } from 'ora';
    import chalk from 'chalk';
    function quitApp(): Promise<boolean> {
      return new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
        const spinner: Ora = ora(chalk.magenta(' See You Again '));
        spinner.spinner = 'material';
        spinner.color = 'magenta';
        setTimeout(() => {
          spinner.color = 'red';
          spinner.text = chalk.bgRed(' Closing App ! ');
        }, 1500);
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 3000);
    export { quitApp };

10. Update app based on user choice

  • update index.ts to call startapp or quit app based on user choice and displays a message when app starts up

    import { wellcomeMessageStatic } from './welcomeMessage.js';
    import { quitApp } from './quitApp.js';
    import { startApp } from './startApp.js';
    if (askToPlayChoice === 'Play Game') {
      await startApp();
      let playAgainCheck = true;
      while (playAgainCheck) {
        await wellcomeMessageStatic();
    } else {
      await quitApp();

11. Ask user to select mode

  • create askForMode.ts to ask user to select mode to play in

    import inquirer from 'inquirer';
    async function askForMode(): Promise<any> {
      enum Commands {
        Newbie = 'Newbie',
        Beginner = 'Beginner',
        Proficient = 'Proficient',
        Expert = 'Expert',
      const selectModeC = await inquirer.prompt([
          message: 'Select Mode ? ',
          name: 'selectMode',
          type: 'list',
          choices: Object.values(Commands),
      return selectModeC['selectMode'];
    export { askForMode };
  • update index.ts to call above function and based on user choise displays instruction

    import { askForMode } from './askForMode.js';
    let selectedMode = await askForMode();
    await modesOfGame(selectedMode);

12. Ask user to guess number

  • Create askNumber.ts to ask user to guess the number

    // Ask user to guess the number
    import inquirer from 'inquirer';
    async function askNumber(guessNumber: number): Promise<number> {
      let number = await inquirer.prompt([
          message: `Guess the number (try no. ${guessNumber}) : `,
          type: 'number',
          name: 'guessedNumber',
      return number.guessedNumber;
    export { askNumber };

13. Create a hint to display on wrong guess

  • Create hint.ts to display a message to be displayed based on miltiple cases

    import chalk from 'chalk';
    function hint(
      guessedNumber: number,
      generatedNumber: number,
      selectedMode: string,
      guessNumber: number
    ) {
      if (selectedMode === 'Expert') {
        return `, Number of ${
          `tries left : ${5 - guessNumber}`
        )} \n   new Number Generated : ${chalk.inverse(`******`)}`;
      } else if (selectedMode === 'Beginner') {
        return `, Number of ${
          `tries left : ${10 - guessNumber}`
        )} \n   ${
          guessedNumber < generatedNumber
            ? `Guess a ${`higher`)} number `
            : `Guess a ${`lower`)} number`
      } else if (selectedMode === 'Proficient') {
        return `, Number of ${`tries left : ${8 - guessNumber}`)} \n`;
      } else {
        if (guessedNumber < generatedNumber) {
          return `, Guess a ${`higher`)} number `;
        } else {
          return `, Guess a ${`lower`)} number`;
    export { hint };

14. Create a function to suspend game at any time

  • create quitMidway.ts to ask user in case he opts to quit the app any time

    import inquirer from 'inquirer';
    async function quitMidway(): Promise<string> {
      type QuitMidwayResponse = { quitMidway: string };
      let quitMidwayResponse: QuitMidwayResponse = await inquirer.prompt([
          message: `Do You wan't to quit the game Midway ? `,
          type: 'list',
          name: 'quitMidway',
          choices: ['⛔ Yes', '👍 No'],
      return quitMidwayResponse.quitMidway;
    export { quitMidway };

15. Ask user to playagain

  • create playAgain.ts to ask user to play the game again

    import inquirer from 'inquirer';
    async function playAgain(): Promise<string> {
      type PlayAgainResponse = { playAgain: string };
      let playAgainResponse: PlayAgainResponse = await inquirer.prompt([
          message: `Do You wan't to play again ? `,
          type: 'list',
          name: 'playAgain',
          choices: ['👍 Yes', '⛔ No'],
      return playAgainResponse.playAgain;
    export { playAgain };

16. Comibe All features of the game

  • create game.ts to define all features of the game

    import chalk from 'chalk';
    import { hint } from './hint.js';
    import randomInteger from 'random-int';
    import { askNumber } from './askNumber.js';
    import { playAgain } from './playAgain.js';
    import { quitMidway } from './quitMidway.js';
    async function game(selectedMode: string) {
      let guessNumber: number = 1;
      let startGuessing: boolean = true;
      let playAgainResponse: string = '⛔ No';
      let quitMidwayResponse: string = '👍 No';
      let generatedNumber = randomInteger(1, 20);
      console.log(`Random Number Generated : ${chalk.inverse(`******`)}\n`);
      while (startGuessing) {
        if (
          selectedMode === 'Newbie' ||
          (selectedMode === 'Beginner' && guessNumber <= 10) ||
          (selectedMode === 'Proficient' && guessNumber <= 8) ||
          (selectedMode === 'Expert' && guessNumber <= 5)
        ) {
          let guessedNumber = await askNumber(guessNumber);
          if (guessedNumber === generatedNumber) {
              `\n🎆 🏅 🎆 ${chalk.bgGreen.bold(
                ' Congratulation '
              )}: You guessed the number in ${chalk.magenta(
              )} tries.\n`
            startGuessing = false;
            playAgainResponse = await playAgain();
          } else if (guessedNumber === 4815162342) {
            quitMidwayResponse = await quitMidway();
            if (quitMidwayResponse === '👍 No') {
              guessNumber > 1 ? (guessNumber -= 1) : guessNumber;
            } else {
              startGuessing = false;
              playAgainResponse = await playAgain();
          } else {
            if (selectedMode === 'Expert') {
              generatedNumber = randomInteger(1, 20);
              `\n❌ Wrong Answer${hint(
            guessNumber += 1;
        } else {
          console.log(`\n☠️☠️☠️ ${chalk.bgRed('You lost the game.')} ☠️☠️☠️\n`);
          startGuessing = false;
          playAgainResponse = await playAgain();
      return playAgainResponse;
    export { game };

17. Comibe All features of the game

  • update index.ts to use game function and quit or continue playing based on result from the game

    import { game } from './game.js';
    let resultPlayAgain = await game(selectedMode);
    if (resultPlayAgain === '👍 Yes') {
    } else {
      playAgainCheck = false;
      await quitApp();

18. Publish as NPX package

  • login to npm

    npm login
  • publish app

    npm publish
  • to update

    npm version <type>
  • version types
