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See also the Heta tutorial

The Heta code represents a sequence of statements that create and modify elements in a modeling platform. The parsing and interpretation of the code result in the creation of a static (database-like) structure representing the modeling platform, see compilation. There are many ways to write the same modeling system using Heta code, and a developer has the freedom to make their code more organized and readable.

Action Statement

  1. Action statements are separated by semicolons, and line breaks within and between statements do not affect interpretation; they can be used for code formatting.

    <statement one>; <statement two>;
  2. An action statement consists of a dictionary part and a set of shortened properties. The parts follow a priority rule, where the subsequent part has a higher priority. The list of part types includes:

    • Dictionary
    • Index
    • Class
    • Action
    • Title
    • Notes
    • Assignments (with several subtypes)

Plain Format of Action Statement

  1. The plain format is the most straightforward way to describe action properties. It begins with the { symbol and ends with the } symbol, and it can contain a set of key-value pairs divided by commas (,), similar to a dictionary in JSON or YAML format.


    { prop1: value 1, prop2: value 2, ...};

    The property name is always a string without spaces, it must be unique within a dictionary. The value can be one of five types: <String>, <Number>, <Boolean>, <Dictionary>, <Array> or <Null>. <Dictionary> and <Array> values might include other types.


        stringProp: some text,
        numberProp: 1.2e-3,
        booleanProp: true,
        dictionaryProp: { nestedProp: true },
        arrayProp: [1, 2, 3],
        someProp: null
  2. String values inside dictionaries start from the first non-space symbol and end with the non-space symbol before the stop-list: , } ] @ # ' . If you want to use symbols from the stop list inside a <String> value, use parentheses.


        prop1: Some string,
        prop2: "String with # stop-symbols @"
  3. There are special string formats used to describe specific properties of actions or classes. They follow the same <String> syntax but also have specific rules.


        id: r1, // follows the ID format
        class: Reaction,
        actors: A => B // follows the ProcessExpr format
  4. The <Number> value inside a dictionary is in <Double> format.


        prop1: 1,
        prop2: 1.2,
        prop3: 1.1e-2,
        prop4: 1.2E+3
  5. The <Boolean> value inside a dictionary may have two values: true or false.


        prop1: true,       // this is Boolean
        prop2: false,
        stringProp: "true" // this is String
  6. Nested <Dictionary> values follow the same rules as the plain format of an action statement and can be nested.


        prop: { nestedProp: { nextLevel: Hello! } } 
  7. The <Array> value is a sequence of numbered elements divided by commas. Numeration starts from 0 (zero) index.


        prop1: [],
        prop2: [1, 2, 3],
        prop3: [string, "string"],
        prop4: [[1, 2, 3], []],
        prop5: [{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, {}]
  8. The <Null> value is used to describe the value which must be empty. See more detailes in Null values

Shortened Format of Action Statement

  1. To simplify code reading and writing, there are several types of statement parts that describe commonly used properties in a compact form. See the Classes description for details.

  2. Index describes identifiers, such as id and space for components. The examples if indexes are: space::id or just id for nameless space.


    one::k1 { prop1: some text };

    Which is equivalent to

    { space: one, id: k1, prop1: some text };

    The specific form of index is "star index" which is helpful for some actions. This can be used when you do not want to state id.


    #importNS target_ns::* { fromSpace: source_ns };

    which is equivalent to the following

    #importNS {space: target_ns, fromSpace: source_ns };
  3. Class sets the class property. A particular class defines a list of properties that can be set. This property is denoted by the "@" symbol. The list of possible classes can be found in Classes description. Classes' names always start from the uppercase symbol. When you use class shortened property @ the parser will replace the first lowercase symbol for the capital one.


    k2 @const { num: 1.3 };

    Equivalent to:

    { id: k2, class: Const, num: 1.3 };

  4. Action sets the action property. The action describes what to do with the statement, see Actions. This property is denoted by the # symbol and is a required property in the base statement. Its default value is upsert.


    #insert k3 @Const;
    k3 { num: 1 };

    Equivalent to:

    { action: insert, id: k3, class: Const };
    { action: upsert, id: k3, num: 1 };
  5. Title sets the title property, denoted by single quotes '.


    a 'Some title';

    which is equivalent to

    { id: a, title: Some title };
  6. Notes sets the notes property, designated by three single quotes '''. The notes part is usually located before other parts.


    ''' Some notes '''
    a @Const;

    which is equivalent to the following plain version

    { notes: Some notes, id: a, class: Const };

Shortened Form of Assignments

  1. Const Assignment set the num property and is designed only for the @Const class. The = symbol is used to mark an assignment.


    k1 @Const = 1.1;

    Equivalent to:

        id: k1,
        class: Const,
        num: 1.1
  2. Start Assignment sets the initial assignment for the @Record instances. The symbols .= or []= can be used. (Do not put spaces between the symbols.)


    s @Record .= 10;
    p @Species []= 0;

    Equivalent to:

        id: s,
        class: Record,
        assignments: { start_: 10 }
        id: p,
        class: Species,
        assignments: { start_: 0 }
  3. Rule Assignment sets the ode_ assignment for @Record instances. The := symbol can be used.


    rule1 @Record := x*y;

    Equivalent to:

        id: rule1,
        class: Record,
        assignments: { ode_: x*y }
  4. Switcher Assignment sets the re-assignment of records managed by a Switcher. The symbol [<switcher id>]= can be used.


    s [dose_switch_1]= 0.1;

    Which is equivalent to

        id: s,
        assignments: { dose_switch_1: 0.1 }

Include Statement

  1. The include statement is used to describe module loading, where the file content is included (while compilation) into the current one.

  2. The include statement can be replaced by the #include action with equivalent meaning.

  3. The statement consists of the reserved word include followed by a relative or absolute file path. The full form of the statement can be presented as follows:

    include <filepath> type <module type> with {...};

    Where <module type> is one of the supported modules, and {...} is a dictionary to set additional options. For more details on modules, refer to the modules page.

  4. The include statement can set additional parameters after the with keyword in dictionary format.

  5. The statement must be finalized with semicolon ;.

Example 1:

include ./addon.heta type heta;

Example 2:

include file.xlsx type table with {
    sheet: 2,
    omitRows: 3

Namespace Statement

  1. Platform components are grouped in namespaces, and the namespace statement can be used to work with namespaces more easily. For details about namespaces, refer to the namespaces page.

  2. The first use of a namespace block with a new space name initializes the namespace (in the same manner as the #setNS action).

  3. To clarify the type of the namespace, one of the reserved words abstract or concrete should be used. The default type is concrete.

  4. The statement must be finalized with semicolon ; or must include begin/end block part.

  5. The block is organized as follows:

    namespace <space id> begin
        <action statement>;


    namespace one begin
        rec @Record .= 1;
        comp @Compartment .= 10;

    Equivalent to:

    #setNS { space: one, type: concrete };
    one::rec @Record .= 1;
    one::comp @Compartment .= 10;

    or equivalent to the plain format:

        space: one,
        type: concrete,
        action: setNS
        space: one,
        id: rec,
        class: Record,
        assignments: { start_: 1}
        space: one,
        id: comp,
        class: Compartment,
        assignments: { start_: 10}


  1. Comments are parts of the code that are not compiled and are used solely for annotating the code.

  2. A single-line comment starts with // symbols and ends with line breaks.


    // this is not part of the platform but only a comment to the code
  3. A multiline comment starts with /* and ends with */ or at the end of the file.


        Compiler will not parse this part.

Special String Formats

Special string formats are additional rules for specific properties of actions and classes.


The ID format is used for indexing Heta components, creating identifiers for components and namespaces, and referencing elements. The following properties must follow the ID format:

  • id, space for all actions
  • Properties that describe references to elements like compartment in the Species class, fromSpace in the importNS action, etc.
  • References used inside MathExpr, UnitsExpr, ProcessExpr. The base rules for an ID are as follows:
  1. The first symbol should be a letter or underscore.
  2. The second and following elements should be letters, numbers, or underscores.
  3. The last symbol should not be an underscore. Additionally, some words cannot be used as identifiers because they are reserved for statements or specific object names, such as NaN, Infinity, e, pi, include, block, namespace, abstract, concrete, begin, end


Correct: x, x12, x_12, _12, x___12, _begin

Incorrect: 12x, x-12, x 9

Incorrect usage of reserved words as an ID: begin, block

Incorrect underscore position: _, x12_


A string representing a relative or absolute file path.

The following properties must follow the Filepath format:

  • source property in the include statement
  • filepath property in the export statement


Correct Filepath: output, ./output, ../output, Y:/my-platform/src/module1/model.heta


UnitsExpr strings represent complex units combined from predefined unit IDs. Available operators are *, /, ^, and 1/.

The following properties must follow the UnitsExpr format:

  • unit property in @Const and @Record classes
  • unit property in #defineUnit action

See more details see units page.


Correct UnitsExpr: mg, g/mole, 1/h, kg/m2, kg/m^2 Incorrect UnitsExpr: g/(mole*L), 5*g, km + kg


MathExpr describes mathematical expressions in string format. Available operators are +, -, *, /, and ^. See details in Math expressions

The following properties must follow the MathExpr format:

  • assignments sub-properties in the Record class
  • trigger property in DSwitcher and CSwitcher classes Example:

Correct MathExpr: x*y*pow(x,y)


A ProcessExpr formatted string represents process stoichiometry. The "arrow" syntax (->, <->, =>, <=>, >, <>) divides two parts into influx (left) and outflux (right). The + symbol divides two or more actors, and stoichiometry coefficients are shown by numbers before the reference. The asterisk symbol is optional. The following properties must follow the ProcessExpr format:

  • actors property in the Process class


Correct ProcessExpr:

  • A->B
  • A =>
  • 2A <=> 3*B + C
  • 2 A <=> 3 * B + C
  • 2A > 3R + C