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363 lines (148 loc) · 14.2 KB

File metadata and controls

363 lines (148 loc) · 14.2 KB

1.19.0 (2023-05-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix Framebuffer unbind bug (bd8557c)
  • Implement the transpose function only in webgl1 (012a4f7)


  • Add material.getShadowMaterial to allow users to customize shadow material (21fde64)
  • Add the ability to visualize shadow camera for debug (a327a69)
  • Add the enableShadow property to lightManager to control whether to generate shadow map (fe1b99c)
  • Add the ILightManager interface, which allows users to implement their own lighting controls (8075db3)
  • Add the onlySyncQuaternion attribute of Node to optimize performance (0739e6a)
  • Add worldMatrixVersion attribute to node for performance optimization (6f8d76b)
  • Store shadow map Z in four channels to optimize precision (5bba760)

Performance Improvements

  • Optimize the performance of node transform changes (5a263cf)

1.18.0 (2023-01-29)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix Texture reset internalFormat bug (2b3f534)
  • framebuffer resize should resize all attachments (2b8aa0b)


  • add framebuffer drawBuffers (2f68dc1)
  • add uniform buffer object support (03d2fa3)

1.17.0 (2022-12-19)


1.16.4 (2022-11-14)

Bug Fixes

  • add TypedArray forEach polyfill to fix iOS9 bug (59bf238)
  • Fix the bug of destroying mesh when using multiple materials (e9e0175)
  • wrong value in get shadow pcf while pos out of range (#39) (f8a425a)

1.16.3 (2022-08-24)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix animation normalization bug (35b5d19)
  • Fix pointerChildren value judgment error during node raycast (4eee579)
  • Fix frontface should be set in all cases (6ccc39d)
  • Fix in some cases, detecting the supportTransform property will report an error (9215ba6)


  • add lightManager.updateCustomInfo (cc6d95b)

1.16.2 (2022-03-24)

Bug Fixes

  • in KHR_techniques_webgl, premultiplyAlpha of material default value should be false (bdf4100)

1.16.1 (2022-03-23)


  • add _Time semantic (4a9a43d)
  • add material.shaderName (25b1880)
  • imporve parsing of glTF KHR_techniques_webgl extension (ca69682)

1.16.0 (2022-01-04)

Bug Fixes

  • KHR_techniques_webgl parse texture bug (f45879e)
  • pbr shader texture lod bug (8256991)
  • the nextTick callback of ticker should pass in the dt parameter (db267cb)
  • unlit material transparency bug (1006c60)


  • add JOINT & WEIGHT semantic (2a9da6a)
  • Add the function of dynamically modifying the targetFPS of the ticker (e41f6cf)

1.15.20 (2021-07-19)

Bug Fixes

  • the webglContextLost & webglContextRestored event should be triggered last (87c9d2d)

1.15.19 (2021-05-20)


  • add wrapS & wrapT property of the framebuffer (eaae512)

1.15.18 (2021-05-14)

  • update doc & .d.ts

1.15.17 (2021-02-22)

Bug Fixes

  • glTF texture should ignore texture colorspace conversion, fix #32 (08f1252)


  • add colorSpaceConversion property of the texture (ddd170b)
  • add PBRMaterial emissionFactor support (de7cf25)

1.15.16 (2021-01-20)

  • update doc & .d.ts
  • refactor: optimize multiple destroy framebuffer (c68599e)

1.15.15 (2021-01-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Animation.clipTime should be updated while updating the animStatesList (447ae1e)

1.15.14 (2020-12-15)


  • add LoadCache.getLoaded (302c690)
  • add Loader.preHandlerUrl (ed7ff87)

1.15.13 (2020-11-18)

Bug Fixes

  • RenderList.useInstanced should update after renderer init (d91293e)

1.15.12 (2020-11-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Semantic Tangent data should also be returned when there is no normal map (c7b261b)


  • Add GLTFLoader KHR_materials_clearcoat extension support (0cfa90c)
  • Add material stencil support, close #30 (6dbb2c1)
  • Add PBRMaterial Clearcoat support, close #15 (b83cbe6)

1.15.11 (2020-10-19)

Bug Fixes

  • attribute pointer should use GeometryData.size (bdab767)

1.15.10 (2020-10-13)

Bug Fixes

  • Add light.isDirty and fix the bug that directionalLight lignt shadow does not update (d808a89)


1.15.9 (2020-09-10)

Bug Fixes

  • capabilities remove duplicate MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS (f601071)


  • add userData property to Node,Geometry,Material and Skeleton (40db285)

1.15.8 (2020-09-01)

  • update doc & .d.ts

1.15.7 (2020-08-31)

Bug Fixes

  • iOS 9 doesn't support TypedArray slice, add polyfill (7ad428a)

1.15.6 (2020-08-26)

  • update doc & .d.ts

1.15.5 (2020-07-31)

Bug Fixes

  • vao.getResources miss checking whether the attribute is empty (40ea681)


  • add pbrMaterial.isSpecularEnvMapIncludeMipmaps (#23) (fea3cdf)

1.15.4 (2020-07-07)

Bug Fixes

  • skeleton.clone should also clone jointNames (8168c64)

1.15.3 (2020-07-03)

Bug Fixes

  • skinnedMesh bone position is wrong under special circumstances (cccd91e)

1.15.2 (2020-06-30)

Bug Fixes

  • ResourceManager.destroyUnsuedResource parameter become optional (3e15fbe)

1.15.1 (2020-06-24)


  • add skeleton.resetJointNamesByNodeName (91418e4)

1.15.0 (2020-06-24)

Bug Fixes

  • cubic spline interpolation for quaternions is wrong (47a93ab)
  • geometryData bindLayout change should repoint attribute (25d1282)


  • Add easier log level control (b0a2870)
  • add Skeleton (#9) (7944d70)
  • add SkinedMesh.resetJointNamesByNodeName (14f095b)
  • add skinedMesh.resetSkinIndices (b7df689)

Performance Improvements

  • improve resource management performance (#10) (6ff8cbd)

1.14.0 (2020-05-06)

Bug Fixes

  • GLTFParser.getImageType use indexOf check support type (262dfb8)


  • add GeometryData.getCopy (4a03269)
  • AnimationStates support custom State handler register (cda1d01)

1.13.47 (2020-01-07)

Bug Fixes

  • LazyTexture release ktx image buffer data has not work (321f017)

1.13.46 (2019-12-31)

Performance Improvements

  • optimize Buffer.uploadGeometryData (152ec21)