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257 lines (191 loc) · 4.53 KB

Best Practices

Consider naming fixtures, methods and functions from a users' point-of-view

✔️ Consider:

public class Given_a_car
    Car subject;
    bool is_stopped;

    public void SetUp() =>
        subject = new Car();

    [LoFu, Test]
    public void when_stopped()
        is_stopped = subject.Stop();

        void should_turn_off_the_engine() =>

❌ Avoid:

public class CarTests
    Car car;
    bool value;

    public void SetUp() =>
        car = new Car();

    [LoFu, Test]
    public void Stop()
        value = car.Stop();

        // What should be true? The test output will be ambiguous!
        void should_be_true() =>

Stick to Arrange-Act-Assert conventions

Test fixture SetUp is for arrange, test method is for acting, and test functions should be used for asserting.

public class Given_a_car
    Car subject;
    bool is_stopped;

    public void SetUp() =>
        subject = new Car(); // arrange

    [LoFu, Test]
    public void when_stopped()
        is_stopped = subject.Stop(); // act

        void should_turn_off_the_engine() =>
            is_stopped.Should().BeTrue(); // assert

Test fixtures should be Snake_cased

The test fixtures should begin with Given and be Snake_cased

✔️ Consider:

public class Given_a_car

❌ Avoid:

public class GivenACar

Test methods should be snake_cased

The test methods should begin with when and be snake_cased

✔️ Consider:

[LoFu, Test]
public void when_stopped()

❌ Avoid:

[LoFu, Test]
public void WhenStopped()

Test functions should be snake_cased

The test functions should begin with should and be snake_cased

✔️ Consider:

void should_turn_off_engine() =>

❌ Avoid:

void ShouldTurnOffEngine() =>

Divide test functions with new line

✔️ Consider:

void should_turn_off_the_engine() =>

❌ Avoid:

void should_turn_off_the_engine() => is_stopped.Should().BeTrue();

Test functions should be a single line statement

✔️ Consider:

void should_turn_off_engine() =>

❌ Avoid:

void should_turn_off_engine()
    var stopped = subject.Stop();


Do not use curly brackets for single line test functions

✔️ Consider:

void should_turn_off_the_engine() =>

❌ Avoid:

void should_turn_off_the_engine() =>

Fields should appear first in a test fixture

✔️ Consider:

public class Given_a_car
    bool is_stopped;

    [LoFu, Test]
    public void when_stopped()
        is_stopped = subject.Stop();

        void should_turn_off_the_engine() =>

❌ Avoid:

public class Given_a_car
    [LoFu, Test]
    public void when_stopped()
        is_stopped = subject.Stop();

        void should_turn_off_the_engine() =>

    bool is_stopped;

Do not use visibility modifiers on fields

✔️ Consider:

public class Given_a_car
    bool is_stopped;

❌ Avoid:

public class Given_a_car
    private bool is_stopped;